Post surgical gastric bypass---Calorie intake????

MrsCass0624 Posts: 9
edited October 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I would like to hear from anyone out there who has had any type of weight loss surgery. I had a gastric sleeve 5/24/11 and have loss 160 pounds. My doctor says I should be ingesting about 900 calories a day. I don't agree with him and I have great difficulty achieving that many calories a day, especially if I'm eating healthy. Is there anyone out there having this same problem?


  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    I just had lap band surgery. I haven't been given a calorie goal but right now I'm eating about 600 to 700 a day.

    I would think it depends on what you are eating. I was told my protein goal to get at least 80 grams of protein a day was the important thing to focus on right now.
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    I'm sorry, but I don't think it is physically possible to lose 150#s in 3 months! Oh I was looking at profile, lol. You profile says May 2012!
  • ruby_brewer
    ruby_brewer Posts: 26 Member
    I just had gastric bypass on July 30, 2012 and I'm lucky if I can reach 300 calories a day. Getting all the protien is very difficult at this point as well. My book from the hospital states that once I am on regular food I should have between 300-600 calories a day. I think the point is to have healthy, high protein, low fat and low sugar foods and not to concentrate on the calories themselves. The gastric bypass surgery changes how the body absorbs calories and utilizes them for energy---right now the energy comes from the protein :) not the calories.
  • cc9365
    cc9365 Posts: 4
    I just had RNY surgery. I haven't been given a calorie intake but most everyone does 600-800 per day.. right now I am just focusing on getting my water in. - which is hard
  • kellypup11
    kellypup11 Posts: 6 Member
    Yeap, had it done 2 weeks ago too. My nurse said to focus on the protein. If you can't get enough protein from food, drink 3 protein shakes instead of 2 a day. You don't want to start loosing hair. I'm doing ok with the water part. I use Mio and decaf. iced tead w/ splenda. I'm usually around 800 calories a day.
  • scrapperthoke
    scrapperthoke Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 4 years out from Roux-N-Y. Lost over 120 pounds. Gained back about 25 pounds because I took my eye off the ball, and I'm now in the process of taking that off. I was at a follow up with my surgeon this past weekend and he told me something that came as quite a surprise. He said to NOT drink protein shakes, and those should only be given to your enemies. This was news to me as I see in many posts how gastric bypass patients have incorporated them into their maintenance plans. I have to watch my calories, and over the many years of dieting I know that staying around 900 calroies a day I will lose. Anything between that and 1200 I will maintain. Anything over that I will gain. Everyone is different though based on BMR and lifestyle.

    Lean protein, complex carbs in moderation, and plenty of fluids is the key. Exercise is essential for the whole body sense of well being. Just keep your diet clean and you'll feel great. I'm just curious about protein shakes though. I don't use them often but when I'm in a hurry and don't have time to prepare something that is my go too. Premier Protein Low Carb Chocolate Shakes work for me. They have 160 calories and 30g protein. I'm just rethinking that now. Am I making a mistake?
  • ArielMelton
    ArielMelton Posts: 9 Member
    Hi scrapperthoke, just wondering if you had any more info on why your doctor dislikes protein shakes so much. They were part of my first few months post-surgery by doctor's recommendation. It's the first time I've heard something negative about them in the situation and was surprised. Not saying it isn't valid, new data comes up all the time. Would be interested to hear more!
  • scrapperthoke
    scrapperthoke Posts: 12 Member
    My surgeon says that with gastric bypass patients shakes are a waste of time because fluid goes straight through the pouch and never stops to give you that sense of fullness. His phiolsphy is that you eat slowly and primarily protein to try and fight off cravings or the sense of hunger. It makes sense when you look at that way, but with the large percentage of calories coming from protein it is very difficult to get your daily allowance they tell you to consume without them. His thinking is that you don't really absorb that much of the shake to make it worthwhile and he insists that you get sustanance through solid food. I understand why he is saying it, but I stand firm at the belief that you have to do what works for you. If you drink shakes to maintain and you're successful, and your blood work is good, and you aren't battling anemia or other issues then I say they work. Just understand that may not be the case for everyone.
  • I am new to this board. I had the Roux and Y in January of this year. I have lost 40 pounds thus far. But I have seemed to stop. In the last 2 weeks. I haven't lost 0. This really upset me.
    I am not certain how many calories I am supposed to be eating. I think the nutritionist said 500. I have been watching everything that goes into my mouth. I know that she said that I needed to adjust, because I was only eating only 325 calories a day. Now I worry if I am eating to much.
    My other issue is. I have no problems with any food. I have to rely on sheer willpower again.
    I have started to work our. Yesterday I burned almost 1100 calories.
    Any insight would be very appreciated.
    Thanks so much!
  • cemmons5
    cemmons5 Posts: 2
    I had RNY surgery Jan. 15-2014 and right now I have lost 52lbs. I even hit a stand still about a month ago and never lost a pound and when I upped my protein (of actual food) it helped me to start losing again but not real fast. I eat around 900 calories a day and that is with my protein drink. Sometimes I am so hungry feeling and when I eat something I get that nausea feeling real fast. I"ve read where some say to eat more protein and calories to help you lose weight but that is hard to do at times. So now they are saying that the protein drinks really aren't good for you because they go straight through you?! Hmmm.
  • MsPopRouge
    MsPopRouge Posts: 6 Member
    Don't fret the plateau. From the very beginning that is how I have been losing weight. I too had an RNY, and I'll drop weight quickly then plateau and stay there sometimes almost a month, others just a couple of weeks. I found taking body measurements, and noting how your clothes feel and look (dropping dress sizes) was a more motivation measurement for me. WE all lose weight differently, as long as your clothing is getting bigger, your moving in the right direction regardless of what the scale says.

    As far as the protein shakes, I'm still having to supplement with at least one a day that is the doctor and nutritionists recommendation as well. It's hard to get all the protein I need otherwise. I'm just over 6 months post op. I know they warn us against drinking our calories because we don't feel full. But honestly, it hasn't hindered my weight loss any. I find that I really don't get too hungry most of the time anyway. Good luck!!!!
  • I need to begin the shakes again. I am still losing my hair and not getting in all of the daily protein.
    My Doctor and Nutritionist both suggest using them.
    But I have been feeling hungrier than I used to. Which worries me.
    I am 7 months out and almost at my goal weight. =)
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    wow you folks are on very low calories

    i also had mine in january of this year. the dietitian wants me on between 800 and 1200 calories a day

    ive lost over 100lb since surgery

    havnt had shakes since about 3 months out when my intake became sufficient to go without unless i choose to have one

    i always eat my protein first, then vegetables. carbs come last and usually just a tiny amount if any fits in
    havnt been sick since that first couple of weeks back on solids

    i also follow the pouch rules for dummys.

    no fluids for an hour and a half after my meal then steadily drinking more before having a quick cup 15 - 30 minutes before eating

    i get more than enough fluids in, about 3 litres or more a day
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Has anybody tried eating a 500- 1000 calorie diet to see if it would work with out the surgery
  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    I am looking into the surgery and the physician recommended 600 calories a day. If you drink the right kind of protein shakes and foods, then you should get close to that amount.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    AUGUST, 2012 THREAD.
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