That DARN Prednisone Belly

Hi, so I am fairly new on this site, but I need some advice about after prednisone use. I've seen other posts on here regarding it as well, but I didn't know if anyone current was dealing with it.

My name is Megan, I am 21 years old, and I have Ulcerative Colitis. I was put on Prednisone back in May of last year after a flare up. I was on a pretty high dose for about 2 months and then tapered off 5mg a week, and I finally got off of it the beginning of September, 2013. I think I'm extra sensitive to medication because I was on Abilify before this to help me sleep, and it made me gain about 30 pounds without changing my diet of exercise. Now that 30 pounds was okay because I was underweight and needed to gain anyway. Didn't like how I gained, but you can't pick and choose I guess... Anywho, I then gained an extra 30lbs+ (not sure, too scared to check my weight and had blind weigh ins, but when I checked after getting off prednisone I was about 30lbs more). I didn't change my diet and I actually stopped eating because of the weight gain and I began to panic. I exercised like crazy and barely ate, yet I continued to gain. It was the worst time in my life. I had the HUGEST face and belly and looked like a giant marshmallow. I kept demanding blood tests for my hormone levels but my doctor and dietician just told me nope, you're eating too much sorry. WHICH I CLEARLY WAS NOT because as ashamed as I am to say it, I have a history of restricting calories, and this was one of those times.

Fastforward to a little over a year later of being off the prednisone. I have been careful with my diet (not eating too little but not too much) and am VERY SLOWLY losing the prednisone belly and booty (I gained in the booty and thighs too is that normal?). Like snail's pace. It seems though that as I am on this weight loss journey, I'm losing weight other places before the belly and booty! Like the boobs. Or the arms. That's not what I want! I know one can't spot reduce, but should the belly be gone by now? It's been a year of being off it. I've been careful with my diet, and I major in Kinesiology, so I am a very active student. I keep feeling really bad because some people I have asked are all well I didn't gain on prednisone, or I gained but it came right off after so you're just eating too much. I'm SICK of those answers. I have re-evaluated my diet so many times, and I count and weigh food and pick the best things and eat exactly where I need to be to lose.

This was just more of a rant I suppose. Sorry, I just hate feeling alone on this journey. I know no one can tell me what I want to hear, that it'll just go away tomorrow, and I know all I can do is have patience and keep eating healthy and exercising towards my goal, but what I'm really looking for is anyone that has had this type of experience? Anyone been on prednisone before, and it took a really long time to get back to where you were before? I hate this process is so slow :(


  • luvnit1979
    Hi Megan! My name is Crystal and after having horrific pain, vomiting, and losing 50 pounds because I couldn't eat I was diagnosed with Crohns. After one of my flare ups I was put on Prednisone temporarily and it actually gave me more energy. They took me off that and put me on Pentasa, imuran and Humira nothing worked so I had to have surgery and they removed 18 inches of my small intestine. I'm still on Pentasa and Imuran but they took me off of Humira (for now). I have gained 20 pounds back and dr wants me to lose it. I didn't have a bad experience with Prednisone and I know that's not what you wanted to hear but the struggles of weight loss and stomach issues are something that I definitely know all about and you are not alone!
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    I also have UC. I was put on prednisone after a really bad flare so I gained a lot - partially prednisone, partially some sort of rebound hunger due to losing so much weight in a short space of time, partially being too tired to cook since I was still recovering from the flare.

    It took me years to start properly losing the weight though. The good news is, once I was off the drug and actively looking to lose weight, it came off like it should. I'm also losing last in belly & thighs but that might just be how my body is, I don't know. I definitely wasn't surprised to lose my boobs first, I'm an A cup at normal weight.

    Is this your first time (and hopefully last!) gaining and losing weight? If it is, maybe that's how your body is also?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I first loved prednisone but the side effects can be huge. It sounds like you are working in the right direction and getting good info from others here.
  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    I hate prednisone! It makes me feel like crap. Is there no other alternative for you?
  • aminalkisses123
    aminalkisses123 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you guys for the replies so far :) This is unfortunately not my first time gaining and losing weight. It is from prednisone, but I have also had issues with anorexia in the past, and I had to gain weight after that, and that came on really quickly from bingeing, and then I lost again past what I had the first time and was sent to the hospital, and then I when I came out of the hospital was when I gained on Abilify and then Prednisone. I did a lot of damage to my body before prednisone so maybe that has something to do with it? My body is just a little forgiving right now?
  • aminalkisses123
    aminalkisses123 Posts: 10 Member
    un forgiving my bad
  • aminalkisses123
    aminalkisses123 Posts: 10 Member
    and no other alternatives. I refuse to go back on it, and I have let my GI doc know that. Any more flare ups will have to be dealt with some other way. I'm on Mercapterpurine and Mesalamine, and I think those are doing fine right now, but I know if I do go through another flare up my doctor and I will not be getting along because she is a firm believer in prednisone and I am NOT.