Food Addiction, Craziness - Someone help me stop!

I've been struggling to lose the weight that I've been progressively putting on over the past years. I've gone from being at my fittest (though not my lightest) around 70 kilos to close to my heaviest at the moment (75kilos - 165 pounds) with little to no muscle. I feel extremely uncomfortable with my body like this, I don't feel like myself.
I've gone through unsuccessful bulimia, but have thankfully stopped.
I can't stop myself from eating, I don't even have any money for food at the moment but I end up stealing cookies from my flatmates ;(
I feel as though logging with MFP sometimes makes me over obsess over my food and causes me to binge? I've been getting back into exercise but I feel like I never see results and there's so many differing opinions and advice I just don't know what to do...

I'd love any advice and support from people that are actually managing to handle this whole weightloss ordeal!


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    You know, this happens to a lot of people. Don't be so hard on yourself. This journey is tough, for sure. The best thing that you can do is to find a good support group that you can go to for advice and encouragement to stay the course. What is your nutrition like? How many calories are you eating? How are you exercising (type and times/week)? Are you really pushing yourself hard?

  • sasquatch18
    sasquatch18 Posts: 7 Member
    I've been going through this for a while, I can't find the courage to speak to anyone about it truthfully as I feel they won't take me seriously (they usually don't when I've tried).

    My nutrition varies, I have good days when I'm distracted but then today I binged big time for example (I think because I started exercising again recently?)
    Calories I try to be around 1200-1400 to 2000/2500+ on binge/bad days.
    Aiming to exercise minimum 3 times a week again. I find it hard to push myself, I can do it at the gym but I seem completely unable to control my food urges and ruin all my progress...

    Thanks for replying Allan!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I think you need to find help on why you eat emotionally? You say logging pushes you to binge. Can you elaborate on that?
  • sasquatch18
    sasquatch18 Posts: 7 Member
    When I start tracking everything I eat, I start feeling overly restrained which I think causes my to go in the extreme other direction and binge on anything and everything.

    I definitely eat emotionally, boredom, for happiness/pleasure - but I can't seem to find a suitable replacement... I'm actually in a good mental state at the moment et it's still happening.
  • DojoMaster888
    DojoMaster888 Posts: 61 Member
    Sounds like myself, especially when your surrounded by people who offer temptation (constantly baking, or ordering out) it becomes hard not to give in at some point. Its funny because I can sit there and go through entire arguments with myself on why I should/shouldn't eat something everytime I see something tempted. Constant battle with yourself.

    At least your engaging yourself at the gym again. This is what I found to be the best help by working out I then can convince myself not to waste all the effort at the gym by eating something that will give only a momentary satisfaction. The struggle is real :p
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    is your profile picture you? if yes, then I do not think you need to lose weight. I think you would benefit from eating at current levels and mix some heavy lifting to preserve muscle mass and drop a little body fat…

    it sounds like you have my body dysmorphia …that is just my two cents…

    learn to love the bod you have…start working out/lifting heavy, and keep eating at your current ranges….
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    When I start tracking everything I eat, I start feeling overly restrained which I think causes my to go in the extreme other direction and binge on anything and everything.

    I definitely eat emotionally, boredom, for happiness/pleasure - but I can't seem to find a suitable replacement... I'm actually in a good mental state at the moment et it's still happening.

    I can say that being a gym addict has its perks and just being smart to not over train. I go to the gym when I am happy. I really go when I am upset. I hit the weight harder when I am pissed off. I think if you substitute the eating for those emotions with physical activity. Walking hanging out with friends being active. Also you do not have to restrict the foods you love in life. Just make other choices to stay in the calorie limit. Also professional help can help. I know how it is for funds to be low though.