Diet Soda....what are your thoughts?



  • relaws
    relaws Posts: 25 Member
    i am a caffeine FREAK, bad, i know!! i drink 3-5 diet dr peppers a day. i drink water too though. and i drink energy drinks and coffee occasionally. so no, i don't think you are doing too bad, compared to myself!! :-)
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    Here are my two cents: I avoid pop period. Why? Cause it will ruin your teeth! My dentist told me sooo many times...cut the pop and juice. Water, Tea and Milk. Easier said then done, I know.

    UGH!!! And that's really the worst of it for me. I have problems with my teeth!!! My dentist tells me to drink a soda with a meal and then rinse after. The worst is sipping on it. And that's my biggest downfall....I like to have it on hand. But I have made significant changes as far as that goes. I mostly drink it only with meals, not sipping it. Although right this minute I"m doing exactly what I shouldn't do which is sip one. I'm better when I don't have it around and have to go to the store to get it.
  • ukhennin
    ukhennin Posts: 221 Member
    Just make sure you still get your necessary water intake. I used to drink a lot of diet coke so I was never thirsty for water. Now I treat myself to a diet coke a few times a week after I've already fulfilled my water needs for the day.
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    I agree with the "moderation" tactic. That being said, I have heard that some of the chemicals in Diet Soda can make you crave sweets and food in I recall it is something with Nutrasweet. Personally, I have been known to drink Diet Mountain Dew and Diet Dr Pepper about one a day...however, since I have been training for a 5K I have stopped drinking soda because I have found the carbonation makes it so I get out of breath sooner (nothing to do with the "Diet" chemicals, just carbonation in general). I think if you were drinking it to excess it could be an issue because nothing in excess is good for you. In my opinion, they wouldn't be allowed to make it if it was really damaging to a person, so enjoy in moderation!
  • believeachieve1
    believeachieve1 Posts: 2 Member
    I found that when I took soda out of my diet I started dropping the pounds so much faster! It only made me retain more water and feel so bloated. I have replaced soda with water, VitaminWater Zero and Crystal Light packets. Now, in the very rare occasion that I do take a sip of soda, I cannot stand the taste of it! It is farrr too sweet to me! But oh well, to each their own! (:
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member

    here is a link you all might find interesting... It was insane to see the comparisons. Check it out!
  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    Artificial sweeteners actually make me ill and give me stomach pangs.:explode: But I have 'tried' Diet Rite soda before in the Orange flavor and I don't recall it affecting me too bad. Diet Sierra Mist may not be that bad either, nerver tried it but its a suggestion. Personally, I drink regular sodas. If you're concerned about calories, try the mini soda cans from your local gorcer. They are typically between 90-110 calories or so and average 8-10 oz . They have Coke, Fanta, Sprite, and possibly diet coke. This has helped me curb my soda cravings because they're already portioned out and after I finish the can I know I have to follow up with water.:wink: HTH. :happy:
  • drasr
    drasr Posts: 181
    Well since you are aware of the ill effects, you are making an informed decision. You can't say you didn't know about them. It is a personal decision. I would suggest taking an extra multi vitamin if you are drinking in excess of 2 a day.
    I personally aam not a fan of arguments which go like 'since i am not having that, that and that, i can have this'. Its for ones' own good. Nobody is doing anybody else a favor.
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    splurging on a diet mt dew with my lunch.
    Nice!! :happy:
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    I also had mixed thoughts on the matter... I used to drink about 4 Diet Cokes a day (for at least 13 years), and people would mention all the aspartame studies occassionally, and I just kept thinking - at least I'm not consuming all that sugar, and I don't like the taste of regular soda anyway.

    Well, one day I didn't have access to any Diet Coke (or aspartame of any sort), and by the end of the day I had a terrible headache, shakes, was moody, etc. That's when I first decided that I had to get off of it - if it's that addictive, even if the chemicals aren't as bad as some of the reports say, I just decided it couldn't be good in the long run.

    It took me a few tries, but I'm now diet soda (and really, all soda) free since January 8th! Water and tea for me, thank you!
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    All I am gonna say...and not being mean I promise.. There is options now to drink healthier soda.. If that makes any sense..haha!

    Only think I suggest is stay away from the diet and the regular and go with the Naturals and the Throw backs.. So you are getting natural normal everyday sugar instead of artificial sweeteners and corn syrup.

    Hope that didnt sound mean...hard to express by text. haha!

    Not mean at all!!! Thanks!
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I think everything is fine in moderation. My new boss just told me her neighbor was a diet soda-aholic, and always carried a lot of weight on her thighs, wearing a size 12 pant. She finally decided a year ago to cut out the diet soda for good, didn't do any other drastic diet or exercise changes, and has since gone down to a size 6 pant and lost 25 lbs. Crazy!
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    Cheers! I'm having a diet dr. pepper right now. :laugh:
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    We all have our absolute "no way" foods/drinks. They are not going to be the same person to person. We need to be educated consumers and make our choices based on the best information available at the current time. Nutrition is an ever changing entity; so be prepared for lots of new information all the time.

    Diet pop is not "evil." It is an appetite stimulant, so yes, it can make you feel hungrier. It also does seem to cause cravings in some people. Additionally, there is some new information that as little as one can of diet pop a day can increase your risk of heart disease. Pop isn't great for your teeth. There are artificial sweetners that have varied reports of issues.

    For any of us, we need to look at the available information and then decide if we still want have that food or drink in our eating plan. If we're making an informed decision, then it's our decision to make. No food should be a "can't have." We may choose to not have it, but it's our choice.
  • I just think this is always an interesting topic.

    I completely cut diet soda out of my life for basically an entire year (last year). I've started back on it recently because I do shift work as an EMT and I'm just NOT a coffee person. To be honest, I haven't noticed any negative outcomes from starting it again. My main concern was dehydration effecting my work outs. But I really haven't seen it effect my workouts that much yet. I do drink quite a bit of water throughout the day as well though. I know there are bad chemicals in the soda. And I KNOW it's bad for my teeth...but I just don't care. There are much worse things in this world to indulge in. The fact that it's 0 cals is fine by me. I won't be needing an intervention soon though!

    I'm a vegetarian. I won't get into everything with that but let's just say I'm better for it. I used to go nuts for fried chicken (the worst)! One time at school I got a spicy fried chicken sandwich and chicken tenders as my side! I was like "holy crap I'm going crazy here!" For me, indulging in a diet soda is a little less harmful than what I USED TO indulge in quite frequently. Like another woman said in here earlier, I've given up enough. I will have my soda.

    I will say that during that year I gave up soda, I felt amazing. I can't quite explain it. But I just felt so much better. If I weren't working long shifts and needing caffeine, I would probably still be off it. But I don't think it's the end of the world.
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    I drink it. I actually gave it up for about 18 months after my surgery but it slowly made its way back in. I have one rule. I have to have at least 60 oz of water before I am allowed a soda. After that I have to have another 20oz of water for any additional ones. It's not as bad if you water it down right?!? :laugh: Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper for me please (along with a big ol glass of water)

  • That is a good rule to go by! That his I weaned myself off soda originally. I still do it now. I don't do the 60 oz thing, but I tell myself I can have that soda if I drink a full glass of water first. Most of the time, when I finish the glass of water, I don't even want the soda anymore! :)
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    We all have our absolute "no way" foods/drinks. They are not going to be the same person to person. We need to be educated consumers and make our choices based on the best information available at the current time. Nutrition is an ever changing entity; so be prepared for lots of new information all the time.

    Diet pop is not "evil." It is an appetite stimulant, so yes, it can make you feel hungrier. It also does seem to cause cravings in some people. Additionally, there is some new information that as little as one can of diet pop a day can increase your risk of heart disease. Pop isn't great for your teeth. There are artificial sweetners that have varied reports of issues.

    For any of us, we need to look at the available information and then decide if we still want have that food or drink in our eating plan. If we're making an informed decision, then it's our decision to make. No food should be a "can't have." We may choose to not have it, but it's our choice.

    That is a very intelligent and insightful post and I really appreciate it. Thank you!
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    I drink it. I actually gave it up for about 18 months after my surgery but it slowly made its way back in. I have one rule. I have to have at least 60 oz of water before I am allowed a soda. After that I have to have another 20oz of water for any additional ones. It's not as bad if you water it down right?!? :laugh: Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper for me please (along with a big ol glass of water)


    I think I like this method the best. I try to use soda as a reward for myself and not just something I can grab whenever I feel like it. I also know that it's my stress food/drink like some people have cigarettes. But I seem to respond well to using certain things as rewards. Thanks!!!
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    cut out all soda
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