Looking for a "fitness pal" to help stay motivated and on track?

Hey :) I have been on MFP for quite a while but I need to get more consistent again with my tracking and determination. I have over 100lbs to lose and was hoping to find someone who would be willing to kind of partner up with me, for motivation and support sake, during the journey. Preferably someone who, like me, has a lot to lose, is motivated to make lifestyle changes, not just diet changes, and someone who could benefit also from having a friend to help keep them going. Looking forward to getting re-started! :)


  • I am in the same boat as you. I joined years ago, and just started again. I have alot to lose and having someone to help motivate sounds pretty great. Plus new friends are always nice anyways!
  • kamcm12
    kamcm12 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey ladies,

    I'm in much the same boat.
    100lbs to lose, looking to make proper lifestyle changes that will make a long term difference.

    Friend requests sent :)
  • add me in if you like... I am back again after a huge break away. :):)
  • Hello I started the fitness pal just a couple of weeks ago and I was 198 and now i am 192! I love it!!!
  • mlheideman
    mlheideman Posts: 42 Member
    Me too! I need more buddies!
  • Dezzie1180
    Dezzie1180 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, I have over a 100 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me.