How much excercise is "healthy"?

I run about 40 minutes a day on a treadmil or eliptical 5 days a week

Also do some weight training on machines for about 15 minutes each time after cardio

On the treadmill it ends up being about 2.5 miles with around 250- 275 calories burned (just an average). I run the entire time, no light jogging/walking.

On the eliptical, it won't read back miles, but at about 75-80 strides per minute, with about 250-350 calories burned (just an average)

My daily activity is mostly sitting, since I have a desk job

I am 5 ft 3 and weigh 170.5

Just trying to figure out if I am working out enough??? I can't get my scale to go past 170.5!!! I got down to 168 2 weeks ago, but it shot right back up this past week... beyond frustrated!!!!


  • jmijaressf
    jmijaressf Posts: 215
    I have a desk job too. Could your sudden weight gain be related to Easter Sunday food? I shot up three pounds after Easter.

    Try increasing the intensity a little bit in your cardio workout and see if that helps.
  • Jalcine
    Jalcine Posts: 5 Member
    Diet is 80% of weight loss - how many calories are you eating? Are you weighing/measuring all of your foods? How many carbohydrates are you taking in? You could look into different dieting methods to help you lose that weight.. Low-carb, slow-carb, 4-hour body, clean eating, paleo, etc etc.. there are lots out there :) And they're not all just "fads", they're sustainable methods of eating.. Just stick with a good diet and you should see the weight drop

    As far as exercise goes, maybe cut the cardio down to 30 minutes and do another 10-15 minutes of strength training? I know cardio is important, but I'm pretty sure 30 minutes is enough and that the strength training is 'more important'.. learn some mat exercises if the machines get too boring (I know I get bored of them pretty fast)

    There are lots of things you can try to get past the 170 mark. Also, I often hit a new 'low' like your 168lb but it'll go back up, and then down, and then up, then maybe down and down.. our weight fluctuates often with our cycles and hydration levels :S Oh the joys of being a lady!
  • kevinsherrell
    You seem to be workout more than enough. Do you have a Heart Rate Monitor? If not, that will tell you more on how much your body is being pushed.

    Other than that - What is your diet like?
  • Tacosmamma
    Tacosmamma Posts: 39 Member
    How much weight have you lost already? You could be at a plateau which I got before every 10lbs and then all the sudden the weight would drop again. About two yrs ago, I was working out 7 days a week but after about 6 months I fell out and couldnt keep up with it. Is your sodium high? Could be retaining water? Are you drinking alot of water? Sorry for all the questions... I think 5 days is good. I usually work out 5 days a week now!
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    What's your net calorie intake after you have accounted for your exercise? If it gets too low (mine seems to be lower than 1200 kcal) then you stop losing weight. I had this problem a few weeks ago, seemed crazy at the time to (slightly) increase my calories to lose weight but it worked!
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I used to wonder this as well. I workout 6-7 days a week. Switching it up at every instance I can.

    I have people who tell me I exercise too much... but if I don't see a problem with it, then why should they.

    I like to sweat. I like to feel good. I think if it becomes a problem you would know it.
  • lisapickering
    You can trying doing intervals in your cardio -- basically increasing your speed for a short amount of time throughout your run then going back to your normal speed, several times throughout your workout. This brings your heartrate up and down and burns fat faster. I think if you look through the posts in MFP you will find lots of information about it.

    The other issue may be that you're not eating enough? My best weeks are those when I have eaten most of my exercise calories.
  • TonysMiss
    TonysMiss Posts: 128 Member
    more muscle burns more fat.....I would try to increase your strength training and mixing it up. Your body will get accustomed to the same ol' same ol' and quit responding as well. If you mix it up you are constantly keeping your body "confused" for lack of a better term. Have you tried any sort of curcuit training? It's a GREAT way to get both cardio and strength training in one.

    Maybe check out this link

    Might I also add I don't neccessarily agree with the "too much cardio can make you fat"'s just information = )
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    Your exercise sounds fine to me...depending how long this has been I'd look at switching up exercises & taking a closer look at portions, etc with food. You've come this far! You got this :)
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    I am 5'1" and started this journey at 168 and now down to 141 and have a desk job.


    I only do cardio 2x a week but a high intensity --burns more calories for less time. I did spin classes for about 5 weeks and lost some weight while watching what I eat. Then I started doing weight training 4x week with carh to only 2x week. My strength training are always supersets, circuits, or pyramids with light weights. I have seen more changes in my body with the strength training than the 5 weeks of constant cardio. Also- I started eating really clean and eating 6 small meals every 2-3 hours, plus no carbs after meals 3-6.

    Hope this helps. Just remember that everyone is different and yo have to find what works for your body.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    agree. weight loss is 80% what you eat. exercise is for health! and yes, you are exercising enough. there is no magic number towards how much each person should work out and what is healthy for them. there are recommended times (3 - 5 hors a week is for optimum overall health) but it's your attitude towards your workouts that make the difference between what is healthy exercise and what is not.

    good luck!!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Try upping your calorie intake to 1500. That helped me alot
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Hey, hope you don't mind, I took a peek at your diary... looks good for the most part, but it looks like the past week you've been getting a fair bit of sodium. It's quite possible that the reason you're not seeing a loss is because you're retaining some water. Maybe try to get a bit of extra water in you and watch the sodium for a couple of days, then see if you notice more of a loss. :) Your workouts sound good to me!

    Best of luck!
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    Based on your diary this week, I'd say you are stuck b/c you aren't eating enough. You hover around 1000-1200 net cals a day. You aren't tall but you aren't exceptionally short either so the 1200 cal minimum for the average person should be about right for you. With all your exercise, your body needs fuel to feed the muscles you are developing that will help you burn *more* cals call day long (even at your desk). If you don't give your body enough energy, it will hold tight to the stored energy it does have. So eat a bit more to lose weight... maybe net around 1300 cal. You may see a bit of gain for a week, then it should start moving down again.

    Here are some other posts recently about what might be going on for people who are plateauing.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    Another vote for eating more, assuming you are eating too little.
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I also vote for eating more, and cutting out some of the processed foods like snack packs, frozen meals and white bread. I switched to Aunt Millie's Whole Wheat Slimwiches at 90 calories. Also, are you adding any mayo or anything to your sandwiches or anything else that is unaccounted for in your diary?
  • Tacosmamma
    Tacosmamma Posts: 39 Member
    I didnt realize that I could view your diary. Yes, you need to eat more!
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    The quality of the food you are eating could probably be improved (I glanced at the last few weeks of your diary). Upping the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, replacing all "white" bread with whole grain, and replacing your snacks with more healthy options might help. For example, instead of a Pringles 100 calorie snack pack, how about a yogurt, an apple with peanut butter, or cheese stick, all of which have more nutritional value and sustenance than the chips (feed your body with the good stuff!).

    Hope this helps. Your workouts sound great! Keep it up!
  • luckyme65
    luckyme65 Posts: 16 Member
    Your are working a ton!!! GOOD FOR YOU! But I agree that weight loss is mostly what you eat....I too, looked at your're eating a bunch of carbs....try limiting them for one week and see how that works for you! Good Luck! OH! And ALWAYS EAT BREAKFAST!!!! (an omlet takes 3 minutes to make!!!)
  • Pakitalian85
    Pakitalian85 Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you all... I have taken all advice into account... been REALLY watching the sodium lately. Drinking MORE water, and trying to force myself to eat more, even though I'm not hungry... Trying the interval thing... trying to make some BIG changes...Thank you for all the support... you all are amazing :)