Ideas for my 'snog, marry, avoid' challenge?

I'm in a Facebook group of friends and friends-of-friends where each month we take it in turns to be the taskmaster and set a monthly challenge related to health and fitness. November is my turn and I have a idea of what to do but I need some help from you guys...!

So my idea for tis month is based on the 'Snog, Marry, Avoid' game...

- 'Snog' challenges will be something quick/fun/new to try every day like, "try a new healthy recipe", "try a new exercise class", "Go for a walk at lunchtime".
- The 'Marry' challenges are a commitment to an overall health goal, e.g. "lose 4lbs this month", or "exercise for 30 minutes a day 4 times this week".
- 'Avoid' challenges will be either to stop doing something that's a bad habit, like smoking, or skipping breakfast, or eating chocolate, OR to start a new positive habit like 'drink 2 litres of water a day', or 'get at least 8 hours sleep a night'.

Folks in the group will choose their own 'marry' and 'avoid' challenges at the start of the month and commit to these for 30 days, but to keep things fun I want to provide 3 or 4 different 'snog' options each week - random, fun, healthy things to mix things up and keep everyone focused. People have to do at least one, once per week, but can obviously do more if they want, or even something every day.

So, does anyone have any other ideas for 'snog' activities? Here's some I already thought of:
- Try a new exercise this week
- Try a new recipe
- Go meat-free on Monday
- Go for a walk at lunch time
- Try a new fruit or vegetable
- Sign up for a race/exercise event sometime in the next two months
- Prepare your lunches for the week at the weekend
- Do parkrun on Saturday
- Make a smoothie
- Have something for breakfast you wouldn't normally have
- Wake up an hour early and exercise before breakfast
- Stretch for 15 minutes


  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
  • IvyLuci
    IvyLuci Posts: 117 Member
    Hm, don't know if this fits within the spirit of the thing, but maybe something like 'donate 1 food item' to a food pantry. It could be something that they have decided to give up for the month/week, or just some food in general
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    That's a good one thanks! Yes, I am trying to get people to make healthy choices and form healthy habits - doesn't have to be diet or exercise related, it could be wellbeing or charitable habits too :-)

    Any others guys?