Only squatting the bar

So I have gone back to the gym after losing motivation for about a 9 months and yesterday was leg day - always been my favourite but I'd never got up the courage to get into the squat rack, but I thought fresh new start and all that so plucked up the courage yesterday.

I thought I'd do a few reps with the bar to warm up - wow did over-estimate my ability! The bar was as far as I got. I used to go heavy on the machine - now I know free weights is different but really! So different? Is it normal to be so much weaker?

Also, it hurt my shoulders a lot. Does anyone know if this is normal or perhaps I'm doing it all wrong?



  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    Its been 9 have to work yourself up again....don't fret :) You'll get there pretty quickly. Free weights make you really use your muscles better than machines.
  • zac775
    zac775 Posts: 199 Member
    Yeah this is quite normal, when moving from machine to free weights, you use a different muscule groups, as alot of core is used when doing free weights. I take it you were squating with the olympic bar on its own (20KG)?. Remember you have to start somewhere, was someone spotting you?

    If it hurt your shoulders try wrapping a towel or foam pipe insulation (any DIY store) around the bar. Or if you want you can invest in a squat pad, which to be honest is the same as the pipe insulation but you will pay more.

    It will all come with practice do not be too down hearted, I have only started doing squats again as I have had bad knees and I had to start light and will build up in time.

    Its great you have gone back to the gym stick at it and you reap the benefits.

    If I can help in anyway drop me a message or add me.

    Hope this helped.
  • badholland
    badholland Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks guys, yeah it was an olympic bar - nope nobody spotting and I think that was half the problem - I was scared I would topple backwards and look daft so I was more cautious.

    About the shoulder thing though - it was more like fatigue than the actual bar digging in - I wonder if I am holding it wrong? Off to youtube I go...
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Have to restart somewhere. You'll build up, WTG!
  • zac775
    zac775 Posts: 199 Member
    You will get there, form is everything when on free weights, sort theform out and the rest will follow, nice one.
  • chloeelizabethm
    chloeelizabethm Posts: 184 Member
    I started squatting at the beginning of August and could only do the bar for at least the first few sessions, more likely the first 5 or 6. I felt that exact same surprise - everyone else makes it look so easy!

    Persevere though, I've been squatting 3 times a week since then minus a couple of weeks in September for holidays and am now up to 40kg :)
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Heck, I could not even use the bar when I started. Still can't do much more than that. It is gonna take much longer than I expected. Hurts the shoulders - A pad is good or it might be where you place the bar.
  • badholland
    badholland Posts: 67 Member
    I started squatting at the beginning of August and could only do the bar for at least the first few sessions, more likely the first 5 or 6. I felt that exact same surprise - everyone else makes it look so easy!

    Persevere though, I've been squatting 3 times a week since then minus a couple of weeks in September for holidays and am now up to 40kg :)

    Thanks! I hope I can get there too :) You're right, people make it look very easy! Feels good to know it's ok to just go with the bar at first.
  • Wronkletoad
    Wronkletoad Posts: 368 Member
    goblet squats. box squats. keep going, be safe, and continue the awesome.

    The god SQÜATR is pleased with the efforts!

    Starting Strength / Stronglifts / T-nation -- places like that have great advice, including conditioning of the shoulders for the bar, etc.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    Check out StrongLifts 5x5 -- it's a great beginners program and there are a lot of videos available to help you along. I've been doing that program on and off for about the past year or so -- of course, the real help is getting a live person to see your form and help you adjust where needed.
  • badholland
    badholland Posts: 67 Member
    edited October 2014
    The god SQÜATR is pleased with the efforts!

    haha I aim to please!
    kjm3579 wrote: »
    Check out StrongLifts 5x5 -- it's a great beginners program and there are a lot of videos available to help you along. I've been doing that program on and off for about the past year or so -- of course, the real help is getting a live person to see your form and help you adjust where needed.

    Thanks for the tips! Ah I wish I wasn't so shy, I don't think I have it in me to ask someone to check my form - even just the guys who work there.
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm sure you'll be back to form in no time; and with your shoulder hurting as it was, I would advise perfecting that form before you move beyond the oly bar only
  • Wronkletoad
    Wronkletoad Posts: 368 Member
    ^^ this. this is the ultimate marathon. kick butt and do great!
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    Oh jeez, you're scaring me. I've been out of the weight room for two years and now I'm wondering if I'm going to have to just use the bar, myself.

    Honestly, though, the only way to get stronger without hurting yourself is to accept where you are and work from there. I'll remind myself I said that in the weight room next week ;)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Yes the machine are way easier than free weights. One reason why I hate using them at my school gym.
  • badholland
    badholland Posts: 67 Member
    @noelfigart1 You're so right - it's hard to accept when it's yourself though - we need to learn to be as kind to ourselves as we are to other people! Good luck
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member's been 9 months. And weights are a hell of a lot different than machines; free weights don't assist your do it all yourself.

    It's nothing to be ashamed of...I've had a 7 month hiatus from my Oly-lifts due to injury...that's a long time to not practice a couple of very technical movements...I'm currently only using the bar for snatches and only about 95 Lbs for cleans until I get my form do what you have to do.

    Nobody is going to take off that much time and just start where they left lose adaptive strength pretty quickly when you're not using it.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited October 2014
    cwolfman13 wrote: »'s been 9 months. And weights are a hell of a lot different than machines; free weights don't assist your do it all yourself.

    It's nothing to be ashamed of...I've had a 7 month hiatus from my Oly-lifts due to injury...that's a long time to not practice a couple of very technical movements...I'm currently only using the bar for snatches and only about 95 Lbs for cleans until I get my form do what you have to do.

    Nobody is going to take off that much time and just start where they left lose adaptive strength pretty quickly when you're not using it.

    I know this is a little off topic but how long did it take you to get the flexibility in wrist for front squats? Or do you do front squat different without the clean?

    Back on topic. In my school gym I showed someone why you should disregard machine. I was able to do max weight for squats, bicep curls, and triceps. I have strength and I guess maybe I am a little strong but I am very weak for my body weight to be consider strong.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »'s been 9 months. And weights are a hell of a lot different than machines; free weights don't assist your do it all yourself.

    It's nothing to be ashamed of...I've had a 7 month hiatus from my Oly-lifts due to injury...that's a long time to not practice a couple of very technical movements...I'm currently only using the bar for snatches and only about 95 Lbs for cleans until I get my form do what you have to do.

    Nobody is going to take off that much time and just start where they left lose adaptive strength pretty quickly when you're not using it.

    I know this is a little off topic but how long did it take you to get the flexibility in wrist for front squats? Or do you do front squat different without the clean?

    - My coach is very good at making sure I keep my elbows high in a front squat or when receiving the bar in a clean ensuring that most of the weight rides where it should rather than putting strain on my wrists.

    - When I first started out, we spent several weeks just doing a lot of mobility work and stretching and only used a PVC pipe for the technical movements. I still warm up with a PVC pipe or broom stick and mobility work before I lift. I started out pretty light with front squats to make sure my form was good and I wasn't killing my wrists.

    - Yoga

    I can tell you though, my wrists hurt in the beginning...not so much these days, but definitely in the beginning. Wraps help too, but the best thing is just to work that mobility with very limited weight. It's annoying...but it's the way to go.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited October 2014
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »'s been 9 months. And weights are a hell of a lot different than machines; free weights don't assist your do it all yourself.

    It's nothing to be ashamed of...I've had a 7 month hiatus from my Oly-lifts due to injury...that's a long time to not practice a couple of very technical movements...I'm currently only using the bar for snatches and only about 95 Lbs for cleans until I get my form do what you have to do.

    Nobody is going to take off that much time and just start where they left lose adaptive strength pretty quickly when you're not using it.

    I know this is a little off topic but how long did it take you to get the flexibility in wrist for front squats? Or do you do front squat different without the clean?

    - My coach is very good at making sure I keep my elbows high in a front squat or when receiving the bar in a clean ensuring that most of the weight rides where it should rather than putting strain on my wrists.

    - When I first started out, we spent several weeks just doing a lot of mobility work and stretching and only used a PVC pipe for the technical movements. I still warm up with a PVC pipe or broom stick and mobility work before I lift. I started out pretty light with front squats to make sure my form was good and I wasn't killing my wrists.

    - Yoga

    I can tell you though, my wrists hurt in the beginning...not so much these days, but definitely in the beginning. Wraps help too, but the best thing is just to work that mobility with very limited weight. It's annoying...but it's the way to go.

    I can clean some weight but I do not have all my fingers under the bar to do the jerk or OHP. I can always separate the workouts but I like to not waste time when I work out.

    @chloeelizabethm I notice that people make lifting look easy because they got some time lifting. I actually get kind of annoy when people say I am so strong. The fact that I have been lifting weight for very close to a decade so I should be at elite status now.
  • badholland
    badholland Posts: 67 Member
    Everyone is so helpful, lots of tips and things to think about. Thanks so much.
  • Nothing wrong with using just the bar! I am researching lifting programs now and it seems like many actually suggest starting with just the bar. Learning correct form up front is critical to avoiding developing bad habits.

    I plan to stick with just the bar until I am sure my form is perfect. I will increase very gradually over time according to the program but only if my form remains solid
  • haildodger
    haildodger Posts: 181 Member
    edited November 2014
    I still start my warm ups with just the bar, and I'm seven weeks in to my program.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    HaiLDodger wrote: »
    I still start my warm ups with just the bar, and I'm seven weeks in to my program.
    Almost everyone I know does their first warmup set with just the bar

  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    Don't wrap the bar as one person suggested. You will get used to it. When you get into heavier weights, the pad will just allow for the bar to slip. I squat near 600lbs and don't use a pad and wouldn't dream of it.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Oh yes, don't use the pad.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »'s been 9 months. And weights are a hell of a lot different than machines; free weights don't assist your do it all yourself.

    It's nothing to be ashamed of...I've had a 7 month hiatus from my Oly-lifts due to injury...that's a long time to not practice a couple of very technical movements...I'm currently only using the bar for snatches and only about 95 Lbs for cleans until I get my form do what you have to do.

    Nobody is going to take off that much time and just start where they left lose adaptive strength pretty quickly when you're not using it.

    I know this is a little off topic but how long did it take you to get the flexibility in wrist for front squats? Or do you do front squat different without the clean?

    - My coach is very good at making sure I keep my elbows high in a front squat or when receiving the bar in a clean ensuring that most of the weight rides where it should rather than putting strain on my wrists.

    - When I first started out, we spent several weeks just doing a lot of mobility work and stretching and only used a PVC pipe for the technical movements. I still warm up with a PVC pipe or broom stick and mobility work before I lift. I started out pretty light with front squats to make sure my form was good and I wasn't killing my wrists.

    - Yoga

    I can tell you though, my wrists hurt in the beginning...not so much these days, but definitely in the beginning. Wraps help too, but the best thing is just to work that mobility with very limited weight. It's annoying...but it's the way to go.

    Thanks, I was wondering about this too! I am practicing with a light bar and I feel so discouraged.
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    I used just the bar for leg and arm day for ever!! Gotta start somewhere
  • bschoo01
    bschoo01 Posts: 175 Member
    When I first started I couldn't even use the 45 lb bar! I started with 10 lb dumbbells and worked my way up... Now I squat around 130 lb 5x5 and keep moving up! Be proud that you are doing it at all... some people can't even say they are trying ;)
  • badholland
    badholland Posts: 67 Member
    Hi all, thanks for the input. I did purposefully avoid usung the pad because I've read before that it's a bad idea so glad it looks like I made the right decision :)

    Can anyone tell me where my hands should be? Should they be above my shoulders on the bar quite tight or wider towards the ends of the bar? I've looked at a few videos and watched people in the gym and I can't find a consensus. I feel like this might be why my shoulders/arms hurt.

    Thanks everyone.