so hungry lately

im not sure why but ive been so hungry lately
when i went on a trip last weekend, i ate 1400 more calories than i normally do (a big breakfast, dinner, and lunch)
when i go out of town, i tell myself, by the time i come back ill be half a pound or a pound lighter but i end up eating a lot more than normal and gaining half a pound instead.
october 4 i was at 119.5 (clothes off)
but then october 30 (3.5 weeks later), i expected to be 116 pounds (losing about 1 lb/week)
but weighed 120 (clothes on)
there were a lot of days that i did a few hundred calories more than normal and felt hungry still
idk why
maybe i need to increase my protein?
or some foods are increasing my appetite?
a couple days ago i ate the most ive ever eaten since i started my journey at the end of march and it scares me
for workouts mostly in october i did "light" workouts like at 4.5 mph which to me isnt too intense, before i used to do 5 miles at 5 mph and push myself more for longer, maybe thats part of it too, and i walked some more too outside of workouts, i remember my legs used to be sore a lot but this month i didnt really remember sore legs

im going to try to watch what i eat more and try to be more intense in my workouts


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Are you eating back your workout calories

    And what's your age, gender, height and how much are you looking to lose?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    How tall are you?
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    clothes can weight a lot. A higher weigh in without the circumstances being consistent is meaningless. Pick a time of day and a clothing level and weigh consistently at that time in that amount of clothing. I'll repeat: a higher weigh-in without the circumstances being consistent is meaningless, especially since it was 3.5 weeks later - you could be close to your menstrual cycle which typically adds a few pounds of water weight for most women, plus the clothes, any other factors such as your last bowel movement and sodium intake on previous days...
  • Ishii19
    Ishii19 Posts: 109 Member
    Every once in a while I have a week where I'm way more hungry than usual. First two things I look at are am I drinking enough water and am I getting enough protein. Making sure you have a little fat in your diet also helps with satiety. That being said sometimes I still stay hungry. But I find if I stick it out and stay in my calorie goal I get past it after a week or so and get back to being satisfied with my calories range. Also - at the end of those times I tend to have a little "whoosh" of pounds lost, so now I think of it as my body resisting the loss and then giving in.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    How tall are you?

    Seconding this. You say you weigh around 120lbs. Unless you're really really short and tiny, that may well be the weight at which your body is healthiest and most comfortable. For instance, I'm 5'1" and my goal weight is 115, which is smack dab in the middle of a healthy BMI range for my height and frame. If you're taller than me, trying to lose beyond that could be really challenging and possibly dangerous for your health.

    Instead of focusing on the number on the scale at this point, you should probably shift your focus to body composition, building lean muscle and reducing body fat. Since lean muscle is denser than fat, you could be losing inches while maintaining (or even gaining) weight. It sounds like you're working out more and getting fitter, so your body is probably burning more calories as fuel.

    Get your body fat percentage measured and recalculate your stats. You may need to shift your focus.
  • bshot1
    bshot1 Posts: 44
    *kitten* happens. If you're expecting the math to be exact and for you to weight X by Y, you're going to have a bad time.

    With that said, the hunger may be related to higher carbohydrate intake. So being a bit more aware of when you consume them may help.
  • slemonfit
    slemonfit Posts: 97 Member
    im female, 5'1 and small framed, i need to lose about 15 more pounds, someone told me my ideal weight is about 100-108 for my height and frame
    i have a lot of extra fat and a protruding belly still
    i used to weigh 100 when i was younger and still had extra body fat and no one ever told me i looked too thin
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    why areoyu weighing with clothes on and then with them off? you need to weigh yourself consistently, under the same conditions, on the same, day at the same time to really track your weight. I weight myself naked every friday after I wake up and take a piss….that is the ONLY time I weigh myself …that way there are no other factors to take into consideration ..

    Do you have a food scale? Weigh, log, measure everything?
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Sounds like your body is fighting like hell to stop you from going under your current bodyfat level. Maybe you should take the hint.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    slemonfit wrote: »
    im female, 5'1 and small framed, i need to lose about 15 more pounds, someone told me my ideal weight is about 100-108 for my height and frame
    i have a lot of extra fat and a protruding belly still
    i used to weigh 100 when i was younger and still had extra body fat and no one ever told me i looked too thin

    I'm also 5'1" and small framed, and I don't think that 100-108 would be realistic for me to maintain. Maybe if I stopped working out and lost all my muscle mass. But for a relatively active person like you? Nope, sounds like your body needs more than that to be healthy.

    It's a common trap to base a goal weight on when you used to weigh when you were younger. I admit, I'm tempted to do it too -- in high school I was 105 and felt just fine. But I'm not in high school anymore. I don't have the body of a high schooler. I certainly don't have the boobs of a high schooler (B-cup back then, DDD today). Our bodies change over time.

    It's totally normal to have a bit of extra paunch at the belly. And those of us who are short-waisted or short-torsoed also have more packed into a smaller vertical space, so we won't necessarily get the flat abdominal definition of a taller woman.

    You *can* work on body composition via weight training, and get more toned. But targeting another 15 pounds' loss just because "someone" told you that and because you used to weigh a certain amount may not be the best strategy.

    Good luck! :)
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    My guess is either
    a) it's psychological. Take a diet break for a while, eat at maintenance until you feel good going back to your deficit. I might be taking a 2nd week off from dieting, not sure yet.

    b) macro balance is off. Can't tell you what will work well for you since your diary is closed.

    c) your calorie goal is too low. estimate from sites like or, subtract 15% max now that you are 15lbs from goal (10% would be fine too, but will probably be slower than you want - save that for when you're around 10lbs away). If you do NEAT method (eating back exercise calories) then do not include exercise int he equation, but do log and eat back. If you do log but don't eat back exercise and your exercise is very consistent, calculate TDEE to include average exercise and do not log/eat back because it will be accounted for. If you do log but don't eat back and exercise is not consistent, calculate NEAT and make yourself eat the exercise cals back. Lower your calories by like 100 or so after a month if you've not lost ~3lbs.
  • slemonfit
    slemonfit Posts: 97 Member
    edited November 2014
    i had to weigh with clothes on/off because i weighed at the gym and the day i weighed without clothes was when no one was around, also the clothes i had on when i weighed a few days ago was just shorts and a light tank nothing that heavy i dont think it was more than 1/3rd of a pound

    my problem is that when i eat somewhat "normally" (i.e., not too much effort and not feeling hungry too much), i end up eating like 1800 calories or sometimes more, for example like today, and then i exercise 500 (which was very hard, i ran for an hour, 4 miles and walked a mile, total 5 miles), then i still just do maintenance, i. *can* eat less like 1300-1400 like i did but its not easy, like on an effort scale its very high for me and it wasnt easy to do. so i wonder if is it always going to feel so difficult

    also i still have a lot of body fat
    look at this picture :(

    i just have small bones so the weight number doesnt seem like a lot but its mostly from fat on my body

    this is what i ate today, and from the past 3 days, yesterday and the day before were ok, but the day before i went to over 2000 which isnt normal
    offhand do you notice anything wrong?
    i know i probably could have eaten less candy and trail mix, but i always worry if i dont eat enough my metabolism will slow down or if i dont eat something after exercise then my muscles wont repair

    Bread sourdough 150
    Ham 2 slices 60
    banana 105

    almond joy fun size 82
    cinnamon roll small 40

    sausage vege long 2 pieces 120
    Sausage 2 pieces 80
    fried rice 2 cups 650
    hash brown 100
    french toast 150

    lemon squeezed into water 15
    2 vitamins 15
    rice/sausage 100
    6 grapes 30


    W 10.29
    banana 30
    trail mix 7 servings 980
    almond butter 190

    Bread 90
    ham 30
    sour dough bread 150

    orange juice 120
    cereal 30
    cheese 70
    apple 55

    cheerios 60
    potato burrito taco bell 250
    chocolate 40
    trail mix 3 servings
    2 vitamins 15
    beer 50


    Th 10.30
    rest of trail mix 100
    rice burrito 440

    rice burrito 440

    Cheese 70
    tomato sauce 30
    candy 30
    banana 100
    ice cream sample 25

    apple 55
    reese's pieces 88
    popcorn 40

    jimmy john's cheesesteak 670
    M & m peanut fun size 90
    almond joy fun size 82
    M & m peanut fun size 90

    ham 40
    Bread sourdough 80
    2 vitamins 15
    tomato 35
    banana 105
    banana 105
    tomato sauce 10
    rice 50
    Cheese 70


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    You say you're hungrier lately, is there any chance you're pregnant?
  • slemonfit
    slemonfit Posts: 97 Member
    edited November 2014
    no!! :( see now i know i have too much body fat on my stomach because it looks like im pregnant lol i just have a lot of belly fat :(
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    slemonfit wrote: »
    no!! :( see now i know i have too much body fat on my stomach because it looks like im pregnant lol

    Not at all, just ruling out the obvious before anyone offers up opinions. My guess would be you need some serious protein. You're hungry and running a lot! Eat, relax. Girl you weigh 119 pounds, how awesome is that!
  • slemonfit
    slemonfit Posts: 97 Member
    do you think its because im not getting enough protein? do you know how many grams i should aim for a day? when i work out i like to eat something with carbs though because it gives me a lot of energy, sometimes i eat candy (or other healthier carbs) because i was going to exercise right after but then i ended up working out a bit later and then i end up eating more, i guess thats one thing i can try to fix, to not eat candy if im not working out
  • harlequin0318
    harlequin0318 Posts: 415 Member
    All of that bread and rice in your diet should be swapped for lean chicken or lean ground turkey & eggs if you want to lean out. It's nice that your'e under your calorie limit most of the time, but its not always how much you eat as compared to what you eat
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    slemonfit wrote: »
    no!! :( see now i know i have too much body fat on my stomach because it looks like im pregnant lol i just have a lot of belly fat :(

    Don't stress. I think Lis just wanted to cover the bases and make sure. I know that the "eating for two" started long before I realized there was a second person to be eating for, and Lis has been there too.

    I see the Jimmy John's and quite a bit of trail mix. That's all high calorie stuff that isn't horribly satiating (at least for me) for the long haul. I have started getting WAY more protein in the form of a smoothie 1 or 2 times a day, and it's helped me a lot in terms of hunger over the bulk of the day.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Recommended is about 0.8-1g per pound so 120 g is what you want to try for with your protein. Remember you're exercising a lot and this helps retain your muscle mass. Also, if you're eating more nutrient dense foods, it tends to keep you fuller longer.