how does this work?

Kirstinsbattlewithweight Posts: 10 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
ok.. I am finding it hard to understand HOW this all works? how does this help you loose weight??? I know I am probably sounding like a **** but I am following the calorie intake and exercise and if I go over my calories I do more exercise, but how does it work? will it work?? am on day 3 and is this a normal feeling???


  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    Bascially your body needs a set number of calories daily to maintain it the way it is. You eat less than that, you lose weight, you eat more, you gain.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    ok.. I am finding it hard to understand HOW this all works? how does this help you loose weight??? I know I am probably sounding like a **** but I am following the calorie intake and exercise and if I go over my calories I do more exercise, but how does it work? will it work?? am on day 3 and is this a normal feeling???

    The short answer is that MFP has calculated how many calories your body uses to get through your daily activities and recommends that you eat slightly LESS than what your body is using so that you will lose weight.

    The long answer:

    If you go to your goals page, you can see exactly how MFP calculated your daily calorie goal. The daily calorie deficit is factored into your goal--you do not need to create one yourself.

    Basically, when you signed up for MFP, you gave your height, weight, age and sex, which MFP used to calculate your BMR. Your BMR is the number of calories needed to keep you alive and healthy if you just lay in bed all day.

    Then you chose an Activity Level. On MFP, your Activity Level is meant to represent calories burned at your job (not intentional exercise).

    Then you chose how many pounds you hoped to lose per week. Let's just say you chose "1lb per week" for the following....

    So the formula looks like this:

    (BMR calories + Activity Level Calories) - 500 calories = Your Daily Calorie Goal

    If you exercise, it looks like this:

    (BMR calories + Activity Level Calories + Excercise Calories) - 500 calories = Your Daily Calorie Goal

    So in essence, MFP aims to keep you at a CONSISTENT calorie deficit whether or not you ever exercise at all.
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    I'm happy with how it's working for me..... the easiest way I've ever found!
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm no dietician, but it does seem to work. For one thing it keeps me very focused on what I am eating. Its surprising how those coffees and biscuits add up! I don't think its an exact science - I don't have a very accurate weighing scales but at first it seemed like nothing was happening, then week 4 I had lost 6lbs. Give it a few weeks, see how you get on and good luck!
  • thank you! I am a tad slow on this calorie intake thing! I am 30 soon and have 5 kids and finding it hard to keep my weight off and down :(
    thank you for you input! it has helped!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Yes it works - but do be aware that it's very common to estimate amounts of foods incorrectly.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    It works! Just eat the calories that MFP has given you, do your best to log all your calories in (food) and out (intentional exercise, not the daily stuff that you do anyway) and it will work!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Yes it works - but do be aware that it's very common to estimate amounts of foods incorrectly.

    True. I highly recommend buying a food scale and using it religiously!
  • Yes it works - but do be aware that it's very common to estimate amounts of foods incorrectly.

    True. I highly recommend buying a food scale and using it religiously!

    will dot hat guys thanks so much for your help :)
    will also try get back into jogging!
  • Virgo823
    Virgo823 Posts: 2
    ok, im am not understanding this makes me feel like an idiot.... :(..after entering in all my info and how much weight i want to loose, it set me up on 1200 calories a day...okay, ive been logging my foods now for 2 weeks and my exercise and ive gained weight.. example ....i logged 200 calories for breakfast which stated that i have 1000 calories left, then i go exercise and log treadmill for 15 minutes with 100 calories burned...which not it states that i have 1100 my question is do i suppose to eat 1100 calories or do i still remain at the 1000 calories for the day..
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    ok, im am not understanding this makes me feel like an idiot.... :(..after entering in all my info and how much weight i want to loose, it set me up on 1200 calories a day...okay, ive been logging my foods now for 2 weeks and my exercise and ive gained weight.. example ....i logged 200 calories for breakfast which stated that i have 1000 calories left, then i go exercise and log treadmill for 15 minutes with 100 calories burned...which not it states that i have 1100 my question is do i suppose to eat 1100 calories or do i still remain at the 1000 calories for the day..

    check out this thread:

    it helps explain the exercise calories. the basic way to look at it is you have already set up a calorie deficit and should still be able to lose weight if you eat your exercise calories.

    This is also a subject of endless debate on MFP and you will get lots of opinions, but MFP is set up on the idea that you should eat your exercise calories.
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