planning ahead

Do you scan your foods in ahead of time for the next day if you know what is going to be on your menus? Like what you know you have planned for dinner etc?


  • TitikiOoh
    TitikiOoh Posts: 40 Member
    I used to make an estimate. I'd plan what I'd eat and then make an educated guess at how much I would eat. When I preparedthe food I would weigh and measure everything and correct the numbers.
  • maddisondavey
    maddisondavey Posts: 8 Member
    I personally do, I actually plan everything for the whole week at once so I can make sure I meet all my calorie/macro goals, and know exactly what/how much to buy when I go grocery shopping. I'm sure some people would hate doing it that way, but for me that's what works.
    But whether you plan or not, as long as you meet your calorie/macro goal by the end of the day it shouldn't matter :)
  • LadyTalulah
    LadyTalulah Posts: 174 Member
    I tend to be pretty repetitive with food, so I have a set of about 7 or 8 different meals and I know the calorie content of all of them. So every day it's basically just a mix and match to get the right amount of calories in (:
    Also, preparing food in bulk and freezing them in individual containers is a life-saver IMO.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    WHen I have the time I definitely track a week ahead. Like a menu plan, it helps to keep me focused. I have to add most of my food manually I eat fresh and not much has a barcode.