I need help!

justice037 Posts: 4
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Good evening! I joined myfitnesspal several months ago, but after receiving no results, I gradually quit logging my meals and workouts. But I have gained weight now! I have tried so many different approaches and I am almost ready to give up. I'm not sure where to go from here. Nothing is working. :cry:


  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Don't give up!!! There's lots of help here. I'm new so not MFP educated enough yet to give you advice.
  • Hi it makes me sad to know that you are thinking about giving up...I have been with MFP since Jan of 2010. It has been a great journey for me and I would love to help you achieve all that you want for yourself because you deserve good health and fitness. Please contact me and we can get started!!! Can't wait to talk with you soon.

  • Saksgirl1
    Saksgirl1 Posts: 248
    The best advice I can give you is don't give up! Stay positive because the weight will eventually come off with proper diet and exercise (Wow, I'm starting to sound like my over-anal boyfriend at this point - he'd be so proud! haha) I know it's easier said than done, but just know that you can do this!
  • K3llyhunt
    K3llyhunt Posts: 9 Member
    Dont give up! Once you have been doing it for a while it just becomes what you do. I find it very helful to actually see what I am eating and the things I should be putting down. Once you see that first pound gone it really makes you see that yes you can do this and its worth it! I stopped for a few months but this time I am going to stick to it and I have already lost 6 pounds. Add me and we can work on this together.
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Do not give up. I didnt lose a lb for over 3 weeks. The personal trainer in our complex told me that the best thing to do is to keep track of what you eat by logging it.
  • AniSlim
    AniSlim Posts: 8
    Don't give up, I have been there too, and the most thing is to drink water, that helps you lose weight, and keep walking, and eat small portions..... you can do it, we are here for you :)
  • AniSlim
    AniSlim Posts: 8
    Don't give up, I have been there too, and the most thing is to drink water, that helps you lose weight, and keep walking, and eat small portions..... you can do it, we are here for you :)
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    I agree. Don't give up. It will take some time for you to lose, but it is worth it. Make some friends on here, and see what they do and eat. Then, you will be able to see what you can do, and figure out what works for you. Best of luck to you. Feel free to friend me.
  • im having the same problem i lost 11 lbs when i first started then got a double ear infection and couldnt eat for a week. i guess i went into starvation mode and i still havent come back from it and it's been a couple of months.. i gained most of the weight back and have been trying to get back on track since then. Don't give up!! You can do it if you just think a day at a time. That's what I am trying to do at least. Eventually it has to work right? Just make sure you log every little thing that goes into your mouth. Even a peppermint is 40 calories!!
  • kfeil23
    kfeil23 Posts: 1 Member
    Try to stay positive...you are already on the right track by logging your food..keep doing it! Holding yourself is accountable is the best way to keep you on track with diet. Set your Protein/Carbohydrate/ Fat Goals to 40%/40%/20%... these percentages work best for fat loss! Try to get your calories from whole nutritious foods and try to avoid the processed stuff as much as possible.....think about it as 200 calories from a cookie vs 200 calories from brown rice and broccoli...calories are not equal...your body is going to repond a lot better in terms of fat loss to the brown rice and broccli!

    Good luck!
  • bwneau
    bwneau Posts: 14
    Try switching what you're eating or how often you're eating. I've found that eating five small meals a day works really well for me. Just keep experimenting and don't give up.
  • WhyW8
    WhyW8 Posts: 54 Member
    just get back on the horse sista - it will happen but you have to MAKE it! I know what you mean about not seeing any results...the scale is moving slightly for me but I look in the mirror and all I see is that my boobs got smaller (great! (sarcastic) because I don't have anything to spare!!!) I feel like I have been busting my *kitten* and I'm like...well???? I want instant gratification too and its not going to happen. focus on doing the right thing and how it makes you feel. when I get down I try and say ok well, I feel great, I have all this energy, I ate real well and in time it will happen and the mirror will reflect that. I'm not going to wake up tomorrow and have a 6 pack (abs or beer for that matter!) so just keep at it. feel free to add me as a friend if you want. I'm new here too. Sick of trying to do this on my own. I need support and the more the merrier! Good luck to you! (Also, maybe think about what happened last time - why it didn't work for you - were you being honest about your food intake, workouts etc. or were you eating 1200 calories of bad stuff? How long did you try before you said forget it? Just curious.)
  • ltowne
    ltowne Posts: 129 Member
    For many people, weight is a life-long struggle. It requires a conscious decision to change the way we eat and the exercise choices that we make. I have been like a yo-yo for most of my life...especially after children came along. Never obese, just an extra 30+ pounds over. It seemed like I was always on a diet. I finally got tired of making excuses and started making small changes. Set small goals and alterations. It will take time, but you will notice the difference. As you reach the "small successes" the bigger ones seem more attainable. Keep the faith and develop a healthy "lifestyle". Good luck and friend me if you like. I will be here to root you on!!!!
  • cassieday
    cassieday Posts: 55 Member
    Hang in there!!! It takes ALOT of drive to stick with it but it is so worth it! First find an exercise that you love. Thats what saved me. I just discovered running (huge way to use ALL of your muscles and actually is a GREAT way to work the abs and lose your hips and love handles) Start with a 1 to 1 run/walk ratio and slowly up it to 5 to 1. Was a HUGE lifesaver!!!! Didnt love it at first but do now!!! Also, find healthy substitutes for foods you love. We use whole wheat pasta and brown rice which is way healthier and really good. MOST IMPORTANTLY: have people on here and in your life to keep you accountable and encourage you!!! You NEED people telling you how well you are doing and kickin you in the butt when your slacking! Ask friends and if you dont have any who will really hold you to it, make a post requesting accountability partners here on my fitness pal! It works!!!! =) Worked for me! Feel free to add me if you need a good accountability buddy. You need suppor to get there!!!
  • Try to stay positive...you are already on the right track by logging your food..keep doing it! Holding yourself is accountable is the best way to keep you on track with diet. Set your Protein/Carbohydrate/ Fat Goals to 40%/40%/20%... these percentages work best for fat loss! Try to get your calories from whole nutritious foods and try to avoid the processed stuff as much as possible.....think about it as 200 calories from a cookie vs 200 calories from brown rice and broccoli...calories are not equal...your body is going to repond a lot better in terms of fat loss to the brown rice and broccli!

    Good luck!

    I agree here.......it does make a huge difference with what you put into your body, I recently went low fat and I thought my energy was just coming from working out, I wake up feeling more energy and not sluggish. Logging what I eat helps a lot too then I can see throughout the day what I can and shouldn't eat.........but don't give up!!!
  • I am a nurse and one avenue you may want to check is your hormone levels and labs. This could be slowing down your process. But also, be sure that you are checking your measurements. You may not be noticing a big change in your wt loss numbers, but your measurements may be going down. Personally, I have not see a large change in my numbers, but, I have received many compliments on the way that I am looking and have noted a real increase in my energy level. My clothing size has not really changed drastically, but my clothes fit me so much better and conform to my shape better. So, I am paying attention to these changes as well as I have lost inches in my waist and hips. So...I hope some of these ideas give you some encouragement and new motivation to continue to push forward.
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