Kayla Itsines bikini body guide ! I' m starting tomorrow

Hi all ,
Now that I have lost quite a lot of weight I m looking at getting my body back to healthy well defined looking.
Got all my training kit and I am ready to start her training plan.

For those who are already doing it: at what time of the day do you do your 1/2 exercises?

I think I m going to do it in the morning (4:30am) before everyone wakes up.
I could do it in the evening when my little one is asleep but I just don't know if I'll have the energy.

What do you think?



  • timpani9
    I bought this but I haven't tried it ... I would love to hear about your experience and results with it!
  • karennovchallenge
    karennovchallenge Posts: 10 Member
    Well things never go the way I d like : my little one woke up 4 times during the night. So instead of doing the exercises at 4:30am, I done them at 5:30am
    It took me 1/2hr to do half of it.
    You're supposed to do 2 circuits twice in 30 mins. I ve done it once only. Will do the rest of it sometime today.
    Never really been into stuff like that before, I only walk & run( only started a few months ago).
    BUT I m liking it !!!! It's nice to feel the pain in my muscles!!!
    Shaking it all up !!!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Splitting the workout up into segments like that to do at various parts throughout the day is not good when the workouts are high intensity in nature, especially as a beginner. When you finish your workout your muscles enter into a state of repair/recovery, and trying to do more work later on before they've completed this process is only going to slow down results and make you more likely to injure yourself.
  • karennovchallenge
    karennovchallenge Posts: 10 Member
    Ok, make sense. Thanks. Maybe I ll just for a walk, nothing very pushy there. But I ll still burn a few cals.