New Again.....Sort of...

Hi all!! Just thought I would introduce myself since it has been well over a year since I last used MFP. When I first joined MFP a couple years ago I was quite successful and lost 30lbs then kind of fell off the Wagon so to speak and gained close to 15lbs back. In January of this year I joined WW and went full speed ahead and lost the 15 I gained plus 74 more!! With all that being said (and please don't think I am bragging), all together I have lost over 100lbs (from my heaviest), became a runner, and gained a new outlook on life!!! I am still looking to lose 10 maybe 20 more pounds and I am looking for some MFP friends to offer advice, encouragement, support, a kick in the rear, etc. Sooo, if you would like to add me as a friend, feel free. :) Amy


  • Mindfreak1999
    I am looking for more friend to give me a kicking when I go wrong. would be glad to help you:)))