I have 130 lbs to go! Can I do it?!?



  • theprices
    theprices Posts: 97 Member
    If you believe that you can - YOU CAN! What one person can do, every person can do!!! Best of luck in your journey!
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    This is such a great site. Try doing one day at a time. Then keep adding a day. It does work. People on here have lost over 100 lbs. I think you will find a lot of support. Best of luck with your journey.
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I have the same goal and I can tell you, it's totally doable!!! :happy:
  • ebadams86
    You can do it! From your post, it sounds like you are making this change FOR YOU because YOU want to, and that really is the only way weight loss will happen with diet and exercise. It's a personal choice to change your lifestyle. It might be hard at times, but the results are worth it! You will get lots of support from people on this site =)
  • turbogirl4christ
    You can do it!!!! Good luck!! :)
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    You can definitely do it! I also have about 130lbs to reach my goal weight. I know it seems like a daunting task, but it is achievable! This site has been VERY helpful to me. And making new friends that will help you along the way, is great too. I think it's fantastic that you've joined a gym and are working with personal trainers. Good luck to you!!!
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    You CAN do it!

    One day at a time!

    I'm shooting for a total weight loss of 167. I'm already down 80 pounds and I'm more "mature." This website is fantastic and it works if YOU work it! Take your time and be patient. Don't think of it as a diet, but as a new way of eating, a lifestyle change. The change will come one day at a time.

    Add me if you'd like, I'm in Cleveland.
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    that should say I have 130lbs to to! I CAN DO IT. Not Can i do it?
    It's not a matter of can you or can't you .... YOU CAN & YOU WILL :D

    Very nicely put!

    BELIEVE IT....ACHIEVE IT! :drinker: Here's to the start of a beautiful journey that should only be taken one day and one pound at a time! We are all right here beside you! Good luck, Sweetie!! :flowerforyou:
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Yes you can. This site is not about being on a diet, it's about learning to find a new healthy lifestyle and surrounding yourself with positive encouragement. I have over 135lbs to lose and my wife (hootsmamma) has a 100 to lose. We both love to start our day by getting on here and giving and getting the WTG!, Good Job!, Great Burn!, Awesome just to name a few comments and it is so motivating to get them and then you want to share it and help others feel that way too. It's very empowering and helps you get through the day. It's almost like each persons daily successes are ours cause we are all in this together and you don't want to let yourself or your support group down. Feel free to add us and we'll all get to our goals together. Remember we are all successes on our journey had finding the happy along the way will help us get their faster and easier. Work on self-talk and change that recording. "You can do this! You are doing this! You are successful! You are on a path of health and happiness surrounded by joy" Try Louise Hay's book of affirmations, it will help tremndously. Good Luck!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    First of all... WELCOME!!! :drinker:

    Second, YES YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

    Advice, gather around you positive people and those who motivate you!! MFP is a fabulous tool! You'll love it!!! Log, Log, Log... keep yourself accountable!!

    Good luck! :drinker:
  • ricepattikay
    ricepattikay Posts: 46 Member
    Not only can you do it this site will make it so easy for you!! I love it here!! So easy to keep track of calories! Good luck to you!!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    You can so definitely do it! I have about that much to lose and even though it might take me a while I WILL do it. Especially with this site. The people on here are so supportive and the food and exercise trackers are extremely helpful. Just keep a positive attitude and do your best and that's all you can do! Good luck!!
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    Welcome to MFP!

    Of course you can do it... if you really want to! :-)

    As a little help from my part:
    if you're online every day, just log in your food for a week or 2. That just gives you an overview of what you actually are eating and how much you are burning while working out.
    Then, from that overview, slowly start changing things one by one. Don't try to do all at once, you might not stick with it.
    As an example: if you're consuming 3000 calories per day right now, don't try to reduce them to 1200 at once, rather reduce them by 500 for one week, then another 500 for another week. That way your body (and mind) can adjust to the changings.
    Or, instead of eating white bread, try out some whole wheat bread (or pasta or rice...). Reduce soda consumption by 1 unit per week, and so on.

    Most of all: be aware that you'll need quite a lot of time to get those 130 lbs down. You'll have a lot of down moments, but with a little help and support from MFP buddies you'll get over these :-)

    Sorry if you didn't want all that advice. I hope it helped anyway.

    Good luck, and lots of courage!!!

  • TaneeisFitforLife
    Believe in yourself....you totally can do this!!
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Of course you can! Don't focus on the 130lbs to go but definitely celebrate the pounds lost along the way. Make the journey as pleasant as possible and take time to enjoy the changes. Good luck to you!
  • ItsMeMaryW
    ItsMeMaryW Posts: 119 Member
    Trust me, you CAN do this!!! Best of luck and friend me if you want. I still have 116lbs to go!
  • Kurrah
    Kurrah Posts: 10 Member
    Good luck to you! There is a load of support here and people are very helpful when you have questions! Welcome to MFP!