Anyone in the same boat as me?

sourpatchkids Posts: 15 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I am 150lbs right now. I was 147 pre-baby and before I delivered my son I was 197. Mid-March I finally got back to my PP weight. I didn't do much to lose it though. I gained a few lbs over the holiday weekend and I have decided I am sick of feeling horrible about myself. I love my life, yes, but this is one thing that has been hanging over me and I want to be free of it. I don't want to hide out this summer. I want to go out with my husband and son and enjoy the pools/beach/etc.! I want to get down to the weight that I feel more comfortable with - that looks the best on me - 130lbs. That's 20 lbs.! I feel like it is impossible. I don't know where to start really - I have never worried about what I eat before. In fact, when I was 130lbs before I didn't even watch what I ate, but I was a lot more active than I am now. More important than losing weight, however, I just want to get my body toned and fit. I'd be fine with getting my weight down to 135 if I was 135 and toned.

My plan is to start being more active. I used to go to a gym and LOVED it. I did body combat and body pump - it was awesome. But, unfortunately, we can't afford to pay $80 a month for me to go to the gym. I do have a 9 month old son and a job, so I like to spend as much time with him and my husband as possible. I have started doing the 30DS on level 2 and I love it. I also ran for the first time last night...I ran a mile...well I ended up walking some, but it felt great to do it. I'm going to incorporate my son and husband by going for family strolls. I want to try to either run or do the 30DS every day and add more activity all together throughout each week - strolls, for example.

I also want to eat better. This is hard for me because I have NEVER eaten right. I love me some candy, desserts, and junk food. It seems that the healthier meals are more expensive and we have a very strict budget that we follow right now, so I hope that I can find cheap healthy meals. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Just a bunch of ramblings I guess, but any inspiration (in the same boat or have been where I'm at before) or suggestions would be very helpful! Thanks!


  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Welcome aboard. You will find alot of great people here. I am not in the same boat as you totally, but I will give you a small bit of my story. I have always been overweight, and it just got worse when I got married and had 2 babies (I have more than 50 lbs to lose). I got sick of it 7 months ago, and I have successfully lost 38 lbs so far (slow and steady). It is all about eating healthy and working out the best you can. I am also a working mom with 2 babies, so I don't have time/money to join a gym. I do workout dvds at home. I have done 30-day shred and had great success (lost almost 10 inches and 11.6 lbs). Now, I am doing Turbojam by Chalene Johnson, and I love it. She is very upbeat and excited. There are 5 difference workouts, so I change it up to keep my body guessing. I have also heard that ripped in 30 is fantastic too by Jillian. You can do this!! Just get focused and determined. It will take you far. As for the whole eating thing, I do eat alot of processed food (frozen) because of time. Stay within your calories, and you will do fine. Oh, and make sure to get your 8 glasses of water; it is very important.
  • Tnrbeaner
    Tnrbeaner Posts: 51
    Hi! Your story sounds pretty similar to mine. I also have a (almost) 9 month old and am just starting to get a handle on being able to enjoy time with her when I get home from work plus prepare healthy meals for my husband and I for dinner and lunches and get in exercise.. The last couple of weeks, I have been pretty diligent about preparing healthy meals in the slow cooker or if I'm making something fresh, making extra portions so that we can easily pack lunches for the next day and have leftovers again for dinner. That way I get at least every other day off from cooking which has helped a lot in having time to accomplish other chores or just hang with the little one. It's definately a lot of work to keep this boat floating, but I feel like I'm going with the current now : )
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I have a hubby and 2 kiddos, and work full time as well. I gained 50 with my first baby, and 25 with the second. I nursed both of mine till they were a year old. That got me down to PP weight. Power 90 dvd is great. Zumba for the Wii is fun. Walking my dogs helps. I go to a zumba class 3 x's a week (50.00 for 10 classes). I try to eat healthy- whole grains, raw fruits, water, low fat and low cal. It's tough, but eating healthier and exercising is the only way!
  • sourpatchkids
    sourpatchkids Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome aboard. You will find alot of great people here. I am not in the same boat as you totally, but I will give you a small bit of my story. I have always been overweight, and it just got worse when I got married and had 2 babies (I have more than 50 lbs to lose). I got sick of it 7 months ago, and I have successfully lost 38 lbs so far (slow and steady). It is all about eating healthy and working out the best you can. I am also a working mom with 2 babies, so I don't have time/money to join a gym. I do workout dvds at home. I have done 30-day shred and had great success (lost almost 10 inches and 11.6 lbs). Now, I am doing Turbojam by Chalene Johnson, and I love it. She is very upbeat and excited. There are 5 difference workouts, so I change it up to keep my body guessing. I have also heard that ripped in 30 is fantastic too by Jillian. You can do this!! Just get focused and determined. It will take you far. As for the whole eating thing, I do eat alot of processed food (frozen) because of time. Stay within your calories, and you will do fine. Oh, and make sure to get your 8 glasses of water; it is very important.

    Thank you! What kind of frozen foods do you eat? Also, I'm going to look into the Turbojam and Ripped in 30. Thanks again!
  • sourpatchkids
    sourpatchkids Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! Your story sounds pretty similar to mine. I also have a (almost) 9 month old and am just starting to get a handle on being able to enjoy time with her when I get home from work plus prepare healthy meals for my husband and I for dinner and lunches and get in exercise.. The last couple of weeks, I have been pretty diligent about preparing healthy meals in the slow cooker or if I'm making something fresh, making extra portions so that we can easily pack lunches for the next day and have leftovers again for dinner. That way I get at least every other day off from cooking which has helped a lot in having time to accomplish other chores or just hang with the little one. It's definately a lot of work to keep this boat floating, but I feel like I'm going with the current now : )

    A slow cooker is a crock pot, right? What types of meals do you prepare in it?
  • Tnrbeaner
    Tnrbeaner Posts: 51

    A slow cooker is a crock pot, right? What types of meals do you prepare in it?

    Yep, same thing as a crock-pot. I purchased a Cooking Light Slow Cooker cookbook from Amazon and have enjoyed the recipes in there. I've been doing beef stews, chicken with chickpeas and such and it's so nice to come home to the smell of dinner! Otherwise, has a lot of slow cooker recipes as well and provides the nutrtional information for all of the recipes. Also another tip, I place all my ingredients in the slow cooker the night before so that the next morning I just pull it out of the fridge on my way out the door and put it in the base and turn it on. As I usually don't have time to spare in the mornings..
  • sourpatchkids
    sourpatchkids Posts: 15 Member

    A slow cooker is a crock pot, right? What types of meals do you prepare in it?

    Yep, same thing as a crock-pot. I purchased a Cooking Light Slow Cooker cookbook from Amazon and have enjoyed the recipes in there. I've been doing beef stews, chicken with chickpeas and such and it's so nice to come home to the smell of dinner! Otherwise, has a lot of slow cooker recipes as well and provides the nutrtional information for all of the recipes. Also another tip, I place all my ingredients in the slow cooker the night before so that the next morning I just pull it out of the fridge on my way out the door and put it in the base and turn it on. As I usually don't have time to spare in the mornings..

    Great! Thanks! I usually do that as well :)
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