Making changes... one pound at a time

Hiya :)

I am not new to MFP but I am brand spanking new to the message boards.

I am a wife to one, a mama of two, and a High School Teacher of many.

I spent my 20's large (and I thought 'in charge'? HA!) and looking forward to spending my 30's and beyond smaller (still 'in charge' I hope). It's about time. I have successfully lost 45 pounds since January 11, 2011. YAY!

I am looking forward to all the guidance and support the message boards can offer. Feel free to add me if you'd like. :)


  • justice037
    Hi! I'm in the same boat you are... not new to MFP, but just starting the message board business :) Congratulations on your weight loss thus far!!! That is incredible! I hope you keep it up! :smile: