Must lose weight!

I am getting older now and it's harder to lose weight. I am 5'3" and nearly 13 stones. I have to start counting calories and exercising. Finding it hard :(


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Is it the MFP interface that is difficult? It can be a bit tricky, but you'll soon learn how to make use of it. Or is it eating less that is unpleasant? Or deciding what to eat? Eat a varied diet with some of your favorite treats thrown in, and don't have a too large calorie deficit - you shouldn't aim to lose more that 2 pounds per week now initially, and then 1 pound per week.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Forget the exercise! You'll injure yourself. Its a lot easier and you will be more successful if you leave the exercise part till later.

    I know!. I've been doing it all year. I"m near goal and just now trying to start playing tennis.

    Get a pedometer re the exercise and make do with that for a while. I just broke mine as it kept falling off.

    Anyway i'm serious about the exercise. Leave it!!!!!!!!!!

    SEcond key point. Maintain an optimistic and positive mood and attitude. Address low mood and stress asap because these things increase your appetite. If you are having no success on your own, seek a councillor. As it might take you a while, it wouldn't be a bad idea to start out with a supportive councillor on your side who you can check in with when you've got problems.

    Don't spend your time with a councillor justifying poor food choices and weak moments. Talk about your problems and try to find solutions. There is a definite link and you need to be proactive to get the mood and motivation going again.

    Whatever plan you follow, make it easy and doable for yourself. AVoid trigger foods. Foods you can't control intake of. If you are hungry, eat. I can give you so much advice but it will probably just annoy you.

    Good luck.

    by the way i'm almost

    Oh one bit of dietary advice - eat plenty of fibre and learn about it. You can start by watching this show: "catalyst - gut reaction" on you tube. It stems from some research being done at the american gut website. Look up gut flora for more detail than the tv show can give you (because its not about vinegar).

    A nice motivating book for you i can recommend is Why French Women Don't get Fat.
  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    Ayesha1970, correct me if I'm wrong....

    You are 44 years old with 25 pounds to lose? Is that right?
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    Focus on eating healthier and add exercise in slowly! Log everyday and do not lie on your log. Also small goal along the way makes it easier to keep going instead of having one big goal to focus on!