Bad running days... booo :(



  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    My biggest thing is post-race running. Even a week after, I'll be out there plugging away 2-3min above my race pace and wondering how the heck I was able to race when I am "struggling" with that particular training run.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    carossi84 wrote: »
    You know what? I do, I run the same route every day, I moved to the area not to long ago and well, I am scared of getting lost, besides I have to run at nite after I put my kids in bed, so usually is getting dark by that time ... I might have to come up with something to spice it up!

    Not meant to freak you out or anything, but especially because you are running after dark you should consider switching up your route a little bit. As my Grandma always said, "there are bad people with evil thoughts out there."--you just want to make sure that your route is unpredictable enough that one of those 'bad people' can't target you.

    I have bad days, too. As said previously, it seems to be highly dependent on sleep, mental status, food, and/or hydration. Most days I can go 6 with no problem, and today I barely made it over 3.5 (I think it's because I ran in the morning without really eating anything first). It doesn't help that I am in the process of officially losing my first toenail due to running (yuck!).

    The important thing is to work through the issues that are making you feel sluggish, keep it up, and hopefully have fewer bad days!

  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    I have bad days as well, I find it really coordinates with lack of water/food/sleep. I start getting pain in my abdomen, high anxiety and it just makes for a really blegh run. In better news, I'm more mindful of those factors for next time and my next run is usually great.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I hate those days! I agree, totally messes up my confidence and I feel like I'm moving backwards instead of forwards... but I also have high expectations at this point, so it doesn't help... I don't really know what causes it though, but I know I won't have a good workout if I did too much the day before.
    SWEETMAY84 Posts: 66 Member
    mitch16 wrote: »
    carossi84 wrote: »
    You know what? I do, I run the same route every day, I moved to the area not to long ago and well, I am scared of getting lost, besides I have to run at nite after I put my kids in bed, so usually is getting dark by that time ... I might have to come up with something to spice it up!

    Not meant to freak you out or anything, but especially because you are running after dark you should consider switching up your route a little bit. As my Grandma always said, "there are bad people with evil thoughts out there."--you just want to make sure that your route is unpredictable enough that one of those 'bad people' can't target you.

    I have bad days, too. As said previously, it seems to be highly dependent on sleep, mental status, food, and/or hydration. Most days I can go 6 with no problem, and today I barely made it over 3.5 (I think it's because I ran in the morning without really eating anything first). It doesn't help that I am in the process of officially losing my first toenail due to running (yuck!).

    The important thing is to work through the issues that are making you feel sluggish, keep it up, and hopefully have fewer bad days!

    Great advise! My husband was just telling me this a few days ago... I will work on map a few new routes!
  • aevonvett
    aevonvett Posts: 36 Member
    I find that when I have a couple of bad run days a major improvement is just around the corner. A faster run, or better endurance. Keep it up, you'll get there!
  • AdventureVix
    AdventureVix Posts: 46 Member
    I agree with all of the above. Especially that for me it's more mental than physical. Yesterday's run I spent the first 20 mins saying I would stick to my shorter route and try harder next time as I really wasn't feeling it, I got stomach pains, acid and just couldn't get into it at all. Around mile 2 I gave myself a pep talk and just carried on and got over the 4 mile mark. I think at least 60% is mental attitude for me, which I didn't realise until I started out having a terrible run day :) its all a learnjng cufve :)
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Usually it's entireley explainable It's either 1 or some or all of the following.

    1. Insufficient Rest.
    2. Tired Leg Muscles from a leg day or too much running before then.
    3. Dehydration
    4. Inadequate nutrition, particularly lack of carbs. Complex or otherwise. Low glycogen stores can have a huge impact in these cases.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I saw a lot of posts talking about running in the dark. I run, but never early because I work at 4AM...and I see lots of runners, but I never 'see' them properly. Even with the reflective stuff, you are just so hard to see. I've seen some that I didn't even know were there until I've passed, it's so scary for me as a DRIVER. Being a runner, I know how exhilarating that feel is, but being a driver at 4 am, well, that's even a bigger rush, but in a bad way.

    And geez, don't wear BLACK!!
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    I saw a lot of posts talking about running in the dark. I run, but never early because I work at 4AM...and I see lots of runners, but I never 'see' them properly. Even with the reflective stuff, you are just so hard to see. I've seen some that I didn't even know were there until I've passed, it's so scary for me as a DRIVER. Being a runner, I know how exhilarating that feel is, but being a driver at 4 am, well, that's even a bigger rush, but in a bad way.

    And geez, don't wear BLACK!!

    Lol I wear a lot of black being a metal head kinda guy and even I have a white jogging suit for jogging at night. Anyone who runs and crosses streets at night in a black jogging suit at night is really the type of person natural selection was invented for.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    rjmudlax13 wrote: »

    Just remember that bad runs make you stronger. Push yourself a little without hurting yourself and you will get better.
    ^^^^This! I almost enjoy my bad runs as much as my strong ones...

    And since I run at 430 am when it always dark, I just got this and it is excellent...
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    A lot of people run too fast, and so they don't get enough moderate intensity running in their weekly mix. Unless you have a coach who tells you otherwise, about 60-70% of your running should be slow enough that you can talk in complete sentences, or sing, while running. Only 30-40% should be above that threshold, and only 5-10% should be so hard that talking is difficult. Arthur Lydiard's advice to aim for Long Slow Distance runs is still good. ("Slow" doesn't mean "snail's pace," it simply means "slow enough that you can converse.")
    SWEETMAY84 Posts: 66 Member
    bwogilvie wrote: »
    A lot of people run too fast, and so they don't get enough moderate intensity running in their weekly mix. Unless you have a coach who tells you otherwise, about 60-70% of your running should be slow enough that you can talk in complete sentences, or sing, while running. Only 30-40% should be above that threshold, and only 5-10% should be so hard that talking is difficult. Arthur Lydiard's advice to aim for Long Slow Distance runs is still good. ("Slow" doesn't mean "snail's pace," it simply means "slow enough that you can converse.")

    I really like this statement~
    I use my Iphone and I have this great playlist, sometimes I cross other runners that look at me like I am a nut, because I sing, out loud, when I run LOL
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Travel the same route but backwards?
    SWEETMAY84 wrote: »
    You know what? I do, I run the same route every day, I moved to the area not to long ago and well, I am scared of getting lost, besides I have to run at nite after I put my kids in bed, so usually is getting dark by that time ... I might have to come up with something to spice it up!

  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I have good days and bad days while running. Some of my bad can be attributed to: sore from the previous day's workout, not getting enough sleep, diet is off (not eating enough or eating less healthy food than normal), running too often (I can run everyday now, but when starting out I could only run every other day or else my legs were too tired), not stretching properly after the previous day's workout, or just having an overall "off" day.
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    I think everyone has bad running days. Usually my worst are on the days I feel the best, and my best are usually on the days I feel the worst. You always have to try, or you might miss out on a good running day :).
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    edited October 2014
    Monday 7.5 was easy. Yesterday I wanted to quit at 2 and made it to 3.25. Partly to blame was the fact that it was hot and humid. It's at least half mental. This morning I did a fairly easy 7.75 miles. I actually started feeling really really good around mile 6. Weeeeee!

    Everyone has bad days. Just shrug it off and try again tomorrow.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,564 Member
    Runners in my neighbor seem to feel the need, after dark, to jog in the middle of the bloody road rather than on the perfectly good sidewalks, without sufficient reflective gear. I came about 3 feet from hitting some dude jogging in a dark grey hoodie the other night and he had the gall to curse at me!