Will I ever make it?!

kah02a Posts: 9 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I'm feeling so frustrated right now.
I have had no self control the past two days. Although I'm working out regularly, I've found myself MINDLESSLY eating CRAP.
I'm one pound away from being out of the 280's. I have not been out of the 280's in over 7 years. WHY can't I let myself be successful?!?!!? I'm beating myself up over every single thing I do wrong instead of celebrating my victories...which then begins the emotional eating cycle. Will it ever end??

Any advice or encouragement is welcome :(.


  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Stop...and hide the scale. It's alot of presure! Measure yourself, keep working out. Don't buy junk for your house, so it's not there to eat. Try buying some good fruits & veggies nuts and healthy snacks.
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    Check out some healthy recipe websites for healthy meals that really appeal to you so that you don't feel a deprived

    I love www.skinnytaste.com her stuff is so delicious!
  • dmbrown1200
    dmbrown1200 Posts: 4 Member
    Sometimes I do the same thing. Try to focus on what you r doing right. I know it is so much easier to focus on the negative but that doesn't help anyone. For instance I have have not been eating right for the past few days and instead of just going in on myself and quitting, I logged everything that I ate today....maybe that will keep me accountable and give me something positive.:) Think about it like this...you are already doing something positive if u are on MFP
  • aww its okay, trust me we all have those times.
    At least you know what you need to fix :smile:
    Keep in mind what you're working for and usually writing down what I'm eating as I'm eating it
    and checking the nutritional value, helps me stop from eating too much of it or even pick something healthier.
    Good Luck! Keep working hard, You're going to be successful!!
  • charitydc
    charitydc Posts: 106
    I hear ya on the eating bad....Yesterday my friend and I went for coffee and he always gets me a Boston Creme donut I didn't eat it for breakfast cuz I already had oatmeal.....the Dunkin Donut/Baskin Robbins place had 31 cent scoops after 5...so after work, he took me for a waffle cone dipped in chocolate with 3 scoops of ice cream...when I got home...I ate the donut! So my "dinner" was over 1000 calories yesterday! We just gotta start anew. Stay dedicated and best of luck! Charity
  • jilliankasha
    jilliankasha Posts: 4 Member
    you have made it past the hardest part , making the choices to do it .... If you mess up try again the next day ... You can do it ..you have been doing it .. Let nothing define you even food... Maybe a good replacement for your cravings would help... somthing just as pleasurable !!
  • emily2182
    emily2182 Posts: 7 Member
    YOU WILL MAKE IT! You will have good days and you will have bad days, but I think it's important to acknowledge both days exist and to just keep going. Accept and move on. This whole weight loss thing is a lifestyle change, it's not about quick fixes and your body will resist at times, but you need to be mentally ready to break it and push through.

    We've all been there - the frustration, the plateau, the hovering - instead of being angry about failures and turning to food, work it off. Don't give in to the cravings and keep in sight that goal you want to achieve. My own goal is to lose my 10 year fat by December and when the scales fight me...I'm fighting back and you should do the same!

    Add me! LOL
  • tethomas73
    tethomas73 Posts: 249 Member
    I really know how you feel I'm 1lb away from been in the 260's .. For the past 3 weeks I have been at a stand still. . I weight in on Thursday and just want to scream because I scale did not go down.. Then start feeling sorry for myself and yes be ready to eat everything in sight but what keep me going, I have a pair of jeans that I could not wear before joining MFP that I can now button up (NSV) and I know if I lose that extra 10 lbs (mini goal) the jeans would fit so much better. I'm really thinking about moving the scale out of my bathroom and placing it in the garage for a couple of months..
  • mmalecki
    mmalecki Posts: 3
    Greetings. It is very easy. You have to eat, what makes you happy. That's all. With this system you can loose a lot of kilos.

    Take an example of myself. I love food - cook myself and try to avoid all this prepared food-junk, you can buy in the supermarkets. But - and this is a huge BUT - only fat makes me happy.

    Eating a salad is really like sucking on you own finger. After 5 minutes I am hungry again.

    Also I need a sugar-flash in the morning - a strong coffee to start my day.

    Well - It s easy with the MFP-App. In my example I calculate a huge coffee-brown-sugar-condensed-milk, which has alone about 200 ccal. Then I like spaghetti - but as I said with a lot of fat. So I do my own pesto with nuts and butter and olive-oil - and calculate how much calories will be in 2 tablespoons.

    Italian Noodles are very good to feel full for minumum 1/2 day. So I do my spaghetti-pesto 150 gr. dry spaghetti and the fat in the pesto keeps me happy for exactly that half day. Oh I forgot one layer of parmesan-cheese 8-)

    This meal keeps me going through the day. And guess what - in the evening I eat some Jack-n-Jill-Wafes, as I need my sugar-shock again.

    I lost 5 Kilos in the last 180 days without any trouble. Just keep an eye on your daily calories and find food, that makes you happy for at least 1/2 day.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i think you answered yourself..you beat yourself up over small slips.

    i eat crap at times..heck i'll down pizza and beer and choc chip cookies at times. the thing is..its ok to allow this..half of weight loss is watching calories and exercise..the other half is psychological. the key is to allow small..in moderations 'cheats'..to stave off these binges. meaning if you want a cookie after dinner as desert..have it. just try to keep under your calories. even if you go over 100 or so here and there..it wont impede your progress.

    i hope you can work this out..being mentally healthy goes hand in hand with physically healthy.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    The beauty of MFP is that you don't need to deprive yourself. Stay within the range, workout and eat back your excercise calories. Yes it's better to eat clean and healthy, but if you have a bad day or two stay the course and get back on track the next day. Each day is a new opportunity to be on track. Don't beat yourself up. We all have bad days. The goal is to start trying to string more good days together and have the bad days be the exception not the norm. Hang in there and stay focused. You are successful already you've made the choice to do this, so think of yourself as a success in progress. :bigsmile:
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself, what you are experiencing is happening to all of us, it's so great when we are achieving but the minute we go off track or binge eat or feel like giving up it feels like the end of the world!

    You are not alone, some advice I saw on here was take it literally one step at a time, it's finding a balance and that is something I really struggle with, I read somewhere someone put up a poster where he could see it every day saying "Every Day Is a War" it just reminds you that yes everyday may be hard but you can get through it.....it's a mental thing, if our mind set is good we feel good if it's not so good nothing is.....BUT you can do this and that's what we are all here for, to support each other and overcome these obstacles...:o)
  • ashmo1785
    ashmo1785 Posts: 117
    I know exactly how you feel! i'm in the same boat.

    good luck and i hope you push past it and get below the 280 mark
  • crystlgrn
    crystlgrn Posts: 124 Member
    When you have a bad day and eat things you know you shouldn't, just remember tomorrow is a new day! Commit to eating better tomorrow and stick with it. When you get ready to grab an unhealthy snack just remember only 1 more pound!!
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