Why Im gaining weight

Hi everyone, Im gain 4 pounds doing a week!!!!!!!! I dont know why im burn 600 calories a day! Im watching what im eating, but i did eat lots of bad food on Easter, but would that be enough 2 gain the 4 pounds???? Im lost!!! Can any one explain that 2 me why im gaining weight eveing tho im exercising and eating 1300 calories a day. Help???????


  • Shaylaluvsya
    Could be water weight..do NOT get discouraged! Best of luck!
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    May need to eat more.
    Make sure you are drinking LOTS of water!!
  • Cnava01
    Cnava01 Posts: 37
    Was this the only week that you gained?
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I gained a pound on Easter and lost it within the week. It is probably because of sodium...
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    Hi everyone, Im gain 4 pounds doing a week!!!!!!!! I dont know why im burn 600 calories a day! Im watching what im eating, but i did eat lots of bad food on Easter, but would that be enough 2 gain the 4 pounds???? Im lost!!! Can any one explain that 2 me why im gaining weight eveing tho im exercising and eating 1300 calories a day. Help???????

    It's probably water retention from taking in too much sodium. Just keep logging your calories, exercising, and going about your other daily activities. Your weight will fluctuate; but over time, you'll see a significant amount of weight-loss as long as you keep logging.
  • bfnp
    bfnp Posts: 58
    If you're gaining that fast it's most likely water weight. Watch your sodium and sweat it out!
  • jmijaressf
    jmijaressf Posts: 215
    Yup, like they said. Drink a lot of water! Also, if you had a lot of sodium over Easter that would add to the weight gain. Don't despair!
  • MrsZMartin
    MrsZMartin Posts: 165 Member
    I am having the same problem :( I eat more like 1700 cals/day, but I still net about 1400 every day, and am very active (I average 15,000 steps on my pedometer every day). I have decided to take May off from the scale and see where I end up at the beginning of June. I will still count and exercise, but I'm losing sleep over the scale numbers, so I'm taking a break. Wanna join me?
  • mmensah
    mmensah Posts: 42 Member
    all depends on what you ate...Ham has alot of sodium in it...and hopefully you drank water instead of juices and soda...Just eat alot of vegetables for a week like brocalli and tuna raw and you will loose it back quick..
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    what type of exercise are you doing? is it possible that you could be gaining muscle?
  • Dicktracy64
    Like everyone else said...watch your sodium. The most important thing other than keeping up with your diet and exercise is WATER. Most people do not realize how 64 oz of water a day will help you lose weight. So if you are not drinking it...start and you will see a difference.

    Keep it up!! We all gain and lose while dieting...so dont get discouraged.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    How about try eating. That might work. You can't eat 1300 calories a day and burn 600. That's a net of 700.

    If you boss told you Hey...instead of me giving your 1300 a week for pay I'm only going to give you 700 what would you do
    with that money? I'll answer for you. You save more and not BURN thru it so fast.
    Women, listen to me. Get it out of your head that you have to starve yourself and exercise like crazy to lose weight. You have to play smarter, not harder.
    To gain 4 lbs in a week you would have to have eaten 14000 extra calories. Not likely.
    Plus women do flucuate a lot especially during TOM.
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    2 other reasons not mentioned....1. If exercising as much as you say you are, your toning up and losing inches. 2. 1300 cals is not enough for the amount your burning off. 1300 - 600 = 700 cals a day. Way short for body to help you lose weight,actually doing the opposite effect, body is working against you instead of helping,this is called self preservation.
    Increase cals to at least 1800 or do increments of 100 cals a week till starting to lose the weight again, good luck to you!:wink:
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Here's a few reasons...

    Time of month
    Water weight --if you lots of food with salt
    over calculation on exercise calories burned
    type of workout--cardio vs weight training , maybe gained muscle
    when you weighed...weighing should occur on same time, same scale, wearing the same clothes

    Hope this helps. Don't get discouraged. Just look over your diary and over the week and really scrutinize where you may have gained the weight.
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    How about try eating. That might work. You can't eat 1300 calories a day and burn 600. That's a net of 700.

    If you boss told you Hey...instead of me giving your 1300 a week for pay I'm only going to give you 700 what would you do
    with that money? I'll answer for you. You save more and not BURN thru it so fast.
    Women, listen to me. Get it out of your head that you have to starve yourself and exercise like crazy to lose weight. You have to play smarter, not harder.
    To gain 4 lbs in a week you would have to have eaten 14000 extra calories. Not likely.
    Plus women do flucuate a lot especially during TOM.

    Agree! I see it all too often that people are trying to eat 1200 cals and exercise a lot.
    I eat most of my exercise cals most of the time and I have small goals of loss at a time, so my allotted cals are 1660. I still lose!
    I don't want to have to starve to lose, because eventually you have to eat.......and with that comes the regain. Starting the cycle again. I want to lose and be done and maintain :smile:
  • jesseylou22
    I am asking why I am not losing as much as i feel i should be.. most people have told me to eat more, but it is hard for me to do, because I am afraid I will gain! Maybe we should try the eat more thing!
  • dolphin21
    dolphin21 Posts: 301 Member
    :smile: Thanks everyone!!!!!! Yes its probably water or sodium or even musclue! ya i did eat lots of carna asada meat and tortillas!!! Im mexican....lol!!! I do the eliptical and Julillian Micheals ab workout, other differnt cardio workout and jog on treadmill, I switch it up! So just got 2 watch my Sodium intake then!! Thanks again pals
  • dolphin21
    dolphin21 Posts: 301 Member
    Yes it was the only week i gained!!!!
  • Cnava01
    Cnava01 Posts: 37
    If it is the only week where you gained then don't sweat it at all! You might even want to up your calories a little if you maintain a good exercise schedule but stress doesn't help weight loss progress so I would just shrug it off and consider it a minor glitch. :)