Spinning Classes?

Does anyone on here have a good/bad experience with spin classes? The gym I go to offers a bunch of classes (for free!) and that's one that I think I'm going to try.
I typically like to do cardio stuff (running and swimming) and I'm looking for a low-impact activity that will still give me a work-out that feels "worth it".

So, what are your experiences?


  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Spin is awesome! The classes definitely vary depending on the instructor. There's one instructor that plays hard rock (it's just not my thing) and turns the mic up so high and SCREAMS into it that you just hear distorted mic sounds and not actual words, haha. I leave angry and with a headache...so I definitely avoid his classes. I love all the other instructors though. They typically have some kind of a plan for class, like maybe alternating hills with speedwork and they match it up to their playlist. It's my favorite crosstraining activity to do when I'm not running because it's a huge calorie scorcher and it's low impact. Really strengthens your legs and butt and you'll even feel it in your core. I think it's totally worth it and you should try it! If you don't like your first class, try a different instructor. Have fun! Bring a sweat towel and water!!
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I loved spin class, though the instructor was also my friend and she never let me off the jook for a second. On days when it was just her and I for the class ... Ho-lee-crap! She was brutal, but it was always an awesome workout.

    And yes, towel, water, maybe an extra towel and more water.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    Spin is the best! Great music and u feel amazing afterwards. U can go at ur own pace but in my opinion u may as well go for it! My boyfriend had his first spin class yesterday and loved it! Happy spinning!!
  • pipsqueak12
    pipsqueak12 Posts: 31 Member
    I love spin classes! Like everyone has said make sure you have a towel and plenty of water. Brilliant cardio workout that has a degree of resistance training too, that's my favourite aspect. Definitely feel like you've worked your *kitten* off if you push yourself, and the music tends to be upbeat so that keeps you going. I'd definitely recommend it :blush:
  • wikpix
    wikpix Posts: 31 Member
    I'm another advocate for spin classes! I do agree with alpine1994 that it depends on the instructor. My regular instructor was on holidays a few weeks ago and I found the fill in instructor unmotivating and difficult to follow. My calorie burn suffered as a result (it was about half what I would normally do!) So try a few different classes to find an instructor that works for you!

    PS I usually burn between 600 and 700 calories in a 45 minute class.
  • domane1
    domane1 Posts: 26 Member
    Spin is great!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I like spin. I prefer the classes that simulate real spinning and not the dancy ones (which I really liked to start with).
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Spinning is a great workout. On average I burn about 500 calories per class. I also found that I have favorite instructors but I don't stay if the instructor i don't like is filling in.
  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    They have this at my gym. Ive always felt a bit apprehensive about going but I might give it a bash :)
  • jillinthbox
    jillinthbox Posts: 18 Member
    I went to my first indoor cycling class on Sunday (just a couple days ago) after cycling outside for a few months. I loved the class-- and I totally agree with a lot of what's been said. The instructor will make or break the class and it is a matter of preference.

    Two observations: 1) I went to the class 15 minutes early during the "Intro to Cycling" piece my gym offers and the instructor introduced herself and 'fit' me on the bike (adjusted the seat, height, handlebars etc)--this is critical for a successful ride.

    2) I took the class a little easier than I could have because I didn't know what to expect. there were a couple times she told me to take it up a level (in gears) and I chose not to raise the level.. the difficulty seemed like enough. This was FINE. No one noticed, cared and she didn't come 'check in' to see why I hadn't. Although great for beginners, I wish I worked a little harder and listened to her. I wasn't sore the next day-- or as sore as I kind of wanted to be... twisted, I know.

    Next time I will raise those gears! Highly reccommend an indoor cycling class.
  • decblessings
    decblessings Posts: 113 Member
    I did my first spin class last night. It is a beginning spin class, and the first class of the session so she took it pretty easy on us. I hope it gets harder, but I liked it!
  • GreenNetha1
    GreenNetha1 Posts: 20 Member
    I took my first spin class last night. It would have been better, but my butt hurt the whole time and still hurts today. Per the instructor, that will go away, but I am almost too scared to go again just because of the butt pain.
  • TheBigFb
    TheBigFb Posts: 649 Member
    If you like cardio, and you want low impact, spin is a good way to go
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    I did spin for a couple years and loved it! I really need to move my schedule around so I can start going again. It's great!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I took my first spin class last night. It would have been better, but my butt hurt the whole time and still hurts today. Per the instructor, that will go away, but I am almost too scared to go again just because of the butt pain.

    You get used to it!

    I love spinning, especially if the instructor has thought carefully about the music play list and plans the class to match the songs.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    I love spin. Its a great class if you get an instructor who knows how to get you up & down on those cycles.
  • charlie_anne
    charlie_anne Posts: 46 Member
    Love spinning, may feel like I might die during it but my favourite cardio. I used to get a sore backside when first started so bought one of those gel seats you can fit over the saddle which made it more bearable, don't need it any more though. Definitely take a towel and plenty of water!
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    I LOVE spinning. I spin 5 times a week. My experience has been low impact, but high intensity. We do all sorts of creative movements on the bike. I have been doing it for years. I burn anywhere from 350-500 calories in a 45 minute class depending on the instructor. In my hour class I can burn up to 700, she is really intense. The pain in your butt will definitely go away if you keep at it. There are padded seat covers that you can buy for the seat to ease the discomfort. Have fun
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Okay... Here is my take on spin. I have been teaching spin for 10 years now... When I started I struggled to complete a class. I just couldn't get the hang of the standing stuff at all...

    Things I've learned and tips for new comers.

    1. Go 15 minutes early to your first class to get properly fit. If the instructor doesn't introduce themselves and offer to fit you, find another class.

    2. Start out easy, 45 minutes is much longer on a spin bike. If after the first class you realize you could have done more. Bump it up the next class.

    3. If you ever feel out of control on the bike, chances are you need more tension. This is especially noticeable when you stand.

    4. The first few classes are about getting used to the equipment more than your fitness. Figure out your bike, play with the tension. Don't be afraid to back it off and spin easy if you need a break.

    4. Your pelvic area will hurt for a bit. Some suggest a gel seat, but I advise against it. For spin classes I say either wear regular fitted mid-thigh or lower (prevent rubbing) bottoms or padded cycling shorts. After a few weeks of classes the muscles around the pelvic area adjust and you'll be fine. If you use the gel seat you never seem to build that "toughness"

    5. Don't try to keep up with the "old guys" they will kick your *kitten*. They are regulars many of whom ride outside regularly.

    6. Don't worry about the regulars making fun of you. Most everybody in the room started out just the same. They may joke around with you, but that is their way of bringing you into the fold. Everyone has a great story about "when I first tried this..." It's a hard class to get used to.

    7. You get as much out of spinning as you are willing to put in. You give a half assed effort, you get half-assed results. A good instructor is key here!

    8. The instructor is there to guide you. It is your ride. That doesn't mean they expect you to be able to do everything every time. I have participants that range from Cat2 road racers to those who have had multiple bypass surgeries. I can't expect both to have the same abilities, but because they control their own tension they all work to the level they need. There are days that I need an easy spin. So I back off my tension a bit to meet my goals. Likewise, my regulars will say "I've got a race tomorrow, just spinning tonight." I need to know where they are so I know how hard to push.

    9. Let your instructor know if you have specific issues. Our job is to motivate you and to keep you healthy... Contrary to popular belief we don't what to actually hurt you...

    10. Lastly... If you don't like it, try a different instructor. We are alllll different. Some bore me, some annoy me, some I love. People who like my class hate Candy's class. People who love Candy's class hate my class.