How long did it take you?

I have recently started the whole MFP site and logging details. I was just wondering how long it took people to start seeing a result, Ive been doing it 3 weeks now always under calories etc and seeing no change or the change i do see is in the wrong direction (gain). plus i know was wondering about when you complete the day its says in 5 weeks time you will be this weight surely if its always 5 weeks away then you'll never get there...........confused and wanting to go back to my old habits :( thanx in advance


  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member

    Noticed losing a belt notch at around 30lbs. I started at 432lbs though.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Idk. I have lost 20ish in 4.5-5 months.Clothing I bought in September has been getting baggy since like.. mid september.

    Stop completing the entry? I don't complete mine. Then you don't get the likely inaccurate/triggering message.

    Whatever your old habits were, your current lifestyle should not be so different that you are miserable. E.g. if you use to eat like 3 chocolate bars per day, now you eat one or however many you want as long as it fits wthin your caloric needs.

    And speaking of caloric needs, MFP is not the tool to use to calculate needs. Use sites like or, if you exercise consistently then you can include that in to do your TDEE. Otherwise do NEAT and log/eat back exercise cals. Average your needs through those websites, subtract 20%, and set as custom goal. Recalculate any time normal activity levels change or you lose ~10lbs.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I lost a bunch before I was ever on mfp, so I don't really count.

    That five weeks thing is never accurate for me. I think it's more of an average guess. I wish they'd stop with that. I just ignore it.
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    I've only been logging on a daily basis for a month now, but I have lost 5 pounds so far. I haven't measured myself this week, but last week I was down several inches and my clothes are a bit looser. Ana2067 seems more expert so you might be better off listening to her, but the main thing I've done that seems to be working is to ignore the exercise calories I earn or at least not eat them ALL back on days when I do a lot of exercise. It seems to me that MFP overestimates some exercises so I try not to rely on these numbers.

    I thought that 5 week thing was weird, too, but now I mostly see it as an indication of whether I'm on the right track or not for the day. When it says a weight I'd like to see in 5 weeks I'm like "cool" and think of it as a thumbs up and when it seems like the weight is too close to what I am now, then I think about what I can do better tomorrow.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and look for other people to friend, too, and maybe join a group or two. I have found it INCREDIBLY helpful to have input from other people about my progress and although I found it nervewracking at first, most of my friend seem to set their diaries to "open" with friends. I can see what they ate and they can see what I've eaten. I didn't think I would like this, but I do!

    I'm in a group that's called GET IN SHAPE BY CHRISTMAS and we have set goals and are cheering each other on to try to reach our goals. Come join us if you're interested. :)

    Best of luck!

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I've been here almost 6 months and let me tell you now, just the ignore the projection, because it never comes to pass. Took a couple of months to really start noticing. Just keep doing what you're doing.
  • mrsmcmo
    mrsmcmo Posts: 109 Member
    edited October 2014
    I can't recall for sure, but I remember by the first time I weighed myself after starting MFP (which was 10 days later), I had lost something. Maybe a lb?
    I know it can be discouraging to see a jump in the scale or to see it not move at all. Try to stick with it though! Are you positive you're measuring/weighing your food/drinks accurately? Drinking enough water?
    Also, how often are you weighing in? Just a thought - maybe try weighing less often if it is discouraging to not see the results you are hoping for. I am now weighing once a week because I'm moving to maintenance, but while I was losing I was only weighing every 10 days. I don't do well at all when I'm discouraged. Sounds like you might be the same way?
  • ljashley1952
    ljashley1952 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm pretty new and I'm not seeing much change yet. I think younger people see quicker loss or people with a whole lot to lose. I'm short and have a genetic fat gene, so it sticks to me like glue. I'm a month into it and I gained two pounds the first week. Now I've lost the two I gained and plus two more. I'm assuming that it was fluid retention. I'm just going to continue and at some point it'll break loose and start coming off faster. I may have to tweak my plan a bit here and there, but I'll stick with it. It's such an easy plan to follow and I can do this for life.
  • WantBestME
    WantBestME Posts: 128 Member
    i started noticing immediately(1-2lbs per week) but now the weight decrement is very gradual... as i am in my last mile
  • Kellryn
    Kellryn Posts: 139 Member
    I almost always lose 2 lbs. a week, but it still took about 3 months for me to notice differences and for my clothing size to get smaller. I'm unfortunitly one of those people that lost my weight in places like my fingers, wrists, ankles, ect. first... I just recently started to get weekly drops in my measurements as well as the 2lbs. of scale weight drop.
    And yes, the 5 week projection is never correct.
  • Heringrid
    Heringrid Posts: 5 Member
    I agree with ncfitbit . Ive been logging during a month and exercise at least 4 days a week but maybe eating the cals I earn and i ve lost only 1 pound. Im loosing inches but im dealing with the scale. Maybe I ll try saving some of those calories and see how it goes
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    WantBestME wrote: »
    i started noticing immediately(1-2lbs per week) but now the weight decrement is very gradual... as i am in my last mile

    Same here. I noticed right away. My clothing size didn't go down for quite awhile (~20 lbs.?) but I could see changes in the mirror very soon. And I agree that it is much more gradual now.