Advocare 24 day challenge

I started the Advocare 24 day challenge on 10/13/2014. I have lost 6 lbs since I started. I have greatly altered my diet by eating healthier foods (added lean protein, lots of veggies, and fruits; removed as many processed foods as possible) and keeping track of what I eat via MyFitnessPal. My goal is to lose 65 lbs, so I know I have a ways to go! I also have not started exercising yet... I have to get myself motivated to do that. Encouragement and tips would be appreciated. :)



  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    Hey there! I started the 24 day challenge on September 30th and while yesterday was TECHNICALLY my 24th day, I'm waiting until Friday to officially "end" the challenge and weigh in. I have weighed, but not measured, since day one and have lost about 8 pounds. I know it was probably mostly eating healthy finally and stopping soda, but the challenge encouraged me to start and then to continue once I had started. I haven't even exercised at all yet, but hope to do so soon (like you). Plus some of the products helped me to lower my blood pressure and to stop having migraines. I definitely think it was a good experience and am excited to see what changes I have made when I weigh in on Friday. What has your experience been like so far? I'd love it if we could be friends and motivate/encourage each other along this journey since we have similar goals and plans! :)
  • Congrats on the weight you have lost! I would love to be friends as well. I have had a very positive experience with advocare so far. I am finding it fairly easy to follow the dieting plan, as I actually enjoy eating fruits and veggies. :) Today was the last day of my "cleanse"...the fiber drinks taste awful! Tomorrow I start with all the vitamins/supplements and the morning protein shakes. I have hypothyroidism and I am hoping eating right will help with that. 14 more days of the challenge. I can do this. :)
  • LeannJeffers
    LeannJeffers Posts: 486 Member
    I have considered doing the 24 day challenge. I have plateaued out and need something to jump start me again. I've heard good things with the 24 day challenge.
  • reniesue70
    reniesue70 Posts: 2 Member
    I am also doing the Advocare 24 day challenge. I am currently on day 8 so still in the cleanse portion of the challenge but so far I have lost 11 lbs! However, the most exciting thing for me is how much energy I have! It's been years since I've had this much energy! I have a long ways to go, but these results are so motivating!! Please feel free to add me as a friend, too!
  • I am on my third Challenge, I am down, 7 pounds, on day 6 of the max phase! I absolutely love these products, i have never felt as healthy as i do when I take them. I started this to jump start for the holidays but, after speaking with multiple coaches etc, i have decided to dive full in and continue the "max phase" on after the challenge, which is what the products are designed to do. It is a life style change. I just read the link above and while i respect the opinion of the nutritionist that provided them she is lacking some of the information. part of her argument is that you are cutting out fruit and all dairy, which you don't, both can be in a snack and you can make your shake with milk if you really wanted to. I apologize for my rant but, part of the weight loss process that irks me the most is when on places like this people try to drag you down, or berate your way of doing it. Listen to your own body it will tell you what works and doesn't work for you. For the ladies that are involved in the challenge, keep up the good work!!! Please feel free to add me as well, everyone can always use as much support as possible!
  • kickinmom
    kickinmom Posts: 24 Member
    I stopped losing weight no matter what I did. Have counted and reduced calories, have added exercise, and still playing with the same 2-3 pounds. For over a year. It's a miracle I've kept at it because ordinarily I'd say "forget this" and start eating the crap again. So am doing the Challenge to chance things up!
  • beckyfariss
    beckyfariss Posts: 12 Member
    How did your challenge go?