Need a buddy!

Hey, im having issues with my weight loss and really need some help. Im 5ft 4in and around 12 and half- 13 stone (175-182 lb)
A few years ago i lost around 3 stone and was quite happy with my weight but its crept back up and now I don't want to check the scales! I have around 3 stone (42 lb) to loose to get back to a 'normal' weight/ 'healthy' BMI. I have phases of being good and exercising but then something happens and I slip and then struggle to restart again.
I dont really have anyone to go to for strict support and find I really need someone to talk to daily to keep me on the wagon and keep me motivated.
If there's anyone who can be my buddy please msg me, anyone with similar goals would be great to make me keep up with would be helpful! I was thinking of joining a slimming group but working shifts means I cant always get to groups each week and think I need to incentive of that weekly deadline to keep me going. I have a wedding to go to on dec 27th and my goal is at least 14lb or i wont really feel comfortable finding something to wear!
Any other tips or advice also appreciated!


  • kristimason3
    kristimason3 Posts: 131 Member
    I started at 172 a few months ago and am currently at 150. Its been a struggle my whole darn size 12 life. I yoyo alot and am trying to keep it off this time. Anyway, feel free to add me if you like. I'm always looking for more friends for support and motivation! Good luck
  • nicmacc
    nicmacc Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome to the journey! I have stepped on and off... Ready to jump back on again! add me!
  • emmanuelochoa91
    emmanuelochoa91 Posts: 21 Member
    hey laura looking for friends new to this aswell
  • lukeyjune
    lukeyjune Posts: 15 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. I am a daily logger with an open diary, Good Luck!
  • briaggressive
    briaggressive Posts: 15 Member
    Anyone please feel free to add me as well :) I'm new but I intend to log daily and love to have fitness buddies.
  • jlkermode
    jlkermode Posts: 82 Member
    Hello all, please add me! I'm a daily logger with an open diary and looking to connect with others for support and motivation! I've been on MFP for a while, but logging seriously the past month or so. Thank you!
  • lahay99
    lahay99 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks guys :o) does anyone else have issues with the food diary? I like the concept but as i make a lot of my food from scratch I found the last time I did it I got a bit obsessed with weighing everything (even salads etc) which then got me frustrated as everything took longer and I had to stop in the end. I know logging the food def helps as its surprising how many sneaky calories get in there without you realising but how do you do it without weighing out everything single ingredient?!