Weight loss has come to a stop after 71lbs lost.

I ave. per day 1200 cal., 35g sugar, 35g fat, 1700g sod. 75g prot.
After 71 lbs of weight loss which took 16 months, I have come to a complete stop, no weightloss for 10 weeks.
I do a heavy work out 6 days a week. What can I do to get the weight loss moving again?


  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Try eating about 300 calories more a day. Your body may be used to what you are doing!
  • llm12
    llm12 Posts: 49
    Are you eating your exercise calories back? I must admit I was skeptical of doing this at first; however, three weeks ago I hit a plateau. I gave in a few days ago, and began eating back the exercise calories. Today, I finally saw a loss after several weeks of nothing!
  • kathywoo10
    kathywoo10 Posts: 139 Member
    I read a post from Jillian Michaels on facebook and she said if your loss has come to a stop you might be eating to few calories or you might have reached a healthy weight...
  • mmensah
    mmensah Posts: 42 Member
    change your diet and exercise again eat more veggies and eat tuna which are lean meats and will elliminate fat in your diet...Try 1 protein shake before work out 5 egg whites, 6 large Starwberrys and water for breakfast...for lunch whole bag of brocalli and tuna raw or 4oz chicken breast...for dinner chicken breast and cauliflower...you have to eat alot of veggies in order to loose alot of weight...and do cardio up hill make you sweat and bur fat more...let me know what you think
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Try eating about 300 calories more a day. Your body may be used to what you are doing!

    Agreed. I read that the closer you get to your goal, the smaller the deficit needs to be. I would try it for a few weeks and see what happens. I was at 1200 for 2.5 months with 23 pounds lost, then came to a stop for about 6 weeks. I increased my cals to 1350-1400 and lost 5 more pounds in a weeks time.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    mix up your routine...try eating more calories (or calorie cycling) and adding in more intense work outs
  • Moliver568
    Eat more? I find that after I have a day where I've gone off diet and eaten more than usual my body decides its ready to let some weight go. For example, Wed I ate very little, worked out and lost no weight. Yesterday I had two meals out at work where I didn't control portion size (just took guesses) and ate a normal dinner. Today I weighed myself to see what I had gained and found I had actually lost a pound and a half since yesterday morning. My metabolism would be great if I was a starving peasant in Russia like my ancestors were.
  • Robertlawnicki
    Robertlawnicki Posts: 25 Member
    Are you telling me that if I burn 700 cal. during my work out, I should eat 700 cal more each day?
    That would bring my total cal. count to 1900 per day. I always thought that if you burn more cal. than
    you take in you will lose weight.
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    From what I read on here regularly...1200 is intended for starting weith loss and the number that WOMEN should not go under. I've seen a ton of men saying that 1600 is the minimum for an average man to take in. You have done great so pat yourself on the back, eat a few hundred calories more a day while still excercising and I bet you start dropping that weight again! Good job man!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    MFP sets your caloric intake goals to reflect how much you need to eat based off your normal activity level, it does not include excercsie because it doesnt anticipate you excercising (like a personal trainer or nutritionist would) SO yes you do need to eat back atleast half of your workout cals.

    I know how the mentality works and was stuck in it for awhile

    cals in < energy out = weight loss

    which is true TO AN EXTENT. Since MFP already sets you at the calorie deficit you need to loose weight without excercise eating your excercise cals back is important
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    Are you telling me that if I burn 700 cal. during my work out, I should eat 700 cal more each day?
    That would bring my total cal. count to 1900 per day. I always thought that if you burn more cal. than
    you take in you will lose weight.

    Yes that is exactly what they recommend and it is just the opposite of what we, as people trying to lose weight, would probably think. I had a very hard time doing this but after 5 weeks of only losing 1 pound per week, I gave in and decided to eat HALF of my exercise cals back and it worked! I reported a BIG loss the following week. 1200 calories is the minimum number of calories you are to eat each day. If you eat 1200 calories then burn 700 calories - you've only consumed 500 calories which is not enough calories for normal body function. Remember you burn calories when you are breathing, sitting, talking, laughing etc. If you eat 1200 calories and burn half that off, you've not consumed enough calories for normal body function and as a result your body is going to try and hang on to that weigh for survival. Hope this makes sense.
  • Robertlawnicki
    Robertlawnicki Posts: 25 Member
    OK it has been one week, I increased my cal.intake to about 1700 cal per day and I have put on 4 lbs.
    I also started resistance training. I am going to try the cal. increase for another week, and hope that I start
    losing again.
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member
    I think you are trying to overcomplicate things
    the basic gist is we all have a daily food intake we need to keep a weight stasis
    as an example:- for me this is 2400cals based on my lifestyle, job etc etc
    i aim to reduce this intake to 1400cals - the 1000cals not consumed is my weight loss

    If i exercise and burn 400 cals I need to consume 400cals on top of my 1400 or else my body will shut down and go into starvation mode and not shed the calories (yes initially i will drop weight and then it will stop - the thing that causes most people to stop their weight reduction plans, me included.....)

    I am watching what I eat as well so healthy calories not sugary fat loaded foods
    hang in there and you will get to your goals