Has anyone tried the slim shots?

I was doing a research about the slim shots and there are many cons and pros. Has anyone here tried them? I want to buy them to help me control my hunger. I'd like to snack less.


  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    Not me, but I'll be watching for info!
  • HollyLayman
    HollyLayman Posts: 39 Member
    A friend of a friend of mine started using them to lose weight for her wedding, and she is down 15 lbs...but I don't know what she is actually doing along with it. I fail to believe that those alone have done the trick...lol! Otherwise, everyone would be downing them left and right....ya know?! She also said that they were nasty...
    They ARE, however....inexpensive....
    so I reckon...give it a SHOT if you want to (HAHA)
    Let us know what happens!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Don't do it ladies....good health talks good nutrition and exercise, really it's that simple.

    My mom (who is now 80) spent the better part of her 30's and 40's trying shots, pills, funky treatments, etc. Never helped and she is still 75 pounds overweight. Granted this was in the 1960-70's, but promises are still just that.

    If there really were a great shot for all of us who wanted a miracle, we'd all be doing it and research would show that it works.

    i say don't risk it

    sorry - I know you wanted to hear from a success story....

    Be well and healthy :)
  • susyseq
    susyseq Posts: 94
    Yes, I read it tastes nasty but I don't mind the taste as long as it really helps me not feel so hungry. I also know it comes with a diet plan and they recommend working out. I'll get them this weekend I guess...
  • susyseq
    susyseq Posts: 94
    lol that's ok, I know it doesn't work for everyone because we are all made different. All different metabolisms etc, but I need something to make me feel less hungry :sad:

    Don't do it ladies....good health talks good nutrition and exercise, really it's that simple.

    My mom (who is now 80) spent the better part of her 30's and 40's trying shots, pills, funky treatments, etc. Never helped and she is still 75 pounds overweight. Granted this was in the 1960-70's, but promises are still just that.

    If there really were a great shot for all of us who wanted a miracle, we'd all be doing it and research would show that it works.

    i say don't risk it

    sorry - I know you wanted to hear from a success story....

    Be well and healthy :)
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    Eat foods higher in fiber and protein. Those stay in your system longer than other foods and will help keep you from feeling hungry as often.

    When you do feel the need to snack, if you like baby carrots, 30 of them are about 100 calories. A couple stalks of celery is 10 calories. Even if you go over your calorie goal by having carrots or some other raw vegetable, at least it would be more nutritionally sound (natural, no fat or sugar, and filled with vitamins) than most other snack foods.
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    A friend of mine gave me a box of these, swearing that they were the greatest thing since sliced bread. I decided to try one right before dinner last night. They DO taste nasty--but let me tell you, they work.

    I didn't get through half my bowl of veggie stew before I was feeling stuffed! I couldn't eat it all. Not normal for me, considering I still had a considerable amount of daily calories left to consume by dinner time. Not only that, but I didn't get the night time "watching Glee, need to mindlessly munch" blues. As a matter of fact, I didn't even think about munchies at all last night. I've noticed no gastrointestinal effects either.

    They're cheap enough--and they currently have a $10 off coupon on their website too.

    If you fight the urge to munch at night as I do, Slim Shots seem to work well. It's hard to comfort eat when your tummy is feeling quite full.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Theres a **** load of sweetners in it. yuk!

    ETA - Having read the UK sales page, the marketting is very strong, but I wouldnt believe a word of that. Where's the journal articles and the trials? Where is the science behind their wild claims??
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Basically, these "slim shots" are a mixture of water and oil that expands your stomach to make you feel more full. :huh:

    I think I'd rather munch on fresh veggies and eat real food to satisfy my hunger! If you stick with it and eat good-quality (non-processed) food that is an appropriate calorie level for your activity level, then your body will eventually adjust so that you're not always hungry.
  • Peanutmanda
    Peanutmanda Posts: 103
    It has aspartame.

    Which can cause brain damage, along with a bunch of other problems...

    Kinda scary...
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    It has aspartame.

    Which can cause brain damage, along with a bunch of other problems...

    Kinda scary...

    This is slightly Off topic but felt it warranted a comment. I'm all for eating clean, but it's important to recognize that much of the info out there on aspartame (and other products) is trumped-up scare tactics. When researchers study stuff like this they'll pump lab rats full of way more aspartame (or whatever they are testing) than a person would eat in their lifetime - of course they get cancer and brain damage! Even water can kill you if you drink too much of it at one time. There actually aren't any credible studies that show that aspartame is dangerous in any way when consumed at the levels that humans would consume. Would I want to eat a bucket full of this stuff every day? No, but a little here and there is not going to cause brain damage.
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    If you're a comfort eater, as I am, all the veggies and fiber in the world aren't going to keep you from reaching for the pretzels when that urge over takes you. However, feeling too full to accommodate another crumb of food is a very good deterent when it comes to stuffing your face full of calories that you don't need.

    At the rate of one shot a day, I doubt I'll accumulate enough aspartame to do me in. I don't drink diet sodas or eat any other foods with artificial additives. I think that those of you who eat meat, with it's overabundance of animal hormones, antibiotics, etc., are going to be in far worse shape than I will from my one little shot of aspartame before dinner.