What does a "Cheat Day" mean to you?



  • crysmiss86
    crysmiss86 Posts: 67 Member
    one word: Doritos
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    Cheat day or as I would rather call it a Free day, not so negative is a planned day to eat whatever you want. Those that eat clean 6 days a week and have a free/cheat day can eat whatever they desire.. that is what I know it as.

    I agree with moderation and being reasonable. I don't need an entire day.. sometimes I just like to have a bit of chocolate or a piece of pizza or something like that.. Me personally, to plan an entire day of free eating, it is like I am saying all or nothing and I try to stay away from that type of thinking. I have been down that road before and it didn't lead me to a good place.

    Everyone is different and has a choice to do what works for them. The free/cheat day works brilliantly for many, and we have to do what works for us.
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    Do you eat more calories? Do you eat unhealthy foods? Do you not workout? A combination?!?

    My cheat day means I will still try and stay close to 1200 net calories but I will eat unhealthy foods. Today I am having a jibarito, 747 calories. For those who dont know what that is....its a sandwich that contains meat, tomato, lettuce, garlic and mayo...but instead of bread holding it together, its two slices of deep fried plantains. I am still going to workout, but I don't think I will be able to recover from that sandwich.

    Oh my that sandwich sounds naughtily-good!!!!

    My cheat day is usually a cheat meal. Tonight it is pizza, but with ham & pineapple, no greasy pepperoni or sausage. I try and stay "good" for the day until I have my cheat meal.
  • A cheat day to me is a day of no planning, counting and usually on a holiday, like Easter when sharing with relatives. :flowerforyou:
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    I don't do cheat days because it's too hard for me to get back on the wagon once I jump off. Sometimes I will have a little bit of something just to satisfy the cravings....it's all about moderation for me =)

    I totally feel the same way!! I just allow my self a candy bar or something one day, instead of "whole days" I have a cheat snack or dinner or whatever..
  • I guess its not really a cheat day, Saturdays I do long bike rides 4-5 hours and burn a ton of calories so I eat pretty much all day afterwards. But I still dont consume all of my exercise calories.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    It means I can go over my calories with little guilt. Besides one bad day, I mainly stay under my calorie goal 6 days a week. So when Friday or Saturday hits, I'm fine eating some pizza and drinking a couple glasses of vodka since I've been so controlled with the way I eat prior. This plan is automatic now and I love it. I don't crave as much bad things during the week and if I do I easily can wait until the weekend hits. I never used to be like that before. Also, I plan ahead what my cheat food will be and what's the most I'll eat of it.

    Half of my cheat days I don't go over on calories (though I'll sometimes force myself to in order to hike up my metabolism); I just eat much less during the day before I go out that night. Therefore even on my "bad" day of the week, I'm still losing. Love it! :-D
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    To me it means I can indulge a little ( but still stay close to my calorie goals) so that I don't get sick of the usual food restrictions

    I will still exercise, but perhaps not as hard as I usually do. I refuse to ruin what I have accomplished so far just to eat unhealthy.

    I also don't want to beat myself up over eating something horrible for me and then feeling depressed for doing it! When I indulge I will have a litte ice cream instead of the low fat frozen yogurt I have been eating...
  • katyrose221
    katyrose221 Posts: 69 Member
    I never plan a cheat day. But sometimes they just happen (usually when I have a date with my hubby or a night out with friends). However, I ALWAYS track my calories, even on those days. I don't usually feel the need for one, but if I go over my calories, I am okay with it, if it is once a week or less. Lately, since switching to low-Carb, I find it really hard to go over my cals (I just can't seem to eat that much in veggies and meat)...but I do tend to go over my self-imposed carb level.

    It is sort of one of those things though, that once you realize how may cals are in a milkshake, it is hard to justify it (especially after thinking about what you are eating every day, all day, and recording it), it starts to feel like it really isn't worth it to overindulge in high cal foods. Over time feeling the urge for things like that has drastically dwindled.

    Still I love to eat!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    ok, so yeah, CHEAT DAYS!!! uhhh...so in order for me to not feel guilty..i do them only when i have to...when i get that feeling of i just want fried foods and candy!! what i do is eat all junk all day all my cravings but stay withing my 1400 calorie limit...since im on jillian 30ds i still workout. this way i know the day did nothing for me health wise but i know no weight was gained....once you start this weight loss journey its hard to just say screw it and mess up all your hard work....have a great cheat day!
  • Laelee
    Laelee Posts: 36
    This is exactly how I feel too and its the reason why I don't have cheat days. I don't need to, what I chose normally, fullfills my needs. I find the farther along I go, the more I crave healhy stuff and prefer it over what I used to eat. You know, all the junk that got me into trouble in the first place! I still have treats, so to speak, because my family brings them home, but they just don't have the same appeal anymore and I'm able to finally control my intake of them. Usually after a bite or two, I'm done. Too salty, too sweet, too greasy etc etc.
    A cheat what? Nah not me. I love my good food to much. Have so many great foods I have found that taste amazing and recipes that I feel like everyday is a cheat day for me. If you are tired of "healthy" food then you might need to broaden your horizons and look for something more appealing. Just a thought not a slam...its hard to say stuff nice by text. ha! I have some great recipes if you want them message me.

    K see ya! =0)
  • mattyh21
    mattyh21 Posts: 14 Member
    to me there is no such thing as a cheat day. When losing weight or trying to become "healthy" it is not a short process but something that your body will be doing for its whole life. Being on a diet for a year is pointless, you need to have fun with life and take it to the max, if it means one day you go a little crazy and have a few slices of pizza then so what. You have your whole life to take that "weight" off, the next day go a little harder or a little longer. It is limiting how many cheat days in a month that will help everyone lose weight. If a "cheat day" is occurring less and less then great! if not, as long as you keep working out and getting the proteins your body needs, nothing will be out of reach!

    Good luck and enjoy life, enjoy food, and be merry!
  • locococo
    locococo Posts: 17
    I think cheat days are ok and healthy, as long as you can control yourself. If you have a habit of not being able to do moderation, avoid them.

    Day to day counting is good, but generally what really counts is what happens over a week. If you deny yourself something you really crave too much, you set yourself up for a binge, etc.

    So every so often I let myself eat something not so healthy and not feel bad about it, even if I go a little over the daily calories. There's no need to freak out over an oreo or slice of cheesecake.
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    My cheat day is something that I don't usually eat in my daily foods. I try to keep them within my calories. Like I'll have lasagna or a fried food and keep it to a minimal.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I don't do "cheat days" I do a cheat meal. usually once or twice a month we go to this awesome chinese buffet and I don't keep track of what i eat there. If I do feel I ate a ton, then I eat something really low calorie for dinner like veggies but more times than not, Im still full from the chinese. I only eat 1 plate when we go which is much better than the 2+ that I used to eat. I don't eat dessert there either. For me, its the only way to still let me have something I want without going too overboard because if I wasn't allowed a meal a couple times a month, I wouldn't stick to this.

    Now we do have taco bell every friday night but I incorporate that into my daily calories and make sure I stay under with it. But Im not about to take my measuring cup and food scale to china buffet haha
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Don't get me wrong...In the last 5 weeks I have had 1 cheat day and pretty much beat myself up the next day for it. I have decided to have one cheat day a month, since I don't build in a rest/off day.
  • I stuff my face with whatever I want Saturday and Sunday!! It kick starts my metabolism again. I am within my weight range so I have to keep my metabolism burning so thats what I do. :-)
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    to me there is no such thing as a cheat day. When losing weight or trying to become "healthy" it is not a short process but something that your body will be doing for its whole life. Being on a diet for a year is pointless, you need to have fun with life and take it to the max, if it means one day you go a little crazy and have a few slices of pizza then so what. You have your whole life to take that "weight" off, the next day go a little harder or a little longer. It is limiting how many cheat days in a month that will help everyone lose weight. If a "cheat day" is occurring less and less then great! if not, as long as you keep working out and getting the proteins your body needs, nothing will be out of reach!

    Good luck and enjoy life, enjoy food, and be merry!

    I agree with this but I've been trying to eat what I will eat for the rest of my life while losing weight. I've changed a lot of eating habits, but I know I won't be drinking Soy milk forever so I don't do it now. My goal is to lose weight while eating healthier but within the things I know I can live with for the rest of my life. If that makes sense. I know I love ice cream so I eat ice cream occasionally instead of every day now. Good post!
  • Mandam1018
    Mandam1018 Posts: 70 Member
    My "cheat" day includes eating as I normally would, doing my normal exercise, but then I may have a few drinks that evening (and yes, I mean a few as in 2 or 3). Other than that, I really try to keep it all the same. Now I do have "rest" day once a week where I eat normally but don't do any gym-type exercises.
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    I don't do cheat days because it's too hard for me to get back on the wagon once I jump off. Sometimes I will have a little bit of something just to satisfy the cravings....it's all about moderation for me =)

    I agree. It's all about moderation for me. If I want a some cake, I just have a small peice and try to stay within my calories.
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