looking for friends :)

Hello everybahdy,

Today is my birthday (I turn 19) and I decided to commit to my new resolution of becoming fitter and healthier! Recently I really let myself go and gained the freshmen 15 (yes, I really gained 20 lbs in a few months over the holidays and university orientation), so I'm now overweight and looking to lose it so I can get back to my original weight. :blush: I'm in medical school so cannot be unfit and unhealthy lol :neutral_face:

I am looking for friends, particularly people who are interested in running!! :smiley: I am currently trying to run 10km on alternate days, but mostly unsuccessful (hyperventilating and giving up after 5km...). I hope to eventually run half marathons and then marathons. I'm still pretty much a long way from that judging from my fitness level.

Okie so add me and maybe we can motivate each other?? :)

Becky the Fatty >_<


  • CaliSteph80
    CaliSteph80 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi -

    Just sent you a request. My goal is to get to a 5k by spring! Let's keep each other motivated.
