Help to tighten up inner thighs? I have lost ~50 lbs and I am not sure if it is fat or loose skin ..

I have lost 50 lbs in ~4 months.
To be honest, I have not done ANY weight training and I know that was a bad idea.

My thighs really bother me. they are super flabby. i.e. when i lie on my side and lift my leg it just looks like a disaster. I think there is definitely some loose skin (as well as left over fat).

what are good exercises in terms of weight training I should add to my routine? i would like to try non-surgical for ~1 year to so but if this does not improve I feel i will have no choice.

Thanks for any input!


  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Squat, deadlift
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    There is really no exercise that will target any area for fat loss. Full body strength training that focuses on the big compound movements and a calories deficit to reduce body fat.

    It will work but it takes time.

  • timpani9
    timpani9 Posts: 20
    edited October 2014
    what about adding a stairclimber or spin bike routine?

    I have added squats and lunges to my routine

    Thanks for the info!
  • StephyTheGreat
    StephyTheGreat Posts: 13 Member
    edited October 2014
    I hear you sister. I lost 85 pounds in a year, and I had lots of flab and skin issues. It made me wish I knew then what I know now. Ive gained a lot of it back, and am losing it again, so this time I am covering all my bases.

    Squats. Plie squats. Side leg lifts.

    Work on skin nutrition to help it heal and tighten. Drink a lot of water, get good Vitamin A, B, *C and E. Biotin, Zinc, Copper and Omega oils.

    Also silica. I get my silica from food grade diatomaceous earth mixed in some water. It takes some getting used to, but it works. So whatevaaa.

    Do skin brushing in the shower, and dry brushing out. It not only exfoliates, but helps your lymphs drain properly. Good for flab.

    My sister made me this coffee/sugar (or maybe its salt) scrub for the shower. Caffeine is good for cellulite. So is the exfoliation. I love using it on my legs and problem areas. I love the smell a latte!

    Dont use harsh soaps on your body like zest, irish spring. Even dove is too harsh.

    Vitamin C is also great topically if you can get an infused cream or make one. Adding ascorbic acid or powdered dried orange rinds to a natural lotion is useful. Make it in small batches at a time though.

    Its a hell of a beauty routine, but I feel great. I havent lost enough weight yet to see if will make the ultimate difference. But I feel much fresher and softer, thats for sure. My skin is also younger since I became a mostly vegan and dropped soda, processed and fried foods from my diet.

    Im frightened of surgeries, but if I were to need help tightening after my goal weight, I read good things about non-invasive laser skin tightening treatments.
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    I have lost about 40 pounds in about 4 months and while I have some flab on my thighs, my huge concern is my belly. Wondering if it will ever tighten up. Very frustrating.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Lift weights to increase or retain muscle mass. And be patient. Fifty pounds in four months is pretty fast for weight loss. Your skin can take a couple of years to shrink back to however tight it will end up being.

    Do a full body weight program. Cardio like stairclimber is okay but you will be limiting yourself and results if you only do cardio.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I have lost 67 lb and have been doing a lot of cardio that has strengthened and hardened my thigh muscles. The inner thighs have enough loose skin that I look like I have a camel toe below the camel toe when I am not wearing clothes. I hope the skin will tighten, otherwise I may just have to wear swimming shorts instead of a regular suit.
  • Twinkie2530
    Twinkie2530 Posts: 47 Member
    Get you a kettle bell and start doing squats!