Finding the motivation?

Where have you found the motivation to change...........


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    For me, it was about what I wanted to do - moreso than what bodily changes I wanted to make. Sure I wanted to lose weight - but that became more of a side effect. I wanted to be active, to feel like I could do anything without being afraid I could not handle the physical requirements or would be worn out too easily.
  • Trishism
    Trishism Posts: 79 Member
    I also was hoping to become more active. Another thing was that I could still only fit into my pregnancy jeans 5 months after I had my son, and I found that embarrassing. I was unwilling to dish out the money to buy a new wardrobe and was feeling generally unhealthy anyway so instead my husband and I joined a gym and have been eating so much better since the end of August.
  • d6melanie
    d6melanie Posts: 84 Member
    A few things:
    Asking myself, "Is being able to eat/drink/be inactive in the habits to which you are accustomed more worth it to you than being physically capably, truly feeling well and being comfortable in your skin?"

    Connecting with habits in a growth mindset - finding one new thing to add to my abilities until it becomes routine, then adding something else.

    It's hard for me to be motivated by "the outcome" because I have never, even as a teen, been a healthy weight, I've always been 10 pounds into the overweight category. So I don't have a connection to my goal in a visionary way. But I am motivated by feeling awesome because I eat truly nourishing food. Feeling a sense of control over my portions, including new skills and abilities by working out, those are things I can connect to.
  • msalamun
    msalamun Posts: 116 Member
    The best motivation, I think, comes from within. Ask yourself, "Why? Why do you want to do this? Why do you want to live a happie and healthier life? What will you get out of it?" Knowing your own motivation can help so much more than other people's encouraging comments (not that those don't help, because they do!). And then visualize what it will be like being able to do your "why." Visualizing that motivation will help you keep going! And sometimes, if that just isn't enough, there is always us!
  • Misslove36
    Misslove36 Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks all, that's defiantly given something to think about.
    I bounce from diet plan to diet plan thinking each one will be the one, but all I do is eat as much as slimming let's me whilst telling myself I'm do this plan or ww, and resulting in making he feel like a failure and putting on ever more weigh and being more miserable