Running w/ sciatica? Or any other injury!?

Hey guys!

I used to run a lot- by that I mean 3-4 times a week, longest runs up to 6 mi. I got lazy this past March and basically haven't really run since (maybe a few jogs).

Anyway I suffered a mild hamstring strain in August (doing crossfit!) and have not been able to run since. I mean, I probably could, but I'm freaked out about totally tearing my hamstring!

It hasn't been bothering me much but I do sometimes get a lower back pain that radiates down to my knee & affects the piriformis (deep gluteal muscle) as well.
Looking up symptoms, I seem to be experiencing sciatica. As a waitress I can't exactly take time off of my feet. Has anyone ever experienced this & ran through it anyway?

How do you go about weight loss (well fat loss) when injured? I feel so limited!

Thank you :)


  • anna_louise90
    anna_louise90 Posts: 86 Member
    Get a foam roller! And look up glute med stretches/piriformis stretching on youtube, it does help but you have to stick to it, even though its a literal pain the ***. I had this problem too and stopped running for a while, did stationary bike at the gym for my cardio and slowly slowly building up my running again.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    edited November 2014
    Have not had a sciatica flare up in months and the last one was because I stopped doing this for a while. Seriously it works.

    I use a cheap foam roller and baseball for the the rolling though.
  • Mountaindan
    Mountaindan Posts: 7 Member
    I developed a severe case of sciatica a couple of years ago and ended up having surgery. I was told not to run since I was losing nerve function to my foot and was risking long term damage. Mine was from a cyst that fortunately was easily removed through surgery, but be careful if it gets worse!
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    See a physio or a sports masseuse and do as little as possible until it is recovered. By that I mean NO RUNNING!!