Im new! need some motivation

I just wanted to try and get a good network of friends on here so every time I sign on I am motivated to go the gym ect so feel free to add me... what tends to happen with me is that im good in my training sporadically but never stick at it for long enough to see drastic improvements. For example I tend to do random spurts of drastic exercise- I cycled from London to Paris.. but then it took me a little while to get into the gym again, so I really need to break this sort of cycle.

Anyway it would be good to hear about other peoples aims and goals


  • 24Gordonfan
    24Gordonfan Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome to MFP! :) It is hard to break old habits and to create new and healthier habits. I am with you...I will do good ffor a couple of days before falling off. Am hoping this is the answer as well to help better my habits. I log in every day so if you need help feel free to add me as a friend. I have found the more support you get on here the more I am motivated to log in and think twice before eating something not so healthy I would have to log in. Best of luck. :)
  • psychjunkie16
    psychjunkie16 Posts: 14 Member

    I'd be happy to give you some motivation :) I've had trouble sticking to MFP the past few weeks, so some friends on here to support (and receive support from) would be awesome.

    My goals? I want to be muscular, yet thin at the same time. Having suffered from an eating disorder for most of my life (having since "recovered" but still trying to get back to my lowest weight), it's been a bumpy ride for me. When it comes to logging, I find it so difficulty when my family is always forcing me to eat unhealthily. Now that senior year is finally coming into fully swing and college is right around the corner, I'm trying to get muscular/thin before college in the fall.

    My workout routine consists of 45 min of cardio 5 times a week and following the Blogilates calendar online (strength training).

    Feel free to message me whenever you want. I'd love to get to know and help you along with your journey!
  • stephenson99
    stephenson99 Posts: 2 Member
    thanks guys for your messages!

    and thanks for sharing your stories and challenges you have faced. I too would like to loose a few pounds but most importantly im focused on gaining tone and definition. I will add you guys so hopefully we can motivate each other. Ive actually just come back from the gym so this is a good sign haha

    take care!
  • Hi! Welcome to MFP. Im new here too! ;)
  • Alwaysonadiet54
    Alwaysonadiet54 Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to add me too...I just saw the pics of myself from this weekend's costume party and I look like a beast! Back to working on improving my health and esteem!
  • zac775
    zac775 Posts: 199 Member
    Hi all I happy to help and motivate where I can, so please add if you feel you want to
  • cheltgirl
    cheltgirl Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I've been doing Insanity. I was super motivated the first month, but as I continued to work and not see's been difficult to keep it up. I'm hoping that it's either muscle weight (fingers crossed), or I'm one of these people I've been reading about that sees no results for weeks and then drops weight quickly (fingers double crossed). I also find that my healthy eating motivation is great during the week and disappears completely over the weekend.

    I'm happy to provide mutual motivation to any and all. I do much better with a team of cheerleaders, and I'll cheer for you too!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    What are you planning to do differently this time so that wont happen again?
  • Hi Everyone. Am I the only one who thought the first day was the worst day. I know if I stick with it, things will get better, as the lbs. drop. But don't we want to see results immediately! I desperately need to lose some weight. All my clothes are not fitting anymore. And I refuse to buy bigger sizes anymore.