Lifetime battle.

Hello everyone.

I am new here, I have been battling with my weight my entire life. Losing, then gaining. I am obese and decided to once again do something about it, in hope that this will be finally the time it will bring success.

I have joined this site, to help keep me focused, and hopefully to make some friends who understand how hard it is to be so heavy and to stay motivated. I have been bullied, laughed at, and misunderstood. With no social life at all, no support, and serious health issues I have become very isolated and alone for many years. Depression and anxiety is a huge part of my life, and eating has become a comfort, and very out of control. I don't want to be alone anymore.

So I am here to join all of you who are also struggling to lose this weight and all together we can do it!

Thank you for reading and for your time.



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Hi please take your time to understand what you are doing and what the MFP principles are plus how it all works to get the most out of it. The forums have many well written sticky posts in which you can educate yourself on how to go about it in a sensible sustained way. If you have tried and failed many times before, then have a think about what made you give up or binge. If you wnat this time to be different then you have to be able to deal with these things better or you will end up repeating past mistakes.

    So my tips in no particular order are.
    1. read the forums and educate yourself.
    2. Understand the basic principle of concuming less than you burn which probably means to lose weight you cna either eat less or move more or both.
    3. Think about it being a lifestyle change that you will continue long after you get to target which probaly involves eating more in line with what your body needs as well as moving more.
    4. Plan and get people to check if needed your plan.
    5. Baby steps to make sure you cna deal with change gradually to avoid burnout and that you cna sustain it.
    6. Get some mfp buddies, but realise most of the motivation and determination needs to come from you and facing the challenge honestly and with a desire to get to target.
    7. Underestand your relationship with food and that ccomfort eating in the long run has not provided you with comfort.
    8. Believe you cna do it and that when you come to times of doubt you make the choice that leads you to target. If you dont, then dont beat up on yourself but keep tkaing more steps towards target than away from it.
    9. Be patient.
    10.Logging every day, weighing and recording your food accurately is very importnat so get some kitchen scales.

    You can do it if you apply yourself.
  • EmeraldRain
    EmeraldRain Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you very much for taking the time to write me those tips. I appreciate it :)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Great tips!
    mine is be kind to yourself. A slip up is no reason to give up. Keep on getting up till you reach your goal.
  • EmeraldRain
    EmeraldRain Posts: 22 Member
    raindancer wrote: »
    Great tips!
    mine is be kind to yourself. A slip up is no reason to give up. Keep on getting up till you reach your goal.

    Thank you! much appreciated as well :) I wish the same to everyone here.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    My tip is make sure you are eating enough! If you are hungry all the time it will be very difficult to stay on track!
    Make sure you're eating a variety of different foods to get all your nutrients.
    Eat your favorite treat in portion control and within your allowable calorie goal.
    When you trip (and we all do)-DON'T beat yourself up about it-just continue on with your healthy lifestyle. If you pick yourself up and move on from there every time, you WILL reach your goals!!!!
  • Lozzer135
    Lozzer135 Posts: 12 Member
    I agree with Healthygreek..... I didn't so much as trip the last couple of days as launch myself off a cliff..... Back on it again today. Ever onward
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Hi. I"mi going to spare you all my dieting advice because i am sure you will be overloaded with lots of stuff soon enough.

    no idea what you weigh but we do have some things in common. I've struggled with my weight all my life. I"ve lost and regained numerous times. I've been obese. I'm not anymore. And what's more i don't plan on regaining ever again. I'm fed up with that merry go round.

    I've learnt a lot about this business over the years. Nutritional stuff. Fitness stuff and Psychological stuff. Most people ignore the psychological stuff. Most people don't realise the ever present threat that depression and stress present. Most people do not think about addressing those issues as matter of urgency in order to keep their diet on track and their weight from increasing.

    I've been dealing with depression for many years. I've learnt a lot of management skills. But one is always vulnerable. Nowadays i get over my problems more quickly.

    Anyway one strategy i decided to do at the beginning of the year was to see my psychologist or another councillor when any issues arise. It has been a good strategy. If you don't have a psychologist or councillor i suggest you get one to support you along the way. You may not need to see them regularly. But its good to have someone to turn to when you are in trouble. The thing is low mood and stress tends to lead to increased appetite. I'd say fairly uncontrollable appetite. And people in that phase tend to want to eat the worst least healthy stuff.

    When i go to see my councillor. I get all my troubles off my chest and if there's a problem that needs sorting out, i start talking about finding solutions. Address any problems. Don't think they will go away if you do nothing. Mostly they will not. Mostly your mood will sink further.

    Forums are good places of support but its hard to discuss your problems at length on a forum and get useful feedback. By all means use forums as the first place to turn when trouble strikes but if the problem persists, as we say, see your councillor.

    Loneliness is also bad for weight think. I've been much happier since i moved in with my father. Loneliness is so very tough. You need to find ways to connect with people in real life. Assuming you don't work. Maybe try going to church if you are a believer. Or getting involved in some way with a community organisation. Maybe you could volunteer. I must say it has taken me years to make progress in my life but real progress only gets made when you push yourself out of your comfort zone. As soon as you start to feel a little better mood wise, make some effort to explore your options. Maybe there are support groups around your area. I know there is Overeaters anonymous. Maybe there are depression or anxiety support groups. The thing is we are social animals and most of us are not meant to be cut off from society. The internet helps but its not really enough. Of course joining society is not easy when you've been out of it for a long time. So you may feel uncomfortable. You may make mistakes. You have to go easy on yourself and try not to think negatively about things that happen. Try not to worry about what you think people might be thinking. Humans are judgmental creatures. We all do it and all feel it. What someone thinks of you cannot hurt you.

    But one thing you can do that you may find rewarding is cooking lots of healthy food. Focus on making delicious vegetable dishes and salads. By all means eat anything that's healthy but you won't get bored with your diet if you make an effort with your vegetables. Also eat lentils beans and chickpeas. Its refined sugars and white foods, and rich foods and processed foods you need to cut back on.

    These days the medically supervised low calorie diets are looking more credible. The thing about them is that the nutritionally complete. But you can't do them for a long time. probably only about 2-3 months maximum.

    And you don't need to stress yourself about exercise. It can wait until its easier and you feel ready.

    I wish commitment and determination and success.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Ive fought my weight my whole life. I can relate to many of the same things. I used MFP before and it helped a lot. Fortunately I don't have a lot of health problems. My main one is psoriasis. I am finally understanding how food plays a part in that. It's a challenge. It has turned my food world upside down. Back to learning.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    EmeraldRain, kudos to you for your courage and your honesty. This is hard, but so very worth it. Good luck and God bless you.
  • EmeraldRain
    EmeraldRain Posts: 22 Member
    Wow thank you so much for all these comments! I agree with every one of you and really appreciate the time you've all taken to comment. Thank you :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Congratulations on your declaration of independence!!! Dont forget, if you always try the same thing each time, you will get the same results - this time go above and beyond, have a legitimate plan and stick to it!!!!!!
  • OneLastChanceToChangeMyLife
    Your story sounds just like mine. I have sent you a friend request
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    glcs1234 wrote: »
    Your story sounds just like mine. I have sent you a friend request

    The OP of this thread hasn't been around since 2014. I don't think they'll be accepting friend requests anytime soon.

  • OneLastChanceToChangeMyLife
    I saw that after I sent it