Trying to lose for the Wedding?

:D Hello, I am new to fitness pal and I am taking it so serious this time because I have a wedding in ten months and I need to lose weight. It is such a struggle but I refuse to not feel confident in my wedding dress, Its such a big day I do not want to loo back and have any regrets. The time is now! If you too are looking to lose weight before your wedding Say hi!


  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Hey there! I keep falling off the rails but I am ultimately prepping for the same thing. I'm just in a weird situation where my bf hasn't officially proposed... but then he also promised we'd be married before we move into our new house in July haha. So I'm attempting to be preemptive.
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    You can add me. We just got engaged about a month ago and are getting married 5/2/2015! I'm 5'6" and looking to lose at least 30 lb before then. I am using MFP and also made a "bet" on I put up $900 and if I lose 35 lb (I started 2 months ago at 186.6) in 6 months they pay me $1,700! I figured between the wedding and the $900 I can't afford to lose, I WILL lose the weight!!!
  • knugal
    knugal Posts: 9 Member
    That's some smart thinking JGT. Please add me as well. I just got engaged last month and my wedding is less than a year away. However, I am dress shopping in 2 months! I want to lose about 30-40 lbs. I start my hardcore routine tomorrow!!! I am actually excited!
  • octaviagaines
    This is great I'm really striving to lose 40lbs by may! we all seem to be in the same boat!! I was away this weekend and I did not work out all weekend! I feel sooo guilty. I am going to the Gym today even if its only for a half hour. What exercise do you guys use to get the most out of a quick work out?
  • jpk3k9
    jpk3k9 Posts: 15 Member
    I am in the same boat, ladies!! Recently engaged and planning a wedding about 10 months away (fall 2015). I'm in desperate need of motivation with my hectic schedule and tendency to comfort myself with food at the end of the day. 27 pounds to go and I know that I can do it!
  • octaviagaines
    you can do it! I am on a steady pace downward, and I am fine with that. As long as I see the scale going down. How much did you initially want to lose?