20 somethings looking for motivation..? :D



  • vickijank
    vickijank Posts: 73 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm at the older end of this group, 28, but in desperate need of more friends! I've been at this for far too long and need to stop falling off track. I love the Hunger Games. I found the Divergent series a little disappointing (my guilty pleasure is ABC family shows). I also love watching crime shows (Criminal Minds, Investigation Discovery)

    I'm right around 200 now, but would like to get down to somewhere between 125-135.

    Please feel free to add me anyone who is active and motivated on this site :smile:
  • akvangundy
    akvangundy Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 23 and also love HP and just finished watching some Game of Thrones with my husband as a date night. We have just bought the seasons as they are available, so not up to date. I'm also looking for friends and encouragement so feel free to add me. Since my wedding back in December, I've stopped exercising as much and watching the food I eat. I've been on here for about 2 weeks trying to at least get back to my pre-wedding weight. Hoping to lose about 20 pounds.
  • skinny_buddhaa
    skinny_buddhaa Posts: 11 Member

    I DON'T GET NOTIFICATIONS WHEN PEOPLE REPLY TO THIS THREAD!!! But I'm so glad there's fellow nerdy girls out there who can relate. :smiley: I love, love making new friends on here and building everyone's support system. Welcome all, and I'll be sure to add anyone who isn't already my friend. :)
  • nomoredoughnuts
    nomoredoughnuts Posts: 130 Member
    I'm Elena, been here for 2 years now. I just came back from a summer of constant binge eating and currently able to say that I have recovered from my ED.

    I love Supernatural, Orange is the new black, HP, Breaking Bad.... NETFLIX in general haha :)

    I am doing my Masters in Architecture and love to dance.

    I am 5'7.3" and 146lbs trying to get to 130lbs and be healthy.

    I love new friends so feel free to add me! :)
  • skinny_buddhaa
    skinny_buddhaa Posts: 11 Member
    Congratulations on overcoming your ED! I couldn't imagine how tough that is to beat.

    And I just found out Netflix is going to start streaming all seasons of Friends.
    So basically I'm never going to leave my house. Lol.

    Glad to have you on my friends list, and good luck with your weight loss goals. I'll be sure to follow along.
  • AmandaLeighisme
    AmandaLeighisme Posts: 110 Member
    edited October 2014
    I have found my people! Hello everyone!
    23. 5'3 shrimpy shrimp. SW: in the 190s. CW: 168-ish? (depending on the time of day goes between 167.5 and 168.2) Down 25 lbs in about 8 months. GW: between 128-136.
    Loooooooove Supernatural. (Dean girl but I'll cut anyone who hurts Sam or Cas.)
    Also love GOT and LOTR.
    Wonder Woman is my homegirl.
    Feel free to add.

    I was actually trying to make an exercise regimen that would give one the proper stamina to keep up with Sam and Dean (on a hunt, minds out of gutters!) and could be tweaked for other fandoms (Hunger Games, Agents of SHIELD, etc).
    Maybe we could try and figure out something like that together?? Bond a little by making ourselves just as badass.
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member

    I love Supernatural and LOTR too! :) Feel free to add me! :)
  • artemiss09
    artemiss09 Posts: 5 Member
    24 year old signing in. Add me please I could handle some motivation (also I'm a complete nerd and LOVING this post) so many fandoms so little time!
  • WantBestME
    WantBestME Posts: 128 Member
    Hi..I'm 25..mother of a 10 month baby boy..here to go back to my pre-pregnancy weight!!
    And yes I love everything that's beyond reality :) Wizards,Fallen-Angels,vampires :)
    A Techie by profession, a nerd in reality and emotional in character :awesome:
  • AmandaLeighisme
    AmandaLeighisme Posts: 110 Member
    Does anyone here do any strength-training/heavy-lifting?
    I'm needing a little assistance in maneuvering that strange land.
  • Trishism
    Trishism Posts: 79 Member
    Helloooo! I just joined MFP so like I have no one in my friends list? So basically please add me. :)

    I'm 26 with a 7 month old, and my husband and I are both pretty darn nerdy. I like thinks like Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games, Agents of Shield, Jane Austen books/movies, and playing Mario Kart and Smashbros. I was 212 after I had my son and as of saturday I was down to 185.4. Hoping to be 140-150 eventually! My favourite way to exercise is swimming laps but I also take walks, use the elliptical, and circuit the weight machines. I don't know anything about any real kind of strength training/heavy lifting but I've heard/read that it's really great to get into.

    ANYWAY. Feel free to add me!
  • Hey all,

    23 year old. I'm currently 195 trying to get back to where I was last year at 175. Big into LOTR and GOT, feel free to add me even though I am not sure what you do with friends on here (I'm new.) Big into running and strength training.
  • steebsthegreat
    steebsthegreat Posts: 70 Member
    Hello all!
    I'm 23 years old and 159 pounds. Trying to get down to 140. I gained most of my weight 2-3 years ago in college when I was working on my thesis and student teaching. I just stopped taking care of myself but I'm slowly getting back.
    I'm a music teacher and I'm really into Star Wars, LOTR, the beach, and punk rock.
    My favorite ways to work out are running and swimming (I'm a swim instructor/coach during the summer!)
  • Hi, I'm 19 and turning 20 in December does that count? Huge fan of LOTR, Hunger Games but especially Harry Potter! Anyone else have Pottermore? Aiming for around 125 lbs. Anyone feel free to add :)
  • juncture
    juncture Posts: 129 Member
    Heya, I'm 25 and also quite addicted to netflix. I like sci-fi shows, Harry Potter, pokemon, generally a bit of a nerd!

    Height: 5'10
    CW: 229lbs
    GW: 168lbs

    Feel free to add me :)
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    edited October 2014
    Big fan of SPN (yes, I have endeavoured to watch all ten seasons and have succeeded so far), HP and LOTR, too! I'm 25 years old, 5"3, pretty small frame, and 86 pounds. 2 years ago, I wasn't on MFP, but I started to take note of what I was eating. I weighed 148 pounds then. I joined MFP recently to keep track of what I'm eating to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • chloeelizabethm
    chloeelizabethm Posts: 184 Member
    Hello! I've been on MFP for what seems like forever, just a couple months though. Looking for people in a similar boat who would like some motivation and support, and new friends! :D


    I'm pretty great.

    And I love sarcasm.

    ....and Supernatural, and Harry Potter, and LOTR, and The Hunger Games.

    Also, I'm trying to break my addiction on binge watching Netflix......

    Anyone feel free to add!!!!

    @skinny_buddhaa Firstly, I love it that you just say 'I'm pretty great' - not enough girls say this about themselves, even if it is in a semi-joking manner :smiley:

    Harry Potter and Hunger Games <3 Can't wait for Mockingjay to be released! Also love cooking and baking, and find myself endlessly reading recipes for apparently no reason!

    I'm 5'10 and 24, and am at 58 kg/128lbs. Want to concentrate on maintaining now really; building muscle and cutting fat. Only just reached my goal weight so currently playing about with calories and my macros to see what works!

    Just started lifting a couple of months ago so I've got the basics and might be able to help @AmandaLeighisme :) x

  • abbeyjones1994
    abbeyjones1994 Posts: 188 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm 20 years old, 5'2", currently at 135 (started at 155) and hoping to get down to a toned 120. Netflix is my boyfriend, lol. I have watched One Tree Hill and That 70s Show all the way through so far, and now I'm on Parks and Rec (only season 2, no spoilers! :wink: ) and of course Orange is the New Black (I'm going as Alex for Halloween lol).

    Feel free to add me all!
  • PhotoMica
    PhotoMica Posts: 15 Member
    Hello! I've been on MFP for what seems like forever, just a couple months though. Looking for people in a similar boat who would like some motivation and support, and new friends! :D


    I'm pretty great.

    And I love sarcasm.

    ....and Supernatural, and Harry Potter, and LOTR, and The Hunger Games.

    Also, I'm trying to break my addiction on binge watching Netflix......

    Anyone feel free to add!!!!

    Hey everyone! My name is Mica. I'm from Austin, TX. and I love ALL of the above. Especially Harry Potter! Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm a photographer, check out my schtuff at www.thamicaphotography.com

    I'm 5'1 and currently weight 209. My short term goal is to lose 13 pounds, and long term goal is to lose 70 pounds.

    Look forward to chatting with you all!
  • gavitdem
    gavitdem Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! It seems we all have similar interests - our addiction to netflix. I'm an avid nerd - complete with HP tattoos, tarot card readings, college grad from MSU and ready to start a new chapter in my life now that I'm working full time and am ready to devote a healthy lifestyle.

    I'm 25 I struggle with PCOS (check out my blog if you're interested) and put on almost 100 lbs in 3 years. I've lost some weight already! and def looking for support

    my blog is http://theshewolfdiaries.blogpsot.com

    Feel free to add me too :smile: