recovering bulimic-feeling so discouraged

I just need to let this all out and I don't need lists of the health effects of bulimia.

I stopped purging for three weeks and I gained 10lbs in those three weeks. My only reason for wanting to recover at this point is that I spend a TON of money on food and my support system wants me to. This time last year, I was 110lbs. I don't know what to do. I feel so discouraged and fat.


  • AmandaAnne307
    AmandaAnne307 Posts: 113 Member
    It's a really hard transition, but it can be done! Counseling helped me a lot, and a good support system. But ultimately you need to do this so you can be healthy and happy! I can't say I don't think about it sometimes, especially when I see a weight gain, but it gets easier to resist the urge to purge as time goes on.

    Good luck, I think about my daughter when I'm tempted. I so don't want her to have the same food/eating issues that I struggle with.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    I don't know anything about EDs but I do know that you need specialised help with this. I hope you are speaking to someone, or multiple people, who can help you recover. Take care of yourself. You are loved. :heart:
  • Mbuhler
    Mbuhler Posts: 115 Member
    Hang in there. You perceive that 10lbs feels awful but if you have been eating healthy foods and not purging, celebrate the small victories. Your body will adjust, it takes time. I look back on pictures of myself when I was bulimic and my face and body are so round. I weigh almost exactly the same now but my face isn't so puffy and pale, I look healthy, and I have muscle tone. I have energy. I like my life. Keep taking small steps forward and after a while you will look back and see how far you have come.