Self-esteem issues...

I have a lot of issues with the way I look and others opinion and its getting in the way of my weight loss, Just yesterday I lost a total of 10.8 pounds which I was proud of until I got into an argument with one of my friends(don't have a lot of those) which stressed me out and I haven't stopped eating since(gained back 2 of those pounds in a day, A DAY!!!) can someone please help me.


  • Rugbynutter
    Rugbynutter Posts: 33 Member
    Hey there; don't let 2lb gain detract from your amazing effort at dropping 10. You're still 8lb lighter than you started! That's an incredible effort, give yourself the credit you deserve.

    What is it that worries you? What do you think 'THEY' think?

    I don't remember who but there's a quote of "What other people think of me is none of my damn business!". I agree with that. Are you a bad person? I'll take a stab at no. Do you ever intentionally hurt people? Again, I'll guess no. Are there people in the world that love you & care for you? Most definitely yes! If I'm right then what others might think of you is irrelevant.

    You have made an incredible start on an amazing journey. Don't you let other people's opinions stop you achieving more.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sounds like you're saying you lost 10.8 pounds yesterday... Perhaps you meant "after losing 10.8 pounds, I had a run in with my friend yesterday..."
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    You are doing very well. I don't have many friends either. But I do have those same issues. It will be ok. Repeat after me :I am a strong beautiful independent woman! I am as I was created and I love every part of me! ( by the way this affirmation does work and builds up esteem and self love) focus on what you have done positive not negative bc you get what you think about. Now the best thing to do with your friend is! 2. Talk to the person! 3. Make up 4. Eat again! And go for a walk to decompress. ((((Huggies))))) :persevere: you can you will you must!