Need some friends to help motivate me.

Ok, So I'm back again and a few pounds heavier. But now that I have a new walking buddy, (new dog) and my health is much improved, I am hoping to hang in their till I meet my goals. Better yet, I am hoping to make this a lifestyle change I can live with that will help keep my healthy. Only problem is I will get the blues as the weather changes and I won't be able to go out much when it snows, so I will need some serious encouragement. I'm pretty good at getting other people motivated but I suck at motivating myself when I get bored
I've been working slowly working up to to exercising by walking my very energetic puppy and doing yard work and it has been great so far. I actually put on 2 lbs over the weekend and have lost it plus a lb, and I don't feel like I'm starving. Just watching the time I eat and what I eat and I'm drinking more water and have limited the amount of some bad foods.

My problem has actually never been how many calories I eat. Just how quickly I get bored with exercise or sometimes overdoing exercise and injuring myself and having to kick back for a few days and then losing my motivation. I have a crappy back and knees.


  • XstitchCarina
    XstitchCarina Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Pandora, I know what you mean, I tend to get bored with exercise at some point too. And then I need people to urge me to go do it anyways. I was doing really well last year around this time. Started at around 101kg and went to 95kg. But now I am back to 102kg again. I do have my own elliptical (we call it a cross trainer). And I have been using it quite a bit in the last few days. I did do Nordic Walk before, had to stop, because my friend has problems with her knees. Then we started it up just over a month ago again, but I now have bursitis around my achilles. And since my friend still has problems with her knees, we won't be doing that for a while.

    For me, when I have to much in my head, I tend to snack too much and that adds up the calories for me.

    So would love to be your friend and hope we can motivate each other.
  • kamcm12
    kamcm12 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Pandora,

    I'm in much the same boat. I managed a really healthy 35lb loss a few years ago, but it's all back with reinforcements because I got bored and complacent. Also, I've been there with overtraining, a few years ago I had a short-lived love of running, thanks to a bout with plantar fasciitis caused by running too much.

    So, here's to making friends and cheering one another on to make good choices and take time out to celebrate every little accomplishment along the way.

  • Long2bme
    Long2bme Posts: 16 Member
    Add me to this list. I'm at my heaviest weight again simply because over time I became complacent. Add menopause in a total house reno and a new job. Stress drives me to my love of sugar. I need to smarten up and get back on track!!
  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi Pandora, I can relate and I get bored and it seems to be a 4-6 week cycle with me...I am starting up again and yes, menopause is a just cant loose the weight as fast as I would like :-) Feel free to add me as a friend.