Hey All - Hip Pain

I've started working out again (Officially started last Monday) Last week consisted of jogging on the treadmill (using the nifty couch to 5k app on my phone) Today I started weights as well so today was treadmill where I walked for 2 minutes and jogged for 90 seconds. I then did hip abductors/adductors and the squat machine at 55 lbs. I've gone through the rest of my day and walking around on campus, but now my left hip is starting to bug me. It has that annoying feeling that it's going to pop but it doesn't. It hurts especially when I walk around and lift my leg up like doing a high knee. I'm figuring it's just because of starting weights today, but I've never had my hip hurt. Could it be starting weights?


  • SonicKrunch
    SonicKrunch Posts: 192 Member
    Did you stretch afterwards at all? You aren't doing heavy weights but if you are tight or not flexible and you do squats to parallel, you will definitely feel it and could potentially injure yourself. Hip flexibility is extremely important for squats as I'm sure you are aware.
  • nayers86
    Stretching and foam rolling will be essential since you've started working out again. I don't think the hip pain is from the lifting though. I think it's probably from running. If you are adequately stretching after your jogging, even if you aren't strength training that day you are doing your body a dis-service. As a runner and a lifter, I find that running too much will cause excessive knee and hip pain likely attributed to a tight quad or hamstring. When I limit my running I am often far more successful in lifting with no pain what so ever. Also, you may want to check your form as PP stated. If your squat form is off you will be putting unnecessary strain on joints.
  • Abharrel
    I'm actually very guilty of thinking stretching serves no purpose because I'm sore either way. That and I feel it takes too long (Stupid I know. I need to start stretching before my next workout) And it's been a while since I've done squats so my form might be rusty. I'm taking a break tomorrow but Wednsday is my next workout day so I'll try to stretch before that workout.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    The safest warmup and cooldown for running is very slow running, not stretching cold muscles. Using your own body weight for resistance is much safer than going to the machines. Run safe to run another day. :)
  • jlmdc29
    jlmdc29 Posts: 26 Member
    I did three things for my hip pain.
    #1 - My jogging form was bad. I swayed way too much. So maybe work on form while doing your running program.
    #2 - I sleep on my side alot and would wake up barely able to stand, so I started putting a pillow between my knees at night. (no comments from the peanut gallery please :) )
    #3 - Stretched in the morning and before I ran, so two separate times each day.
    May have been a fluke or something but between these three things, my hips don't hurt at all anymore.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Warming up before cardio and weight lifting by walking for about 5 minutes first is smart. I agree with the poster above not to stretch "cold" muscles. I HAVE to stretch, on a daily basis. Sometimes my legs and hips are so sore at night I have to get out of bed and stretch so I can get to sleep. It ALWAYS helps. Stretching at the end of ANY workout is key to combat soreness. I believe in the old fashioned on the floor stretches - straddle, pike, basket.