Do we ever reach our goal?

So, through the last year I have had a few ups and downs. I was 5 pounds away from my goal weight and I gained 27 pounds after I had a 2nd round of pneumonia (including several rounds of steroids) this year, but looking back I am surprised how many different chapters of a weight loss journey there are. The eating right, adding exercise, maintenance, more tweaking to diet and exercise, and the acceptance phases, but I don't think even if I met my goal weight, I would still be happy with myself. I think we are an ever-changing person and our minds have a hard time playing catch up.

So, do we ever think we are where we want to be or are we designed/wired to constantly want better for ourselves and our bodies? Is there ever a point in your journey where you look into the mirror and say “Oh, yeah, this is what I want ” or at the gym and think “This is what I want to be able to accomplish on a day-to-day ?


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited October 2014
    I don't ever see myself being "done"... at least not in the foreseeable future. I can always be a little leaner or a little stronger or a little faster or a little bigger.

    Maybe when I'm old or done racing or whatever, I'll only care about exercise as a form of recreation/enjoyment... and calories won't be such a concern. But for now, I'm always looking to improve.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    I am now at my high school weight and my cholesterol/blood pressure is finally under control without medicine. I am where I want to be and I will continue this new lifestyle.
  • panther1911
    My original goal was to loose 90 lbs by Christmas.

    When I got down to about 60 lbs lost, I realized I had alot more than 30 to go.

    I am currently down about 80 lbs, and know I still have what feels like a long way to go to look the way I want.

    I also have been taking body fat measurements......I am going to start using this as more of a guide. I was hoping to get to 15% by Christmas, bot not looking good.

    So the new goal is to be below 10% by my Birthday in late May.

    Once I look the way I want, I want to start setting more performance based goals, like lifting XXX lbs and running a mile in under X mins.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    I don't know if others do but once I hit my goal then I decided to do slow bulk/recomp and now have other goals. So hitting them and staying with them are two different things to me.
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    edited October 2014
    I think we do reach our goals. I just think that as we become healthier and making better choices becomes easier, we realize how much more we can do and set new goals.

    I still haven't reach my weight loss goal yet, but I have added several more goals I want to accomplish as well. Initially, I just wanted to reach a number on the scale. Now I want to reach a certain body fat percentage as well. I want to become fit enough that I can go to, and complete, a Strongfirst kettle bell certification weekend. I have several specific goals I want to achieve in the gym as well.

    Will I reach my goal weight? Yes! But I also plan on meeting every single one of the additional goals I have set. And, as time continues and I cross those off, I plan on finding other goals to strive for.

  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I hope to reach my goal weight at some point, but I am always adding new goals. As I lost weight, some of the fitness goals and other life goals became more important than the weight loss goal. Now I am back to focusing on the weight loss. I am sure once I hit that, new goals will arise.
  • collegegirl713
    collegegirl713 Posts: 189 Member
    I think this is all great. I do like what epido said about realizing how much more we can do. I think this is part of the somewhat never-ending goal setting because honestly we don't give ourselves or our bodies enough credit for what they can do. One of my favorite quotes is "You are stronger than you think" and I think that applies to this situation. I think we underestimate what we can do.
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    nah!!! because your body is adapting, you can't forsee what will come in the future, your intentions are powerful yes, however, always set goals, so your never outta the game, and your always the best version of yourself, that's my outlook anyways... I dont have to try to hard, I have lots of experience, great genetics and such, however I never had a bad attitude or have taken the gifts for granted..... challenges keep life spicy and full of sense of accomplisment, afterall, struggle and discomfort is how we grow! Adapt adapt adapt!!! <3