struggling lately :(

hi there i am on my 2nd week of hip hop abs and this week i decided to add zumba too.
i have lost 7lbs in 4 weeks but now i seem to have a stand still and the weight has stalled. i am 5ft 1 167lbs and starting weight was 174. my lowest weight was before i conceived my son and that was 154lbs back in feb 2013. i recently decided enough was enough and set myself a goal at 132lbs. i have been following the hip hop abs workout calendar and adding a 45 minute zumba activate in there too. my calories for the day is 1200 which works out great as long as im exercising but i never hit any problems until recently where it will just not come off. any tips or metabolism boosting tips. i am eating back some of my net calories too and have totally transformed my eating habits. cutting back carbs fat and sugar and eating cleaner. i just need a boost i think?


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    how long since you lost weight? If not more than 4-6 weeks, then relax. Sometimes you'll retain water from hormones/TOM/sodium/stress/etc. You won't lose every week. Sometimes you'll even gain. If you weigh less today than you did 4-6 weeks ago, you're making progress.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    How long have you been stalled? 7 pounds in 4 weeks seems pretty may just need to give your body some time to catch up. If you can average 1 pound a week, you are doing well...just keep on trucking...your body will balance it out. I do question however that at 167 pounds, if you aren't eating enough calories. You say 1200 calories WITH exercise? I imagine your hip hop abs and/or Zumba burns about 400-500 a session, so you'd be netting what? 800 calories a day? I'd be careful with that as you lose more weight. Your body will start reaching for your muscles for energy as opposed to your fat storage. Your ideal body may be different, but most want to retain the muscle they have so that they aren't rail thin with no muscle on their body which is what ultimately happens with not eating enough.

    TL;DR Stick with it and your body will catch up, you are pacing in terms of weight loss just fine. Also, try to eat more calories assuming what you wrote above is accurate
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    The average weightloss is 1-2lbs/week, the way i see it if you lost 7 in 4weeks, then you have lost at least 1.5 months of weight. You're on track! Good Luck!
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    thank you i invested in a HRM today and it showed zumba and hip hop abs for 1 hour 5 burned 950 calories. so i can only assume i have not been eating back enough calories. i also think i have been weighing myself too frequently. i shall leave it for a couple of weeks. i have noticed my body looks different and i am pleased with that. thanks for your kind words