Tips for weight loss?


So I've been a T1 diabetic since I was one. It's not the kind that has anything to do with weight or excercise, it's simply because I'm genetically screwed. Anyways, about two years ago I had a few problems with my diabetes and depression, I was low all the time, and I ended up eating a lot of junk food. Unfortunately, I've gotten a bit heavy for my height of 5'5" at around 160 lbs. I've joined in hopes of shedding around 30-ish pounds before summer, since I've spent the past few hiding in the house instead of at the beach, embarrassed by my weight. I miss being able to go do things with my friends and wear nice things insead of baggy clothes to hide my figure.

Anyways, I was wondering if anybody had some tips on weight loss, or what to eat when I'm low to avoid racking up too many carbs. I've been trying to diet for about two weeks now, and have noticed a two pound drop, and I'm actually really proud of myself, but sometimes I feel like I'm ready to give up and just eat an entire box of chocolates...
