
The past few days I've been getting super-wheezy (but not hugely breathless) during my workouts and exercise classes. It's come on pretty suddenly and I noticed that I get the same when power-walking as well. I was quite asthmatic as a kid but I haven't had a problem with it for a good few years, it only flares up a bit if I get ill. Has anyone elsa had any experience of this?? Thanks!


  • PatchFan
    PatchFan Posts: 19 Member
    You may have exercise-induced asthma. This is asthma that only comes on when exercising. If you were asthmatic at a younger age, there's good reason to believe this may be the case. I assume you're familiar with Albuterol? See if you can get a prescription for it and use it a few minutes before exercising.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Albuterol doesn't work for everyone. I only had success with Singulair.
  • kCalCrusher
    kCalCrusher Posts: 54 Member
    Do you have reflux at all? It can irritate your esophagus and cause inflammation that is exaggerated with heavy breathing while exercising.. especially when the weather is cooler. Just throwing out one of many possible reasons ;o)
  • dukesangel
    dukesangel Posts: 45 Member
    I'm on singulair and albuterol. I have exercise induced asthma as well as adult onset. Since starting the singulair its been glorious as I no longer wake up in the mornings or at night feeling like my lungs gave up on life.

    I do still need the albuterol for intense workouts, but for the most part, I'm able to go longer and better than before.

    Go to the doctor. They should be able to prescribe something for you or at least give tips.
  • healthyhattie
    Thanks for all the responses guys!

    Yeah I have albuterol/salbutamol now and was on Singulair for a while when I was younger.

    I had a chest infection 3-4 weeks ago and took a week off training, the wheezing etc only came on about 10 days after I started back training again. I think I'll see how it goes the rest of the week and then see the doctor. Fingers crossed it's just a bit of chesty residue!