1200 calories so hard to avoid carbs!

So, I am an ex fitness instructor taking my refresher Bodypump course at the end of November. I cannot seem to shift the next 5lbs (5 fell off easy once there was no getting away from it written daily on my Fitness Pal app). I have upped the % of protein and reduced carbs to a mere 20% ... call me impatient but nothing is shifting. I am exercising every other day alternating between Grit, Pump, Ab challenge and a pressup challenge app. I didn't want to think about food 24/7 but the problem of finding a quick high protein breakfast where it doesn't have added sugar as the 2nd ingredient is a huge problem that has had me trawling the internet constantly! Any ideas ...?


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    bacon or sausage and eggs
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    edited November 2014
    Raw oats and sliced apples cooked with whole milk served with eggs.
    I need the carbs but try to avoid processed foods with added, refined sugar.

    Also, 1200 calories seems low, but maybe that's just from my perspective.
    Good Luck!
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    You need to start cooking your own food instead of buying processed food.

    Secondly, you don't need to go 20% low carb. You won't lose weight any faster just find it harder to find foods to eat and lose more water.

    I've done low carb. It was a fun experiment.

    If you wan to shift those 5 pounds, i'd go back and recalculate the amount of calories you need to eat on a TDEE calculator and then cut back.

    Or forget counting calories, just keep a strict food log. Weigh daily. Start a little bit higher than you think and gradually cut back on the fat or carb part of your portion sizes. When the scales start moving, stop there until they stop again.

    But as for breakfast, you can make a lovely meal of hot vegetables. Steam them, then sauté about 4 different types in about 2tsp of olive oil. This can come to only 300 calories, even with a potato in it.

    Anyway eat more vegetables. Don't be afraid to use a little more olive oil to make them taste good.
  • I agree - 1200 calories is very low. Often as we get closer to the weight we should be, to continue weight loss means increasing calories and not reducing.
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 516 Member
    yeah -- 1200 is not enough calories to support exercise. Your metabolism will crash. Happy to help with ideas -- PM me.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    ellie0213 wrote: »
    Your metabolism will crash.


  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    Boiled eggs and nuts. Quick easy and you can premake the eggs days ahead of time.
  • Thanks to you all for replies. I have discovered eating "clean" so if I didn't make it from scratch or isn't as nature intended I don't eat it. I settled on the best porridge oats I can afford and make 40g of them in microwave with milk (or water if I'm not that hungry) and that starts me nicely for work; I'm on my feet and walking around a school most of the time. I upped my protein percentage and dropped carbs to 20% made up of the purest bestest ones I could. Its been tough as the kids dug into Yum-Yums and other half ate a bag of Twirl bites at the flicks (I could smell them :( grr) but I have hit the never seen before in my recent adult life 144 pounds woohoo! Three weeks now to go to the course!! Thank you for TDEE calculator suggestion I will go check it out ...
  • TDEE calculator has got everything in g's and I need to know what that is in % of my daily allowances... its like a maths exam!!!

    It's calculated me at 1490 cals per day of which 164.6g should be carbs (clean quality ones of course) , 109.4 protein, 43.8 fat. is there a way on the pretty wheel of MFP working out my percentages?? Karen nice but dim!