Worried that P90x Yoga is going to make me give up P90x prog



  • DemoneyesWally
    Try Tai Chi
  • lornainak
    lornainak Posts: 40 Member
    OMG- Here I thought I was the only one that disliked the P90X yoga X... It sucks royal and i even do regular yoga to... I did give up on it but I will start week 5 again and sub it with stretching or kenpo... Thanks for the recommendation on alternatives. :smile:
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    The Yoga X program is not easy, I always end up getting frustrated. I often skip to the first 45 minutes or so of all the balance poses and go to the stretching part. Or I skip it all together and do the X stretch.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    The first time I attempted that one I shut it off too! I don't like yoga, even other yoga videos. I wasn't going to do it at all, ever but then my husband threw his back out and everyone (massage therapist, doctor, random people!) kept saying yoga would be really good to strengthen him up and prevent that from happening again. Problem is, husband likes yoga less than I do! So in order to encourage him to do it I have to do it too. I used a different Tony Horton yoga dvd that came with my P90X set as an extra. It's only half the length so I figured I'd be able to make myself do it. After a couple of times I decided to try the YogaX dvd again and while I didn't like it, I made it through. I am always amazed at how good I feel after for how much I dislike doing it!

    If you're willing to do yoga but want a different/shorter workout there are lots of yoga DVD's out there. My suggestion is check with your video store (netflix probably has some on-demand) or your local library. That way you can try them out without committing. We have a Wii Fit and a couple of our games have yoga in them. I like this because i can choose the exercises I want and skip those I don't. The only problem is, the ones I hate are probably the ones I need to do! :D There are some that are just painful for me and I can't do them so it's nice to be able to skip those.

    Another option is Pilates. Lots of similar stuff, core strengthening, balance exercises and stuff. If you're not flexible at all start adding in the stretchX more often and that will help but is much gentler than the yoga. It doesn't help with strengthening like yoga does but it will help you limber up (which will make yoga easier).
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member

    Also, feel free to join us in the P90X Support Group thread! It's mostly people who have just started, or are getting ready to start. I start on Monday!
  • malmustafa79
    malmustafa79 Posts: 107 Member
    :smile: I sub it for CardioX cuz it has some yoga at the beginning
  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    i also hated the yoga poses and since it was 1.5 hours I would get annoyed. I am a little upset with myself for not doing the Yoga because it is SOO beneficial to your workout regime and is a great workout. When I did do the yoga I split it up 45 mins sessions. The standing posing are so hard and is what I pretty much hated but it was easier when I did it in portions.
  • AFitasticYou
    I agree that there are benefits of Yoga. But Yoga X is too hardcore & boring for me. I sub in Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown. That's tough too though. But only 30 mins and a different type of Yoga. She has you moving alot more. But you are still getting the yoga benefits. I also agree that you can't force yourself to do something that you hate. For me I hate Yoga X. I refuse to do it. I need to enjoy my workouts or I will end up quiting and I won't be as successful as I could be. JM's Yoga Meltdown is about $9 at Target & Walmart. You should try it out. But if it's yoga in general that you dont' like, I would sub in another X workout. If you are doing Classic I would sub in Cardio X since you don't do that in the Classic version. You won't have any double workouts in the same week. There are some yoga poses in the beginning, but they are actually enjoyable!
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Let me suggest you continue trying it. I hated it at first also. But Tony said in an interview if he could only do 1 workout for the rest of his life it would be......Yoga. It must be pretty important. Your body needs it and will be begging for it later in the program. Also if you cant do more than an hour do the first 45 minutes or the last 45 minutes. Or try Fountain of Youth Yoga, Hummingbird Yoga, or Yoga MC2 from the One -on - One series.

    You dont need another day of cardio or kenpo. And x stretch is optional on most days of the program or you can take it's day as a rest day so it is different from yoga.

    You can do what you want, but I did P90X 3 times. The first 6 months I did yoga X and eventually didn't hate it. When the other ones came out FOY etc. I subbed them for Yoga X. If they thought it wasn't very important you wouldn't do it every week of the program.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Oh, Matt, Matt, Matt... You and I are singing the same tune.... I just posted about not being excited about P90X Yoga... I haven't even attempted it yet... this will be my first experience with it and I'm not thrilled at all.... I have loved the other P90X vids I have done so far, but this one just sounds ... EEEKKKKKK.... I'm going to pop it in here in a minute and get through it the best I can.... Then, if I seriously HATE it (like I think I will) I am going to take these other people's suggestions and substitute it with something else... Good luck!!!! Stay with P90X... Let's finish this thing! :drinker:
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Okay, I am going to sound like a whiner but here goes. I just "attempted" the first few minutes of Yoga X today. First of all, I'm not thrilled to do an hour and a half of any exercise, call me lazy but I like to stick to 1 hour workouts max. Secondly, I am not a fan of Yoga in any way, shape, or form as my flexibility is not great and I just don't dig doing it. So after about 10 minutes of trying I basically said, "screw this" and turned off the DVD. I've worked out with 4 other P90x DVDs and loved the challenges of each one. However, I have absolutely no motivation to do the Yoga workout.

    I am certain everyone will tell me how beneficial it is and that it will get easier with time. Yet, I honestly don't see myself taking an hour and a half to do something I don't find any enjoyment in. Any suggestions? All the stuff I researched online basically stated you "HAVE" to do the Yoga portion or you won't get the benefits of the workouts. So does this mean it's pointless to do every other P90x workout?

    I have been highly motivated thus far, with all the other DVDs, but the Yoga one just makes me want to throw the whole set out. Possibly I could find another Yoga DVD that is shorter and that might help? Anyway, just thought I would check with some of the other P90x users. Thanks!

    Congrats on trying to get in better shape. I thought the same thing about yoga and laughed at many of the poses. However, my wife and I are giving the program 90 days. Yes, I have the same thoughts everytime before pressing play on the yoga.

    I copied this from your profile: I am almost 40 and I'm sick of how inconsistent I have been over the past 12 or so years. I was in the best shape of my life in 1998 but through the years, exercise became a somewhat non-priority. I also have really bad eating habits, I crave junk food but at least eat it in moderation.

    I've lost "up to" 25 pounds over the past 13 years but I always gain it back because I don't treat it as a lifestyle change. I am almost 40 and I have to stop with the excuses and lose weight.

    Sorry, but your method has not worked. If it did you would not be on this site. I think part of the whole program is to train yourself of the different possibilities, and to build your mental strength. You said above "how inconsistent I have been." The program takes care of that for 90 days, all you have to do is press play.

    Give the program 90 days and see what it can do for you (I have been impressed with just 39 days so far). If your doing AB ripper after all the videos your only talking about an extra 15 minutes. If you work at the videos you will find many of the exercises are incorporated into the different videos. If your saying it is too easy, do 2 pushups between the downward dogs to upward dogs. I doubt you can get your body into the wheel. Can you hold crane for 60 seconds? Toe lock? How is your yoga belly 7? Chair pose? How is your balance poses?

    I am not a beach body coach, or a p90x pro, I have completed week 6 day 4 without missing, this has caused me to complete workouts at midnight, or sometimes very late dinners after 11pm. On some days I do additional exercising. Yet, I am going to complete the program.

    My point is you can bench press 300 pounds and use only a "few" muscles in your body. To hold the crane pose you have to use your entire body. If the flexibility is the problem, my wife started with reaching 1/2 way between knees and toes, and now is beginning to reach her toes. I still am having a hard time getting into some of the postures, but I am getting better.

    Good luck to you, bring it!!!
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    I had to ask friends a while ago if their experience with YogaX was worse than yoga class, and they agreed it was.

    It must be crazy intense!!!

    I love yoga, hope to be an instructor one day, so I like to remind people that it's harder for P90X than normal yoga. Yoga is supposed to be relaxing even while you work hard..
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Oh, Matt, Matt, Matt... You and I are singing the same tune.... I just posted about not being excited about P90X Yoga... I haven't even attempted it yet... this will be my first experience with it and I'm not thrilled at all.... I have loved the other P90X vids I have done so far, but this one just sounds ... EEEKKKKKK.... I'm going to pop it in here in a minute and get through it the best I can.... Then, if I seriously HATE it (like I think I will) I am going to take these other people's suggestions and substitute it with something else... Good luck!!!! Stay with P90X... Let's finish this thing! :drinker:

    YogaX will make your obliques 10X more sore than Ab RipperX!!
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    I think as several already mentioned, you could sub in Cardio, X Stretch, or Kenpo.... or maybe Plyo in place of Yoga. I personally would not pick Plyo due to the more high-impact-ness of it; I am always worried about shin splints and knee/back pounding that the 1x a week already provides me.

    My experiences with it might suggest to you to stick with it, but I wouldn't say you were in the wrong to avoid it if it simply isn't or wont ever be your thing. Anyway:

    The first week, when I did Yoga X, it was terrible -- a train wreck. I did the whole DVD, but definitely had to give up on a fair number of the moves. And, it took me two hours, pouring sweat, pausing seemingly every 5 seconds, to do everything (shoddily) up to the happy baby part, where I turned it off since it was getting late.

    It was just so ridiculous for me: I had this stupid gut in the way of most of the moves -- made some of the twisting moves very frustrating. My leg swings forward into runner's stretch were pathetic. Sweat streaming from all over, hands sweaty and sliding around in downward dogs, unable to do those half-pushups into upward dog with anything like good control or strength, and the upward dogs were exclusively exhausted cobras. Balance? Forget it. Maybe passable on Tree but not much else.

    Yoga X, therefore, was not a fan favourite for this fan, early on. Back then it was Plyo X, later it was Chest & Back, then Legs & Back.

    Things have gotten better over the last 11 weeks.

    Today I can swing my legs forward into runner's stretch with only a small adjustment (as Tony shows you). That gut is no longer in the way. I still sweat rivers (and don't expect that to change), but no longer does it cause nearly the issues it did early on. I am much better at the whole pushup into upward dog thing (I still don't do extra pushups!). Most of the movements feel much more natural to me.

    I can just about make it from the start of the DVD till the point where he says take a break now if you like (I think around the point where you get to Warrior III and the half-moon moves), and then make it to the balance positions before I take another minute or so break. Then beyond that maybe a very short pause or two during parts of the ab portion of the workout.

    There are still lowlights: All that Warrior III, half moon, twisting half moon stuff still is very difficult. Also when you have to reach under your leg and behind your back and get your hands together, my leg is usually in such pain, feeling on fire, that I can't do it because I have to come out of the stance. I still don't do crane, or sometimes take a stab at it but still fail to do it.

    But overall, it is a much, much more doable workout for me.

    Today, while my favorite workout has been a moving target, it is, strangely enough, currently Yoga X. I actually look forward to this workout perhaps more than any other. I hate parts of it while doing it, but for some reason look forward to the overall workout. Even though I don't get quite the sense of tranquility, etc., from it that many people seem to, I do feel more relaxed at the end, more limber, and I get the benefits of the exertion and the enjoyment of seeing real improvement, however slow that is.

    P.S. I don't do the ohms and only sometimes go past Happy Baby. Even though I do like the relaxation of the moves leading up to the ohms. Also, I am glad I am sticking to Yoga X for another reason: I have been able to do X Stretch exactly once in the entire 12 weeks I have been at this thing, and flexibility is something I need a good amount of work on.
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    i didn't get to read everyone's replies, but what i wanted to add was just that the schedule/ workouts that come with a program like P90X (i do Turbo Fire and Chalene Extreme) are not set in stone. if you really hate a workout - don't do it :) for example, i really dislike the cardio workouts in the Chalene Extreme program, so whenever the schedule would require cardio, i would sub an equal length cardio routine from Turbo Fire (i swear Chalene never knew!) :)

    honestly though, do what you like and what works for you. there's no need to abandon an entire 11-workout program because of one workout you despise (and not just despising it because it's too "hard", but because you don't find it interesting, engaging, or enjoyable in anyway0. do what feels right for you, and if you continue to challenge yourself, you'll get the results that you crave :)
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Gaiam has made some of their yoga videos available through hulu.com...I enjoy them on the days when I don't have yoga classes (and find them more instructive than the yoga available through netflix.)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,754 Member
    i didn't get to read everyone's replies, but what i wanted to add was just that the schedule/ workouts that come with a program like P90X (i do Turbo Fire and Chalene Extreme) are not set in stone. if you really hate a workout - don't do it :) for example, i really dislike the cardio workouts in the Chalene Extreme program, so whenever the schedule would require cardio, i would sub an equal length cardio routine from Turbo Fire (i swear Chalene never knew!) :)

    honestly though, do what you like and what works for you. there's no need to abandon an entire 11-workout program because of one workout you despise (and not just despising it because it's too "hard", but because you don't find it interesting, engaging, or enjoyable in anyway0. do what feels right for you, and if you continue to challenge yourself, you'll get the results that you crave :)
  • AndreSF
    AndreSF Posts: 84 Member
    I would consider the reasons (or the main reason, as there is always that one thing that makes you move) you started the P90X program in the first place. Let's not even talk about benefits of yoga, etc., but think about benefits of pushing through of what seems uncomfortable, but is a part of the program you decided to do and committed to doing...
    Can't do 90 minutes of yoga? Do the first 45 of it or whatever you can. If so inclined, purchase one or two yoga routines form Tony Horton's One on One series (I particularly like Fountain of Youth yoga one, but there are several yoga disks).
    You were worried about looking like a complainer in your original post, but it does look a lot like that... and I sincerely apologize for my statement. However, many of us need a good kick in the butt to get off that couch, so please consider that a friendly "off the couch kick"... :)
    Most importantly, don't give up! It's great that you are seeking advice and not just shutting down, storing those DVDs in the basement somewhere, etc.

    I hope you stick with it and good luck!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I didn't get a chance to read all of the reply's to your post so please ignore this if someone already posted it.
    I finished a round of P90X e few weeks ago. Yoga was pretty tough. I'd do as much as I could of each move/pose. Even if was too hard, I'd attempt it and then skip to the next move/pose. Each time some of the moves got a little easier. There are some that I'm still not able to do for very long or not at all.

    Good luck!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,754 Member
    I can appreciate the sentiment behind the comments saying he should push through the Yoga X no matter what, but my personal experience as someone who has done three rounds of P90X is that that's exactly the advice I was guilted into following when my instinct was to do otherwise, and I regret it. I realize that may not be everyone's experience, but it sure was mine. I like doing yoga. In fact, I incorporate yoga into my workouts now. But I dreaded Yoga X (not because I can't do it; I can), and I almost threw in the towel on the whole program because of that. I know exactly what I want out of my next round of P90X, and I don't need to do Yoga X once a week to accomplish it. There's nothing wrong, in my opinion, with personalizing the program. If that means not doing one of the workouts, so be it. Your mileage may vary... :smile: