needing some support

I have cut back on Wellbutrin because it's I believe it's causing some serious brain fog. This is affecting my appetite - I feel hungrier. Also, I found out Monday that I have ankle tendonitis so I cannot exercise for 3 weeks. I really depend on my walking, it helps me so much emotionally. Since I found out about my ankle on Monday, I have been having a really hard time eating within my calorie range. Sometimes, way over. I'm in a bit of a depression. I just don't want to go completely back but have that perfectionist attitude that gets me...I find myself saying "well, you've already messed up fro 4 days, you might as well quit trying, you're going to fail anyway." Anyone relate?


  • armstrongeddie206
    I would say take your victories where you can. Don't cash the chips in. Just take a different approach....Maybe a different aerobic exercise? Can your ankle handle rowing?
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Sorry about the ankle problem, that's a bummer. Do you have access to an indoor pool? Swimming would be great for you while your ankle is healing. You could also do a lot of other exercises that don't involve walking- sit ups, dumb bells, chair-yoga, etc..
    - If you are set on waiting until you heal, how about you reset your daily calorie allotment to maintenance level? Perhaps the extra calories will curb the extra hunger you're feeling now. Your body should adjust to the lack of Wellbutrin in a week or so and your appetite will go back to 'normal'.
    - You've already lost 50+ pounds so you know how to do this, just don't let a funk get you off track. Good luck. :)
  • seasonsofdreams
    I'll say in advance, you're more than welcome to add me. I have mild depression and know all about that feeling of failure that pops up when you can't exercise due to injury, the weather, or whatever. I have a tendency to weigh myself daily and when I see the scale go up instead of down, sometimes it makes me really consider just giving up.

    Don't deprive yourself of snacks when you're hungry, but just remember that moderation is key. Stick to the serving size as much as possible, and fill up more on water and fruits! There are other exercises you can do (I'm sure) that could take the place of walking! Try looking up low-impact exercises? For me, I love using a pilates rowing band. Good luck, and don't lose hope!