Working that 9-5 job

I have had my fit bit for a few days now and I do love it inconjuction with MFP.

I used to wear another pedometer at work so I already knew that the aim of 10,000 steps a day is very difficult to achieve. I work that 9-5 job where unfortunately 90% of my day involves sitting at a desk. Seeing other people and friends on fitbit constantly achieve 10,000 steps is a little demotivating.

I know I shouldn't compare since we all lead such different lives. I do exercise though, I actively work though the 21 day fix and T25 program from beachbody. It still doesn't really get steps up as dramatically as I would like. May it doesn't matter? I don't know

Anyone else in the same boat? How do you work with this?


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    I work 60+ hours a week and put 6 hours+ in at the gym.

    You either dedicate the time or you don't. I find my gym time is important, so I adjust my after work schedule to prioritize my health.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    The 10000 steps thing was created to get people off their behinds and moving. It was a means to give people some way to measure their activity level when they're starting from none. It really isn't that important - just make sure you get your acotivty through other means.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    adelinax wrote: »
    It still doesn't really get steps up as dramatically as I would like. May it doesn't matter? I don't know

    From what you've said, it really doesn't matter. 10K steps is a substitute for structured exercise, so it gets people moving.

    The key question is, are you seeing results from your training and diet?
  • AOdell79
    AOdell79 Posts: 94 Member
    I have a full time job and two young kids. I don't worry about steps at all. I know I don't come close to 10k. Check this out:
  • kaseasteele
    kaseasteele Posts: 86 Member
    Make the time. I work 14 hours a day and still make time for fitness.
  • goanothermile
    goanothermile Posts: 98 Member
    I have a desk job also. It is difficult to hit 10k steps unless I go out and run a few miles. I don't always make it, but I try to do some exercise most days of the week.

    A crossfit gym close to me has a sign in the window that says "Somebody who is busier than you is in here right now!" I chuckle every time I see it. They make a good point.
  • miratime
    miratime Posts: 19 Member
    I have a full-time desk job but still manage to get about 6-7k steps daily while I'm at work. I take the "long way" to and from the bathroom (and I drink a lot of water, so lots of bathroom trips!), and after I'm done eating I spend my lunch break walking briskly around the atrium area of our building. It was a little awkward at first but everyone's used to it now (people will even walk with me for a couple of "laps" when they want to have a conversation!), and there's even one or two other people walking during their lunch now, too.
  • adelinax
    Thanks for sharing your experiences!