Not sure whether to gain or lose I alone?

Hi Im Vonne. Im 41 and I have an issue that Im not sure how to fix. My metabolism is completely shut down and I have to build it back up. I have pretty much been surviving off of 1 meal a day or sometimes every other day and empty calories. Ive been told i have to eat 5 small meals and Ill probably gain first. My question is being that I was only getting about 500-1000 calories a day...whats a good calorie intake I can start at? Somebody please help and oh....I need some friends too!


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    edited October 2014
    You would be 6ft under if your "metabolism was completely shut down". You don't tell us anything that would allow calculation of a target and your diary is closed - what calories does MFP allocate you if you set it to a small weight loss ?

    You could start at 1400 calories with say 100 grams of protein in the mix. Eat 30g of protein in each of three meals per day with 10g available for a snack.
  • I just made my diary public. Can you take a look at it please? It says im suppose to consume 1200 calories. That would definitely be an increase for me. I did my first day of clean eating today still short on calories.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    edited October 2014
    Try adding in a couple of handful of nuts if you're not allergic. Protien and high calorie count. Almonds is a good way to go.

    Try adding in more vegetables. Add in some amount of carb such as brown rice or a side of a pasta dish.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Not for nothing, but have you consulted a doctor?

    I ask this because it sounds like you have had some either health issues or eating disorder issues that you're attempting to resolve. This is a great first step. But if you have been vastly undereating for a long time, you should be tackling those issues with the supervision of a trained physician.

    You say "I have been told" -- by whom?
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I agree if you haven't seen a doctor. You should. Have you completed your diary entry for the day? If so you are not eating enough food.