Does this happen to anyone when pre-logging?

Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
Twice just now I was trying to prelog my breakfast for tomorrow, and it added it to today instead of tomorrow. It's so aggravating, and it's definitely not the first time it has happened either... Has anyone else noticed this?


  • trekkie_bbs
    trekkie_bbs Posts: 64 Member
    It happens to me from time to time but I haven't figured out why it does it sometimes and not others. I assumed I was doing something wrong.
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    It's happened to me before, but usually it's because I am accidentally on the wrong day when I go to log it.
  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    It happens to me all the time, because I try to pre-log too much at once and forget to change the date. I'll log my exercise for tomorrow, then switch to my food to pre-log my breakfast but forget to change the date again.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Interesting- hadn't heard this nor experienced it- I only prelog the whole day- not the day in advance since I generally use it to just flesh out what I have room- or don't have room for in terms of office things.

    Good catch though- will have to keep an eye out so I don't double log if I log ahead!!
  • Yes, often happens to me after I have looked at 'nutrition' stats and returned to my diary to log (on iPhone app).

    If you scroll between days once/twice then return to the day you want to pre-log then it solves the problem.

    Also noticed that when you change/delete a pre-logged next day entry it makes the adjustment but moves that item to current day too... Very annoying!!